4/17/2016 - 10:29 AM



void LSM9DS1::init(interface_mode interface, uint8_t xgAddr, uint8_t mAddr)
	settings.device.commInterface = interface;
	settings.device.agAddress = xgAddr;
	settings.device.mAddress = mAddr;

	settings.gyro.enabled = true;
	settings.gyro.enableX = true;
	settings.gyro.enableY = true;
	settings.gyro.enableZ = true;
	// gyro scale can be 245, 500, or 2000
	settings.gyro.scale = 245;
	// gyro sample rate: value between 1-6
	// 1 = 14.9    4 = 238
	// 2 = 59.5    5 = 476
	// 3 = 119     6 = 952
	settings.gyro.sampleRate = 6;
	// gyro cutoff frequency: value between 0-3
	// Actual value of cutoff frequency depends
	// on sample rate.
	settings.gyro.bandwidth = 0;
	settings.gyro.lowPowerEnable = false;
	settings.gyro.HPFEnable = false;
	// Gyro HPF cutoff frequency: value between 0-9
	// Actual value depends on sample rate. Only applies
	// if gyroHPFEnable is true.
	settings.gyro.HPFCutoff = 0;
	settings.gyro.flipX = false;
	settings.gyro.flipY = false;
	settings.gyro.flipZ = false;
	settings.gyro.orientation = 0;
	settings.gyro.latchInterrupt = true;

	settings.accel.enabled = true;
	settings.accel.enableX = true;
	settings.accel.enableY = true;
	settings.accel.enableZ = true;
	// accel scale can be 2, 4, 8, or 16
	settings.accel.scale = 2;
	// accel sample rate can be 1-6
	// 1 = 10 Hz    4 = 238 Hz
	// 2 = 50 Hz    5 = 476 Hz
	// 3 = 119 Hz   6 = 952 Hz
	settings.accel.sampleRate = 6;
	// Accel cutoff freqeuncy can be any value between -1 - 3. 
	// -1 = bandwidth determined by sample rate
	// 0 = 408 Hz   2 = 105 Hz
	// 1 = 211 Hz   3 = 50 Hz
	settings.accel.bandwidth = -1;
	settings.accel.highResEnable = false;
	// accelHighResBandwidth can be any value between 0-3
	// LP cutoff is set to a factor of sample rate
	// 0 = ODR/50    2 = ODR/9
	// 1 = ODR/100   3 = ODR/400
	settings.accel.highResBandwidth = 0;

	settings.mag.enabled = true;
	// mag scale can be 4, 8, 12, or 16
	settings.mag.scale = 4;
	// mag data rate can be 0-7
	// 0 = 0.625 Hz  4 = 10 Hz
	// 1 = 1.25 Hz   5 = 20 Hz
	// 2 = 2.5 Hz    6 = 40 Hz
	// 3 = 5 Hz      7 = 80 Hz
	settings.mag.sampleRate = 7;
	settings.mag.tempCompensationEnable = false;
	// magPerformance can be any value between 0-3
	// 0 = Low power mode      2 = high performance
	// 1 = medium performance  3 = ultra-high performance
	settings.mag.XYPerformance = 3;
	settings.mag.ZPerformance = 3;
	settings.mag.lowPowerEnable = false;
	// magOperatingMode can be 0-2
	// 0 = continuous conversion
	// 1 = single-conversion
	// 2 = power down
	settings.mag.operatingMode = 0;

	settings.temp.enabled = true;
	for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
		gBias[i] = 0;
		aBias[i] = 0;
		mBias[i] = 0;
		gBiasRaw[i] = 0;
		aBiasRaw[i] = 0;
		mBiasRaw[i] = 0;
	_autoCalc = false;