4/29/2017 - 1:16 PM


import Html exposing (..)
import Debug

main = text <| toString newTree

newTree = (freeTree, []) |> goLeft |> goRight |> modify (\_ -> 'P') |>
          attach (Node 'Z' Empty Empty) |> goUp |> modify (\_ -> 'X') |> topMost

type Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

freeTree : Tree Char
freeTree =
    Node 'P'
        (Node 'O'
            (Node 'L'
                    (Node 'N' Empty Empty)
                    (Node 'T' Empty Empty)
            (Node 'Y'
                    (Node 'S' Empty Empty)
                    (Node 'A' Empty Empty)
        (Node 'L'
            (Node 'W'
                (Node 'C' Empty Empty)
                (Node 'R' Empty Empty)
            (Node 'A'
                (Node 'A' Empty Empty)
                (Node 'C' Empty Empty)

type Direction = L | R
type alias Directions = List Direction

changeToP : Directions -> Tree Char -> Tree Char
changeToP dir tree =
    case (dir, tree) of
        ( L::ds, Node x l r ) -> Node x (changeToP ds l) r
        ( R::ds, Node x l r ) -> Node x l (changeToP ds r)
        ( [],    Node _ l r ) -> Node 'P' l r
        _                     -> Debug.crash "Can't change to P!"

elemAt : Directions -> Tree a -> Maybe a
elemAt dir tree =
    case (dir, tree) of
        ( L::ds, Node _ l _ ) -> elemAt ds l
        ( R::ds, Node _ _ r ) -> elemAt ds r
        ( []   , Node x _ _ ) -> Just x
        _                     -> Nothing

type Crumb a = LeftCrumb a (Tree a)
             | RightCrumb a (Tree a)

type alias Breadcrumbs a = List (Crumb a)

type alias Zipper a = (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)

goLeft : Zipper a -> Zipper a
goLeft (tree, bs) =
    case (tree, bs) of
        ( Node x l r, bs) -> ( l, LeftCrumb x r::bs )
        _                 -> Debug.crash "Doesn't exist Left"

goRight : Zipper a -> Zipper a
goRight (tree, bs) =
    case (tree, bs) of
        ( Node x l r, bs) -> ( r, RightCrumb x l::bs )
        _                 -> Debug.crash "Doesn't exist Right"

goUp : Zipper a -> Zipper a
goUp (tree, bs) =
    case (tree, bs) of
        (t, LeftCrumb  x r::bs) -> (Node x t r, bs)
        (t, RightCrumb x l::bs) -> (Node x l t, bs)
        _                       -> Debug.crash "Doesn't exist Up"

modify : (a -> a) -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
modify f (tree, bs) =
    case (tree, bs) of
        (Node x l r, bs) -> (Node (f x) l r, bs)
        (Empty, bs)      -> (Empty, bs)

attach : Tree a -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
attach t (_, bs) = (t, bs)

topMost : Zipper a -> Zipper a
topMost ((tree, bs) as z) =
    case z of
        (t, []) -> (t, [])
        z       -> topMost (goUp z)