给定无向图G=(V, E),其中V是非空集合,称为顶点集;E是V中元素构成的无序二元组的集合,称为边集,无向图中的边均是顶点的无序对,无序对常用圆括号“( )”表示。如果U∈V,且对任意两个顶点u,v∈U有(u, v)∈E,则称U是G的完全子图(完全图G就是指图G的每个顶点之间都有连边)。G的完全子图U是G的团当且仅当U不包含在G的更大的完全子图中。G的最大团是指G中所含顶点数最多的团。
//最大团问题 优先队列分支限界法求解
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MaxHeap.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
const int N = 5;//图G的顶点数
ifstream fin("6d6.txt");
class bbnode
friend class Clique;
bbnode *parent; //指向父节点的指针
bool LChild; //左儿子节点标识
class CliqueNode
friend class Clique;
operator int() const
return un;
int cn, //当前团的顶点数
un, //当前团最大顶点数的上界
level; //节点在子集空间树中所处的层次
bbnode *ptr; //指向活节点在子集树中相应节点的指针
class Clique
friend int main(void);
int BBMaxClique(int []);
void AddLiveNode(MaxHeap<CliqueNode>&H,int cn,int un,int level,bbnode E[],bool ch);
int **a, //图G的邻接矩阵
n; //图G的顶点数
int main()
int bestx[N+1];
int **a = new int *[N+1];
for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)
a[i] = new int[N+1];
for(int i=1; i<=N; i++)
for(int j=1; j<=N; j++)
cout<<a[i][j]<<" ";
Clique c;
c.a = a;
c.n = N;
for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)
cout<<bestx[i]<<" ";
for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)
delete[] a[i];
delete []a;
return 0;
void Clique::AddLiveNode(MaxHeap<CliqueNode> &H, int cn, int un, int level, bbnode E[], bool ch)
bbnode *b = new bbnode;
b->parent = E;
b->LChild = ch;
CliqueNode N;
N.cn = cn;
N.ptr = b;
N.un = un;
N.level = level;
int Clique::BBMaxClique(int bestx[])
MaxHeap<CliqueNode> H(1000);
bbnode *E = 0;
int i = 1,
cn = 0,
bestn = 0;
bool OK = true;
bbnode *B = E;
for(int j=i-1; j>0; B=B->parent,j--)
if(B->LChild && a[i][j]==0)
OK = false;
bestn = cn + 1;
CliqueNode N;
H.DeleteMax(N); //堆非空
E = N.ptr;
cn = N.cn;
i = N.level;
for(int j=n; j>0; j--)
bestx[j] = E->LChild;
E = E->parent;
return bestn;
0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 0
template<class T>
class MaxHeap
MaxHeap(int MaxHeapSize = 10);
~MaxHeap() {delete [] heap;}
int Size() const {return CurrentSize;}
T Max()
{ //查
if (CurrentSize == 0)
throw OutOfBounds();
return heap[1];
MaxHeap<T>& Insert(const T& x); //增
MaxHeap<T>& DeleteMax(T& x); //删
void Initialize(T a[], int size, int ArraySize);
int CurrentSize, MaxSize;
T *heap; // element array
template<class T>
MaxHeap<T>::MaxHeap(int MaxHeapSize)
{// Max heap constructor.
MaxSize = MaxHeapSize;
heap = new T[MaxSize+1];
CurrentSize = 0;
template<class T>
MaxHeap<T>& MaxHeap<T>::Insert(const T& x)
{// Insert x into the max heap.
if (CurrentSize == MaxSize)
cout<<"no space!"<<endl;
return *this;
// 寻找新元素x的位置
// i——初始为新叶节点的位置,逐层向上,寻找最终位置
int i = ++CurrentSize;
while (i != 1 && x > heap[i/2])
// i不是根节点,且其值大于父节点的值,需要继续调整
heap[i] = heap[i/2]; // 父节点下降
i /= 2; // 继续向上,搜寻正确位置
heap[i] = x;
return *this;
template<class T>
MaxHeap<T>& MaxHeap<T>::DeleteMax(T& x)
{// Set x to max element and delete max element from heap.
// check if heap is empty
if (CurrentSize == 0)
cout<<"Empty heap!"<<endl;
return *this;
x = heap[1]; // 删除最大元素
// 重整堆
T y = heap[CurrentSize--]; // 取最后一个节点,从根开始重整
// find place for y starting at root
int i = 1, // current node of heap
ci = 2; // child of i
while (ci <= CurrentSize)
// 使ci指向i的两个孩子中较大者
if (ci < CurrentSize && heap[ci] < heap[ci+1])
// y的值大于等于孩子节点吗?
if (y >= heap[ci])
break; // 是,i就是y的正确位置,退出
// 否,需要继续向下,重整堆
heap[i] = heap[ci]; // 大于父节点的孩子节点上升
i = ci; // 向下一层,继续搜索正确位置
ci *= 2;
heap[i] = y;
return *this;
template<class T>
void MaxHeap<T>::Initialize(T a[], int size,int ArraySize)
{// Initialize max heap to array a.
delete [] heap;
heap = a;
CurrentSize = size;
MaxSize = ArraySize;
// 从最后一个内部节点开始,一直到根,对每个子树进行堆重整
for (int i = CurrentSize/2; i >= 1; i--)
T y = heap[i]; // 子树根节点元素
// find place to put y
int c = 2*i; // parent of c is target
// location for y
while (c <= CurrentSize)
// heap[c] should be larger sibling
if (c < CurrentSize && heap[c] < heap[c+1])
// can we put y in heap[c/2]?
if (y >= heap[c])
break; // yes
// no
heap[c/2] = heap[c]; // move child up
c *= 2; // move down a level
heap[c/2] = y;