Dump xAOD trigger towers to root file
Tue Jan 20 16:17:30 CET 2015
Preloading tcmalloc_minimal.so
Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Preparation.py"
Py:Athena INFO using release [AtlasOffline-20.1.0] [x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt] [20.1.X/rel_0] -- built on [2015-01-17 22:07]
Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Bootstrap.py"
Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Atlas.UnixStandardJob.py"
Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/Execution.py"
Py:Athena INFO including file "../Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloByteStream/share/xAODWrite_jobOptions.py"
Py:ConfigurableDb INFO Read module info for 4642 configurables from 10 genConfDb files
Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Found 2 duplicates among the 10 genConfDb files :
Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING --------------------------------------------------
Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -<component name>: <module> - [ <duplicates> ]
Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING --------------------------------------------------
Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -RPCStandaloneTracksMon: MuonTrackMonitoring.MuonTrackMonitoringConf - ['RpcRawDataMonitoring.RpcRawDataMonitoringConf']
Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING -LArDigits2Ntuple: LArCalibTools.LArCalibToolsConf - ['LArEventTest.LArEventTestConf']
Py:ConfigurableDb WARNING Fix your cmt/requirements file !!
Py:Athena INFO including file "TrigT1CaloByteStream/ReadLVL1CaloBSRun2_jobOptions.py"
Py:Athena INFO including file "CaloConditions/CaloConditions_jobOptions.py"
Py:Athena INFO including file "CaloConditions/LArTTCellMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
EventInfoMgtInit: Got release version AtlasOffline-rel_0
Py:IOVDbSvc.CondDB INFO Setting up conditions DB access to instance OFLP200
Py:Athena INFO including file "CaloConditions/CaloTTIdMap_ATLAS_jobOptions.py"
Py:Athena INFO including file "AthenaCommon/runbatch.py"
[?1034hApplicationMgr INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0
ApplicationMgr SUCCESS
Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v3r1)
running on lxplus0000.cern.ch on Tue Jan 20 16:17:44 2015
ApplicationMgr INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaServices
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Updating Gaudi::PluginService::SetDebug(level) to level=0
ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service StatusCodeSvc
StatusCodeSvc INFO initialize
ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service AppMgrRunable
AppMgrRunable DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service ToolSvc
ToolSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service AthDictLoaderSvc
AthDictLoaderSvc INFO in initialize...
AthDictLoaderSvc INFO acquired Dso-registry
ClassIDSvc INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-06-16
ClassIDSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
ClassIDSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [ModuleLoaded] listener 'ClassIDSvc' with priority 100
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 2071 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
AthDictLoaderSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service AthenaSealSvc
ChronoStatSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
ChronoStatSvc INFO Number of skipped events for MemStat-1
AthenaSealSvc.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ChronoStatSvc
AthenaSealSvc.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthDictLoaderSvc
AthenaSealSvc DEBUG begin initialize() - loading dictionary fillers: size 2
AthenaSealSvc DEBUG loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 8299 types added 1047 dictionary filler name:STLRflx
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Loaded dict filler STLRflx
AthenaSealSvc DEBUG loadDictFiller - Ntypes before 9346 types added 282 dictionary filler name:AtlasSealCLHEPDict
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Loaded dict filler AtlasSealCLHEPDict
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: Gaudi
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: GaudiPython::Interface
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: GaudiPython::Helper
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: FactoryTable
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IInterface
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IFactory
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IAlgFactory
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: ISvcFactory
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IToolFactory
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: InterfaceID
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: StatusCode
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IAppMgrUI
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IProperty
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: Property
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: std::vector<Property*>
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: std::vector<const Property*>
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: std::list<IAlgorithm*>
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: std::list<IService*>
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: std::list<const IFactory*>
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: std::vector<IRegistry*>
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: SimpleProperty
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: SimplePropertyRef
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IService
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IAlgorithm
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: ISvcManager
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IAlgManager
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IJobOptionsSvc
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: ISvcLocator
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IEventProcessor
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IDataProviderSvc
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IDataManagerSvc
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IRegistry
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: ContainedObject
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: std::vector<const ContainedObject*>
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: DataObject
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IHistogramSvc
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: AIDA::I
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: Algorithm
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: Service
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: GaudiPython::PyAlgorithm
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: GaudiPython::PyAlgorithmWrap
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IParticlePropertySvc
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: ParticleProperty
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: StoreGateSvc
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IStoragePolicy
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: CharDbArray
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: DoubleDbArray
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: FloatDbArray
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: IntDbArray
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: LongDbArray
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: ShortDbArray
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: AthenaEventLoopMgr
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: MinimalEventLoopMgr
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: PyAthenaEventLoopMgr
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: NTuple::Directory
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: NTuple::File
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: NTuple::Tuple
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: INTuple
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: NTuple::Tuple
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: greater<int>
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: allocator<
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Ignore name: string
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE end initialize()
ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service CoreDumpSvc
CoreDumpSvc DEBUG Initializing CoreDumpSvc package version AthenaServices-01-59-01
CoreDumpSvc INFO install f-a-t-a-l handler... (flag = -1)
CoreDumpSvc DEBUG Installing signal handler
CoreDumpSvc INFO Handling signals: 11(Segmentation fault) 7(Bus error) 4(Illegal instruction) 8(Floating point exception)
CoreDumpSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginRun] listener 'CoreDumpSvc' with priority 0
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'CoreDumpSvc' with priority 0
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndRun] listener 'CoreDumpSvc' with priority 0
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndEvent] listener 'CoreDumpSvc' with priority 0
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [StoreCleared] listener 'CoreDumpSvc' with priority 0
ServiceManager DEBUG Initializing service AthenaEventLoopMgr
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO Initializing AthenaEventLoopMgr - package version AthenaServices-01-59-01
AthenaEventLoopMgr DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [AbortEvent] listener '<unknown>' with priority 0
AthenaEventLoopMgr DEBUG Creating Top Algorithm AthSequencer with name AthMasterSeq
AthMasterSeq DEBUG AthAlgSeq doesn't exist - created and appended to member list
AthMasterSeq DEBUG AthOutSeq doesn't exist - created and appended to member list
AthMasterSeq DEBUG AthRegSeq doesn't exist - created and appended to member list
AthMasterSeq INFO Member list: AthSequencer/AthAlgSeq, AthSequencer/AthOutSeq, AthSequencer/AthRegSeq
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Stream1 doesn't exist - created and appended to member list
AthAlgSeq INFO Member list: AthenaOutputStream/Stream1
Stream1.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ToolSvc
ToolSvc VERBOSE Created tool SG::Folder/Stream1.Stream1_excluded
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
Stream1.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ToolSvc
ToolSvc VERBOSE Created tool SG::Folder/Stream1.Stream1_TopFolder
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 576 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
Stream1 DEBUG In initialize
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::DecisionSvc
DecisionSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndEvent] listener 'DecisionSvc' with priority 100
Stream1.decSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service DecisionSvc/DecisionSvc
Stream1 DEBUG Found IDecisionSvc.
DecisionSvc INFO Inserting stream: Stream1 with no Algs
Stream1 DEBUG End initialize
Stream1 DEBUG In initialize
StoreGateSvc INFO Initializing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-45-01-01
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndEvent] listener 'StoreGateSvc' with priority 100
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'StoreGateSvc' with priority 100
EventPersistenc... DEBUG 'CnvServices':[ 'ByteStreamCnvSvc' , 'AthenaPoolCnvSvc' , 'TagInfoMgr' ]
EventPersistenc... DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service EventPersistencySvc
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
ByteStreamAddre... INFO Initializing ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc - package version ByteStreamCnvSvcBase-00-08-09
ByteStreamAddre...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc INFO Initializing ROBDataProviderSvc - package version ByteStreamCnvSvcBase-00-08-09
ROBDataProviderSvc INFO ---> Filter out empty ROB fragments = 'filterEmptyROB':False
ROBDataProviderSvc INFO ---> Filter out specific ROBs by Status Code: # ROBs = 0
ROBDataProviderSvc INFO ---> Filter out Sub Detector ROBs by Status Code: # Sub Detectors = 0
ByteStreamAddre...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ROBDataProviderSvc
ByteStreamAddre... INFO initialized
ByteStreamAddre... INFO -- Module IDs for:
ByteStreamAddre... INFO CTP = 0x1
ByteStreamAddre... INFO muCTPi = 0x1
ByteStreamAddre... INFO Calorimeter Cluster Processor RoI = 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab
ByteStreamAddre... INFO Calorimeter Jet/Energy Processor RoI = 0xac, 0xad
ByteStreamAddre... INFO -- Will fill Store with id = 0
ProxyProviderSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc/ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc
ProxyProviderSvc DEBUG added Address Provider ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc
MetaDataSvc INFO Initializing MetaDataSvc - package version AthenaServices-01-59-01
InputMetaDataStore INFO Initializing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-45-01-01
InputMetaDataStore DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
InputMetaDataStoreVERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndEvent] listener 'InputMetaDataStore' with priority 100
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'InputMetaDataStore' with priority 100
InputMetaDataStoreVERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service EventPersistencySvc
InputMetaDataStoreVERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
InputMetaDataStoreVERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ProxyProviderSvc
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG in preLoadAddress
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG StoreID = 3 does not match required id (0) skip
MetaDataSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc/InputMetaDataStore
MetaDataStore INFO Initializing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-45-01-01
MetaDataStore DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
MetaDataStore VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndEvent] listener 'MetaDataStore' with priority 100
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'MetaDataStore' with priority 100
MetaDataStore VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service EventPersistencySvc
MetaDataStore VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
MetaDataStore VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ProxyProviderSvc
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG in preLoadAddress
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG StoreID = 4 does not match required id (0) skip
MetaDataSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc/MetaDataStore
AthenaPoolCnvSvc INFO Initializing AthenaPoolCnvSvc - package version AthenaPoolCnvSvc-00-26-18
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:55 (StatusCode DataModelCompatSvc::initialize()): running
DataModelCompatSvcVERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'DataModelCompatSvc' with priority 0
AthenaPoolCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service DataModelCompatSvc
AthenaRootStrea... INFO POOL/ROOT class loader initialized
AthenaRootStrea... INFO 9 ROOT streamers declared
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPVec3dStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepVector3D added converter for checksum = 358881035
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepVector3D
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPPoint3dStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepPoint3D added converter for checksum = 1634550480
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepPoint3D
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPRotationStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepRotation added converter for checksum = 4141898558
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepRotation
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPGenMatrixStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepGenMatrix added converter for checksum = 21721098
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepGenMatrix
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPMatrixStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepMatrix added converter for checksum = 3811046672
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepMatrix
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPLorVecStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepLorentzVector added converter for checksum = 3077056266
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepLorentzVector
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPTransform3DStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for HepTransform3D added converter for checksum = 520750269
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class HepTransform3D
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEP3VectorStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for Hep3Vector added converter for checksum = 760000369
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class Hep3Vector
AthenaRootStrea... INFO - Streamer name:CLHEPBasicVectorStreamer
AthenaRootStrea... INFO ROOT Streamer for BasicVector3D added converter for checksum = 2681080162
AthenaRootStrea... INFO Adopted streamer for class BasicVector3D
AthenaPoolCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthenaRootStreamerSvc
AthenaPoolCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
AthenaPoolCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ChronoStatSvc
PoolSvc INFO Initializing PoolSvc - package version PoolSvc-00-24-06
PoolSvc.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthenaSealSvc
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> initialize()
IoComponentMgr DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
IoComponentMgr VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginOutputFile] listener 'IoComponentMgr' with priority 100
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginInputFile] listener 'IoComponentMgr' with priority 100
PoolSvc.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoComponentMgr
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_register(PoolSvc)
IoComponentMgr DEBUG registering IoComponent "PoolSvc"
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_register(PoolSvc,W,PoolFileCatalog.xml)
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_hasitem()
PoolSvc INFO io_register[PoolSvc](xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml) [ok]
PoolSvc INFO Set connectionsvc retry/timeout/IDLE timeout to 'ConnectionRetrialPeriod':300/ 'ConnectionRetrialTimeOut':3600/ 'ConnectionTimeOut':5 seconds with connection cleanup disabled
PoolSvc INFO Frontier compression level set to 5
DBReplicaSvc INFO Frontier server at (serverurl=http://atlasfrontier-ai.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://aiatlas036.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://aiatlas034.cern.ch:8000/atlr)(serverurl=http://ccfrontier.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(serverurl=http://ccsqfatlasli02.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(serverurl=http://ccsqfatlasli01.in2p3.fr:23128/ccin2p3-AtlasFrontier)(proxyurl=http://ca-proxy.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://ca18.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://ca17.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlast0fsquid.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlassquid1.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlassquid2.cern.ch:3128)(proxyurl=http://atlassquid4.cern.ch:3128) will be considered for COOL data
DBReplicaSvc INFO Read replica configuration from /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_0/InstallArea/share/dbreplica.config
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Candidate server ATLF (priority -2700)
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Candidate server ATLAS_COOLPROD (priority -695)
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Candidate server atlas_dd (priority -690)
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Candidate server ATLAS_CONFIG (priority -685)
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Candidate server ATLF (priority -2200)
DBReplicaSvc INFO Total of 5 servers found for host lxplus0000.cern.ch [ATLF ATLAS_COOLPROD atlas_dd ATLAS_CONFIG ATLF ]
PoolSvc INFO Successfully setup replica sorting algorithm
PoolSvc DEBUG OutputLevel is 0
PoolSvc INFO Re-initializing PoolSvc
PoolSvc DEBUG POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
PoolSvc INFO Resolved path (via DATAPATH) is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_0/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
PoolSvc DEBUG POOL ReadCatalog is prfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
PoolSvc INFO Resolved path (via DATAPATH) is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_0/InstallArea/share/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
PoolSvc DEBUG POOL ReadCatalog is apcfile:poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
PoolSvc INFO Resolved path (via ATLAS_POOLCOND_PATH) is /afs/cern.ch/atlas/conditions/poolcond/catalogue/poolcond/PoolCat_oflcond.xml
PoolSvc DEBUG POOL ReadCatalog is apcfile:poolcond/PoolFileCatalog.xml
PoolSvc INFO POOL WriteCatalog is xmlcatalog_file:PoolFileCatalog.xml
AthenaPoolCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service PoolSvc
MetaDataSvc.CnvSvcVERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthenaPoolCnvSvc
FileMgr DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
FileMgr VERBOSE Initializing FileMgr
FileMgr DEBUG Successfully registered handler for tech "ROOT"
FileMgr DEBUG Successfully registered handler for tech "POSIX"
MetaDataSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service FileMgr
MetaDataSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
ToolSvc.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ToolSvc
ToolSvc VERBOSE Created tool ByteStreamMetadataTool/ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool
ToolSvc.ByteStr... INFO Initializing ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool - package version ByteStreamCnvSvc-01-34-22
ToolSvc.ByteStr...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc/MetaDataStore
ToolSvc.ByteStr...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc/InputMetaDataStore
ToolSvc.ByteStr...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [FirstInputFile] listener 'ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool' with priority 80
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginInputFile] listener 'ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool' with priority 80
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndInputFile] listener 'ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool' with priority 80
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [LastInputFile] listener 'ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool' with priority 80
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [FirstInputFile] listener 'MetaDataSvc' with priority 90
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginTagFile] listener 'MetaDataSvc' with priority 90
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginInputFile] listener 'MetaDataSvc' with priority 90
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndInputFile] listener 'MetaDataSvc' with priority 10
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndTagFile] listener 'MetaDataSvc' with priority 10
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [LastInputFile] listener 'MetaDataSvc' with priority 10
MetaDataSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoComponentMgr
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_register(MetaDataSvc)
IoComponentMgr DEBUG registering IoComponent "MetaDataSvc"
MetaDataSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service JobOptionsSvc
ProxyProviderSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service MetaDataSvc/MetaDataSvc
ProxyProviderSvc DEBUG added Address Provider MetaDataSvc
ProxyProviderSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service MetaDataSvc/MetaDataSvc
ProxyProviderSvc DEBUG added Address Provider MetaDataSvc
IOVDbSvc.Servic...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'IOVDbSvc' with priority 100
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [StoreCleared] listener 'IOVDbSvc' with priority 100
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndOfBeginRun] listener 'IOVDbSvc' with priority 100
IOVDbSvc.Servic...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service PoolSvc
IOVDbSvc INFO Opened read transaction for POOL PersistencySvc
IOVDbSvc INFO Only 5 POOL conditions files will be open at once
IOVDbSvc INFO Cache alignment will be done in 3 slices
IOVDbSvc.Servic...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service JobOptionsSvc
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Unable to get OverrideRunNumber flag from EventSelector
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Setup folder /TagInfo<metaOnly/>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: /TagInfo<metaOnly/>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:/TagInfo
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: metaOnly value:
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Setup folder <db>COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <db>COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:/LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Setup folder <db>COOLOFL_CALO/OFLP200</db> /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <db>COOLOFL_CALO/OFLP200</db> /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:/CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Setup folder <db>COOLOFL_CALO/OFLP200</db> /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <db>COOLOFL_CALO/OFLP200</db> /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:/CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Setup folder <db>COOLOFL_CALO/OFLP200</db> /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <db>COOLOFL_CALO/OFLP200</db> /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:/CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc.Servic...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
IOVDbSvc INFO Read from meta data only for folder /TagInfo
IOVDbSvc INFO Initialised with 3 connections and 5 folders
IOVDbSvc INFO Service IOVDbSvc initialised successfully
ProxyProviderSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IOVDbSvc/IOVDbSvc
ProxyProviderSvc DEBUG added Address Provider IOVDbSvc
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
TagInfoMgr DEBUG initialize()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG OverrideEventInfoTags 'OverrideEventInfoTags':True
TagInfoMgr DEBUG TagInfoKey 'TagInfoKey':ProcessingTags
TagInfoMgr DEBUG ExtraTagValuePairs
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Value/tag pair: AtlasRelease AtlasOffline-rel_0
TagInfoMgr.Serv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginRun] listener 'TagInfoMgr' with priority 1000
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'TagInfoMgr' with priority 1000
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginInputFile] listener 'TagInfoMgr' with priority 50
ProxyProviderSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service TagInfoMgr/TagInfoMgr
ProxyProviderSvc DEBUG added Address Provider TagInfoMgr
ProxyProviderSvc INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-01-09
ProxyProviderSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service EventPersistencySvc
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ProxyProviderSvc
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG in preLoadAddress
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 1686 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::CPMTower> 88388307 CPMTowers
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::CPMTower> 88388307 CPMTowersOverlap
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::CMXCPTob> 52007460 CMXCPTobs
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::CMXCPHits> 99664276 CMXCPHits
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::CPMTobRoI> 80981142 CPMTobRoIs
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::CPMTobRoI> 80981142 CPMTobRoIsRoIB
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::JetElement> 6203 JetElements
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::JetElement> 6203 JetElementsOverlap
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::JEMEtSums> 3490292 JEMEtSums
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::CMXJetTob> 201376881 CMXJetTobs
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::CMXJetHits> 40333703 CMXJetHits
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::CMXEtSums> 87855916 CMXEtSums
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::JEMTobRoI> 165898968 JEMTobRoIs
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::JEMTobRoI> 165898968 JEMTobRoIsRoIB
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)LVL1::CMXRoI 133156981 CMXRoIs
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)LVL1::CMXRoI 133156981 CMXRoIsRoIB
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowersSpare
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowersMuon
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::RODHeader> 105792013 RODHeaders
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::RODHeader> 105792013 RODHeadersPP
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::RODHeader> 105792013 RODHeadersCP
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::RODHeader> 105792013 RODHeadersCPRoI
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::RODHeader> 105792013 RODHeadersJEP
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::RODHeader> 105792013 RODHeadersJEPRoI
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::RODHeader> 105792013 RODHeadersCPRoIB
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)DataVector<LVL1::RODHeader> 105792013 RODHeadersJEPRoIB
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Created TAD for (type, clid, name)std::vector<unsigned int> 177480351 L1CaloUnpackingErrors
Stream1.Store VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
Stream1 DEBUG Found StoreGateSvc store.
Stream1.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
ItemListSvc INFO ItemListSvc initialize
Stream1.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ItemListSvc
OutputStreamSeq... INFO Initializing OutputStreamSequencerSvc - package version AthenaServices-01-59-01
OutputStreamSeq...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service MetaDataSvc
OutputStreamSeq...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
Stream1.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service OutputStreamSequencerSvc
Stream1.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ToolSvc
ToolSvc VERBOSE Created tool Athena::RootOutputStreamTool/Stream1.Stream1Tool
Stream1.Stream1... INFO Initializing Stream1.Stream1Tool - package version AthenaRootComps-00-11-08
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Found ClassID service.
AthenaRootCnvSvc INFO Initializing AthenaRootCnvSvc - package version AthenaRootComps-00-11-08
AthenaRootCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthDictLoaderSvc
AthenaRootCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthTPCnvSvc
AthenaRootSvc INFO Initializing AthenaRootSvc - package version AthenaRootComps-00-11-08
AthenaRootSvc.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthDictLoaderSvc
AthIoSvc INFO Initializing AthIoSvc...
AthenaRootSvc.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
AthenaRootCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthIoSvc
AthenaRootCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthenaRootStreamerSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Found conversion service.
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectServices dataStore = StoreGateSvc, cnvSvc = EventPersistencySvc, extendProv=1
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Found data store service.
Stream1 INFO Found HelperTools = PrivateToolHandleArray([])
Stream1 INFO Data output: SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoComponentMgr
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_register(Stream1)
IoComponentMgr DEBUG registering IoComponent "Stream1"
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_register(Stream1,W,SimpleRootFile.root)
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_hasitem()
Stream1 INFO I/O reinitialization...
Stream1.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [MetaDataStop] listener 'Stream1' with priority 50
Stream1 DEBUG End initialize
AthenaEventLoop...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
AthenaEventLoop...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
HistogramDataSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
HistogramDataSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
HistogramPersis... DEBUG 'CnvServices':[ 'RootHistSvc' ]
HistogramPersis... DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
HistogramDataSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service HistogramPersistencySvc
AthenaEventLoop...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service HistogramDataSvc
AthenaEventLoopMgr DEBUG Histograms saving not required.
EventSelector INFO Initializing EventSelector - package version ByteStreamCnvSvc-01-34-22
EventSelector WARNING InputCollections not properly set, checking EventStorageInputSvc properties
EventSelector.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service JobOptionsSvc
EventSelector INFO Retrieved InputCollections from InputSvc
ByteStreamInputSvc INFO Initializing ByteStreamInputSvc - package version ByteStreamCnvSvc-01-34-22
ByteStreamInput...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc/InputMetaDataStore
ByteStreamInput...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
ByteStreamAttLi... DEBUG ByteStreamAttListMetadataSvc::initialize()
ByteStreamInput...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ByteStreamAttListMetadataSvc
ByteStreamInput...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
EventSelector.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ROBDataProviderSvc
EventSelector.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
EventSelector.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ToolSvc
ToolSvc VERBOSE Created tool xAODMaker::EventInfoSelectorTool/EventSelector.xAODMaker::EventInfoSelectorTool
EventSelector.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoComponentMgr
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_register(EventSelector)
IoComponentMgr DEBUG registering IoComponent "EventSelector"
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_register(EventSelector,R,/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1)
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> io_hasitem()
EventSelector VERBOSE io_register[EventSelector](/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1) [ok]
EventSelector.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service JobOptionsSvc
EventSelector INFO reinitialization...
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO Setup EventSelector service EventSelector
ActiveStoreSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
ActiveStoreSvc INFO Initializing ActiveStoreSvc - package version StoreGate-02-45-01-01
ActiveStoreSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
AthenaEventLoop...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ActiveStoreSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeforeFork] listener 'AthenaEventLoopMgr' with priority 0
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service StatusCodeSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service IncidentSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AppMgrRunable
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ToolSvc
ToolSvc DEBUG START transition for AlgTools
ToolSvc VERBOSE Stream1.Stream1_excluded::start()
ToolSvc VERBOSE Stream1.Stream1_TopFolder::start()
ToolSvc VERBOSE ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool::start()
ToolSvc VERBOSE Stream1.Stream1Tool::start()
ToolSvc VERBOSE EventSelector.xAODMaker::EventInfoSelectorTool::start()
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AthDictLoaderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AthenaSealSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service CoreDumpSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ClassIDSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ChronoStatSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service DecisionSvc
DecisionSvc DEBUG in start
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::decodeAlgorithms
DecisionSvc DEBUG stream Stream1 uses logic PassThru
DecisionSvc DEBUG Declaring logic PassThru for Stream1
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service EventPersistencySvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ROBDataProviderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service InputMetaDataStore
InputMetaDataStore INFO Start InputMetaDataStore
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service MetaDataStore
MetaDataStore INFO Start MetaDataStore
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service DataModelCompatSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AthenaRootStreamerSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service IoComponentMgr
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service DBReplicaSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service PoolSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AthenaPoolCnvSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service FileMgr
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service MetaDataSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service IOVDbSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service TagInfoMgr
TagInfoMgr DEBUG start()
DetectorStore INFO Initializing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-45-01-01
DetectorStore DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
DetectorStore VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndEvent] listener 'DetectorStore' with priority 100
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'DetectorStore' with priority 100
DetectorStore VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service EventPersistencySvc
DetectorStore VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
DetectorStore VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ProxyProviderSvc
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG in preLoadAddress
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG StoreID = 1 does not match required id (0) skip
IOVDbSvc DEBUG preLoadAddress: storeID -> 1
IOVDbSvc.Servic...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc/MetaDataStore
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Could not retrieve IOVMetaDataContainer objects from MetaDataStore
IOVDbSvc INFO preLoadAddresses: Removing folder /TagInfo. It should only be in the file meta data and was not found.
IOVDbSvc.Servic...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service DetectorStore
IOVDbSvc DEBUG preLoadFolder for folder /LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200
Data source lookup using /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/builds/nightlies/dev/AtlasCore/rel_0/InstallArea/XML/AtlasAuthentication/dblookup.xml file
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Replica connection string: sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Replica connection string: oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD/ATLAS_COOLOFL_LAR
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Replica connection string: frontier://ATLF/()/ATLAS_COOLOFL_LAR
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Allowed replica to try (priority -9999) : sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Allowed replica to try (priority -2697) : frontier://ATLF/()/ATLAS_COOLOFL_LAR
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Allowed replica to try (priority -2197) : frontier://ATLF/()/ATLAS_COOLOFL_LAR
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Allowed replica to try (priority -690) : oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD/ATLAS_COOLOFL_LAR
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Retained total of 4 replicas
CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service sqlite200/ALLP200.db (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/a/amazurov/ATLAS/uncompressed_and_sim/runs/sqlite200 is not writable" )' - do NOT retry
CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/a/amazurov/ATLAS/uncompressed_and_sim/runs/sqlite200 is not writable" )
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Folder description <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp><key>LArTTCellMapAtlas</key><addrHeader><address_header service_type="71" clid="174159653" /></addrHeader><typeName>LArTTCellMap</typeName><fullrep/>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp><key>LArTTCellMapAtlas</key><addrHeader><address_header service_type="71" clid="174159653" /></addrHeader><typeName>LArTTCellMap</typeName><fullrep/>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: addrHeader value:<address_header service_type="71" clid="174159653" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: fullrep value:
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: key value:LArTTCellMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: timeStamp value:run-lumi
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: typeName value:LArTTCellMap
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Key for folder /LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas set to LArTTCellMapAtlas from description string
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Decode addrHeader <address_header service_type="256" clid="174159653" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <address_header service_type="256" clid="174159653" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: address_header value:service_type="256" clid="174159653"
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got CLID 174159653 from service_type="256" clid="174159653"
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got folder typename LArTTCellMap
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got folder typename LArTTCellMap with CLID 174159653
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Retrieving list of channel numbers only: got 1 channels
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Folder identified as type 2
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Cache length set to 0 runs 4294967295 lumiblocks
IOVDbSvc.Servic...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IOVSvc
IOVSvc INFO No IOVSvcTool associated with store "StoreGateSvc"
IOVSvc.ServiceH...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ToolSvc
ToolSvc VERBOSE Created tool IOVSvcTool/IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc
IOVSvc.StoreGat...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IOVSvc
IOVSvc.StoreGat...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
IOVSvc.StoreGat...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' with priority 100
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginRun] listener 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' with priority 100
IOVSvcTool INFO IOVRanges will be checked at every Event
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [CheckIOV] listener 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' with priority 100
IOVDbSvc DEBUG preLoadFolder for folder /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc INFO Opening COOL connection for COOLOFL_CALO/OFLP200
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Replica connection string: sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Replica connection string: oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD/ATLAS_COOLOFL_CALO
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Replica connection string: frontier://ATLF/()/ATLAS_COOLOFL_CALO
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Allowed replica to try (priority -9999) : sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Allowed replica to try (priority -2697) : frontier://ATLF/()/ATLAS_COOLOFL_CALO
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Allowed replica to try (priority -2197) : frontier://ATLF/()/ATLAS_COOLOFL_CALO
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Allowed replica to try (priority -690) : oracle://ATLAS_COOLPROD/ATLAS_COOLOFL_CALO
DBReplicaSvc DEBUG Retained total of 4 replicas
CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failed to connect to service sqlite200/ALLP200.db (coral::Exception): 'CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/a/amazurov/ATLAS/uncompressed_and_sim/runs/sqlite200 is not writable" )' - do NOT retry
CORAL/Services/ConnectionService Warning Failure while attempting to connect to "sqlite_file:sqlite200/ALLP200.db": CORAL/RelationalPlugins/sqlite ( CORAL : "Connection::connect" from "/afs/cern.ch/user/a/amazurov/ATLAS/uncompressed_and_sim/runs/sqlite200 is not writable" )
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Folder description <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp><key>CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas</key><addrHeader><address_header service_type="71" clid="167960877" /></addrHeader><typeName>CaloTTOnAttrIdMap</typeName>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp><key>CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas</key><addrHeader><address_header service_type="71" clid="167960877" /></addrHeader><typeName>CaloTTOnAttrIdMap</typeName>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: addrHeader value:<address_header service_type="71" clid="167960877" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: key value:CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: timeStamp value:run-lumi
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: typeName value:CaloTTOnAttrIdMap
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Key for folder /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas set to CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas from description string
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Decode addrHeader <address_header service_type="256" clid="167960877" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <address_header service_type="256" clid="167960877" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: address_header value:service_type="256" clid="167960877"
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got CLID 167960877 from service_type="256" clid="167960877"
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got folder typename CaloTTOnAttrIdMap
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got folder typename CaloTTOnAttrIdMap with CLID 167960877
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Retrieving list of channel numbers only: got 1 channels
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Folder identified as type 2
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Cache length set to 0 runs 4294967295 lumiblocks
IOVDbSvc INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200
IOVDbSvc DEBUG preLoadFolder for folder /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Folder description <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp><key>CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas</key><addrHeader><address_header service_type="71" clid="267570070" /></addrHeader><typeName>CaloTTOnOffIdMap</typeName>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp><key>CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas</key><addrHeader><address_header service_type="71" clid="267570070" /></addrHeader><typeName>CaloTTOnOffIdMap</typeName>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: addrHeader value:<address_header service_type="71" clid="267570070" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: key value:CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: timeStamp value:run-lumi
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: typeName value:CaloTTOnOffIdMap
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Key for folder /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas set to CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas from description string
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Decode addrHeader <address_header service_type="256" clid="267570070" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <address_header service_type="256" clid="267570070" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: address_header value:service_type="256" clid="267570070"
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got CLID 267570070 from service_type="256" clid="267570070"
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got folder typename CaloTTOnOffIdMap
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got folder typename CaloTTOnOffIdMap with CLID 267570070
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Retrieving list of channel numbers only: got 1 channels
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Folder identified as type 2
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Cache length set to 0 runs 4294967295 lumiblocks
IOVDbSvc DEBUG preLoadFolder for folder /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Folder description <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp><key>CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas</key><addrHeader><address_header service_type="71" clid="196539089" /></addrHeader><typeName>CaloTTPpmRxIdMap</typeName>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <timeStamp>run-lumi</timeStamp><key>CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas</key><addrHeader><address_header service_type="71" clid="196539089" /></addrHeader><typeName>CaloTTPpmRxIdMap</typeName>
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: addrHeader value:<address_header service_type="71" clid="196539089" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: key value:CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: timeStamp value:run-lumi
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: typeName value:CaloTTPpmRxIdMap
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Key for folder /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas set to CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas from description string
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Decode addrHeader <address_header service_type="256" clid="196539089" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE parseXML processed input string: <address_header service_type="256" clid="196539089" />
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: value:
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE Key: address_header value:service_type="256" clid="196539089"
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got CLID 196539089 from service_type="256" clid="196539089"
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got folder typename CaloTTPpmRxIdMap
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Got folder typename CaloTTPpmRxIdMap with CLID 196539089
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Retrieving list of channel numbers only: got 1 channels
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Folder identified as type 2
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Cache length set to 0 runs 4294967295 lumiblocks
IOVDbSvc INFO Disconnecting from COOLOFL_CALO/OFLP200
TagInfoMgr DEBUG preLoadAddresses - add transient address for TagInfo to detector store
TagInfoMgr DEBUG preLoadAddresses - Found CLID: 61780915 key from ioa ProcessingTags
DetectorStore INFO Start DetectorStore
TagInfoMgr.Serv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service DetectorStore
AuditorSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
AlgContextSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully
AlgContextSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginEvent] listener 'AlgContextSvc' with priority 0
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [EndEvent] listener 'AlgContextSvc' with priority 0
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE updateAddress cannot find description for TAD /TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 1238547719 - key: /TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 1238547719 - key: /TagInfo NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ProxyProviderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service StoreGateSvc
StoreGateSvc INFO Start StoreGateSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ItemListSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service OutputStreamSequencerSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AthTPCnvSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AthIoSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AthenaRootSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AthenaRootCnvSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service HistogramPersistencySvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service HistogramDataSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ByteStreamAttListMetadataSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ByteStreamInputSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service EventSelector
EventSelector DEBUG Calling EventSelectorByteStream::start()
EventSelector.S...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataSvc' for incident [FirstInputFile]
MetaDataSvc DEBUG handle() FirstInputFile for BSF:/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1
FileMgr DEBUG registering OPEN action boost::_bi::bind_t<StatusCode,boost::_mfi::mf2<StatusCode,MetaDataSvc,Io::FileAttr const*,std::string const&>,boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<MetaDataSvc*>,boost::arg<1>,boost::arg<2> > >
MetaDataSvc DEBUG initInputMetaDataStore: file name BSF:/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1
MetaDataSvc DEBUG MetaDataSvc called without MetaDataContainer set.
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool' for incident [FirstInputFile]
ToolSvc.ByteStr... INFO handle() FirstInputFile, filename = BSF:/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 170625359 - key: ByteStreamMetadata
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 170625359 - key: ByteStreamMetadata NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Recorded ByteStreamMetadata in InputMetadataStore
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG run parameters =
run number 248370
max events 0
rec enable 1
trigger_type 0
detector mask 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000000000010011010011111111111110011111111111111111111110111
beam type 0
beam energy 0
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Number of Free meta data strings: 0
ByteStreamInputSvc INFO Picked valid file: /afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IoComponentMgr' for incident [BeginInputFile]
IoComponentMgr DEBUG BeginInputFile: s: EventSelector t: BeginInputFile n: BSF:/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1 g:
IoComponentMgr DEBUG found component:
IoComponentMgr DEBUG c: EventSelector old: "/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1" absolute path: "/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1" new: "" m: R
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataSvc' for incident [BeginInputFile]
MetaDataSvc DEBUG handle() BeginInputFile for BSF:/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool' for incident [BeginInputFile]
ToolSvc.ByteStr... INFO handle() BeginInputFile, filename = BSF:/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1
ToolSvc.ByteStr... DEBUG Processing Input ByteStreamMetadata, key = ByteStreamMetadata
ToolSvc.ByteStr... DEBUG Found Input ByteStreamMetadata
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 1076128893 - key: ByteStreamMetadata
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 1076128893 - key: ByteStreamMetadata NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ToolSvc.ByteStr... DEBUG ByteStreamMetadata copied to MetaDataStore
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginInputFile]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginInputFile from EventSelector
EventSelector DEBUG Opened block/file /afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service ActiveStoreSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Starting service AthenaEventLoopMgr
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 562516
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x7fe8000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 2136
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 2101 - key: ByteStreamEventInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 2101 - key: ByteStreamEventInfo NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 2101 - key: ByteStreamEventInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 2101 - key: ByteStreamEventInfo NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1879049752
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 40774348 - key: EventInfoAtts
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 40774348 - key: EventInfoAtts NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 40774348 - key: EventInfoAtts
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 40774348 - key: EventInfoAtts NOT TagInfo - do nothing
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 45903698 - key: EventInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 45903698 - key: EventInfo NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ByteStreamCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginRun] listener 'ByteStreamCnvSvc' with priority 0
EventPersistenc...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ByteStreamCnvSvc
EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:ByteStreamCnvSvc
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG initialize
EventInfoByteSt...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ROBDataProviderSvc
EventInfoByteSt...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service InputMetaDataStore
EventInfoByteSt... INFO UserType : RawEvent
EventInfoByteSt... INFO IsSimulation : 0
EventInfoByteSt... INFO IsTestbeam : 0
EventInfoByteSt... INFO IsCalibration : 0
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3517995 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:15 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3517995,163,1417990335:22461325,18,0x400269fff3fffff7]
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 38853911 - key: EventInfoAux.
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 38853911 - key: EventInfoAux. NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 45903698 - key: EventInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 45903698 - key: EventInfo NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1879049752
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start of run 248370 <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginRun]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginRun from AthenaEventLoopMgr
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: BeginRun incident - Event info:
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: Event ID: [248370,3517995:1417990335]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Event type: sim/data - is data , testbeam/atlas - is atlas , calib/physics - is physics
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: Event type: user type RawEvent
TagInfoMgr.Serv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IOVDbSvc
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Signaled begin run to IOVDbSvc [248370,163:1417990335022461325]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Retrieve tag info
EventPersistenc...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthenaPoolCnvSvc
EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:AthenaPoolCnvSvc
EventPersistenc...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service TagInfoMgr
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:TagInfoMgr
TagInfoMgr DEBUG createObj: get TagInfo
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE updateAddress cannot find description for TAD /TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 1238547719 - key: /TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 1238547719 - key: /TagInfo NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr DEBUG createObj: det store does NOT contain AttrListColl for TagInfo
TagInfoMgr DEBUG fillTagInfo:
TagInfoMgr DEBUG fillTagInfo: Add in tags from EventInfo
TagInfoMgr.Serv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
TagInfoMgr DEBUG fillTagInfo: Event ID: [248370,3517995:1417990335]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG fillTagInfo: EventInfo/EventType has no tags
TagInfoMgr DEBUG fillTagInfo: Added EventInfo tags to TagInfo current/input
TagInfo DEBUG TagInfo tag:
TagInfo DEBUG Current tags:
TagInfo DEBUG Input tags:
TagInfoMgr DEBUG fillTagInfo: Adding extra value/tag pair: AtlasRelease AtlasOffline-rel_0
TagInfo DEBUG TagInfo tag:
TagInfo DEBUG Current tags:
TagInfo DEBUG AtlasRelease AtlasOffline-rel_0
TagInfo DEBUG Input tags:
TagInfoMgr DEBUG createObj: Filled TagInfo from input event
TagInfoMgr DEBUG entering fillMetaData
TagInfoMgr DEBUG fillMetaData: Adding value/tag pairs to file meta data:
TagInfoMgr DEBUG AtlasRelease AtlasOffline-rel_0
ToolSvc.Service...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ToolSvc
ToolSvc VERBOSE Created tool IOVDbMetaDataTool/ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG in initialize()
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc/MetaDataStore
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc/InputMetaDataStore
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [FirstInputFile] listener 'ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool' with priority 60
IncidentSvc DEBUG Adding [BeginInputFile] listener 'ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool' with priority 60
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG initialize(): need to modify folders
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG begin registerFolder
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG begin getMetaDataContainer
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG IOVMetaDataContainer for folder /TagInfo has been registered
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG begin addPayload
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG Retrieved IOVMetaDataContainer from MetaDataStore for folder /TagInfo
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG Added new payload for folder /TagInfo
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG in printOut(const CondAttrListCollection* coll)
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG {[248370,0] - [248371,0]} iov size 0
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG 0 {AtlasRelease (string) : AtlasOffline-rel_0}
TagInfoMgr DEBUG createObj: Wrote TagInfo to MetaDataStore
TagInfoMgr DEBUG createObj: created new TagInfo object
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Retrieved tag info
IOVDbSvc DEBUG registerTagInfoCallback called
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Tags from input TagInfo:
IOVDbSvc DEBUG TagInfo tag:
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Current tags:
IOVDbSvc DEBUG AtlasRelease AtlasOffline-rel_0
IOVDbSvc DEBUG Input tags:
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: Requested IOVDbSvc to register callback
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginRun]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginRun: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990335022461325]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG Signaled begin run to IOVDbSvc [248370,163:1417990335022461325]
IOVSvc.StoreGat...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service DetectorStore
IOVSvc.StoreGat...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 1134 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
------------------------------ IOVSvc Proxy Map ------------------------------
0x7d735d0 167960877 CaloTTOnAttrIdMap[CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas]
-> no callback associated
0x7d73a30 267570070 CaloTTOnOffIdMap[CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas]
-> no callback associated
0x7d73bf0 196539089 CaloTTPpmRxIdMap[CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas]
-> no callback associated
0x7d73640 174159653 LArTTCellMap[LArTTCellMapAtlas]
-> no callback associated
IOVSvcTool DEBUG Callback Tree:
total entries: 5 max levels: 1
IOVSvcTool DEBUG preLoadProxies()
IOVSvc.StoreGat...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AuditorSvc
IOVSvcTool VERBOSE loading proxy for CLID: 167960877 CaloTTOnAttrIdMap[CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas]
IOVSvcTool VERBOSE loading proxy for CLID: 267570070 CaloTTOnOffIdMap[CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas]
IOVSvcTool VERBOSE loading proxy for CLID: 196539089 CaloTTPpmRxIdMap[CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas]
IOVSvcTool VERBOSE loading proxy for CLID: 174159653 LArTTCellMap[LArTTCellMapAtlas]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG Signaled end proxy preload to IOVDbSvc [248370,163:1417990335022461325]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginRun]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'ByteStreamCnvSvc' for incident [BeginRun]
ByteStreamCnvSv...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3517995, run #248370 0 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:78 (void DataModelCompatSvc::handle(const Incident&)): handling incident BeginEvent
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): Testing class DataVector<xAOD::JetRoI_v1> for possible back-compatibility conversions.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): DataVector<xAOD::JetRoI_v1>: m_pCont not present, or not a vector.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): Testing class DataVector<xAOD::TDVCollectionProxyDummy> for possible back-compatibility conversions.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): Testing class DataVector<xAOD::TriggerMenu_v1> for possible back-compatibility conversions.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): DataVector<xAOD::TriggerMenu_v1>: m_pCont not present, or not a vector.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): Testing class DataVector<xAOD::EmTauRoI_v1> for possible back-compatibility conversions.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): DataVector<xAOD::EmTauRoI_v1>: m_pCont not present, or not a vector.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): Testing class DataVector<xAOD::JetRoI_v2> for possible back-compatibility conversions.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): DataVector<xAOD::JetRoI_v2>: m_pCont not present, or not a vector.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): Testing class DataVector<xAOD::MuonRoI_v1> for possible back-compatibility conversions.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): DataVector<xAOD::MuonRoI_v1>: m_pCont not present, or not a vector.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): Testing class DataVector<xAOD::TrigComposite_v1> for possible back-compatibility conversions.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): DataVector<xAOD::TrigComposite_v1>: m_pCont not present, or not a vector.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): Testing class DataVector<xAOD::BunchConf_v1> for possible back-compatibility conversions.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): DataVector<xAOD::BunchConf_v1>: m_pCont not present, or not a vector.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): Testing class DataVector<xAOD::EmTauRoI_v2> for possible back-compatibility conversions.
DataModelCompatSvc DEBUG ../src/DataModelCompatSvc.cxx:91 (void DataModelCompatSvc::debug(const char*)): DataVector<xAOD::EmTauRoI_v2>: m_pCont not present, or not a vector.
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
RootConnection....VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service AthIoSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 1
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE createConverter typ = 2, clid = 2101
AthenaRootCnv_2...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::getTPConverter clid = 2101
AthTPCnvSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc/ClassIDSvc
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 29 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [EventInfo (from clid=2101)]...
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [EventInfo]...
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [EventInfo_p4 (from typeinfo)]...
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [EventInfo_p4]...
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [EventInfo_p4 (from typeinfo)]...
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [EventInfo_p4]...
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::getClass type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x65378e0
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=1, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 1
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE createConverter typ = 2, clid = 1
AthenaRootCnv_1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::getTPConverter clid = 1
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 13 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
AthTPCnvSvc WARNING could not load converter for transient CLID [1] (DataObject)
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [DataObject (from clid=1)]...
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [DataObject]...
AthenaRootCnv_1 INFO Cannot get T/P converter, will write transient type [DataObject, clid=1]
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [DataObject (from clid=1)]...
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [DataObject]...
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [DataObject (from clid=1)]...
AthDictLoaderSvc DEBUG loading [DataObject]...
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::getClass type = DataObject
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x807f4a0
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=1, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 1
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
AthenaEventLoop...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service HistogramPersistencySvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3517995, run #248370 1 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x65378e0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x6537890 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x6537e80 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x6537840 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73800, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x6537f70 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IOVDbSvc.Servic...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 560524
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x83c4000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 564668
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1879049818
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3518061 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:15 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3518061,163,1417990335:227557095,1455,0x400269fff3fffff7]
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1879049818
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3518061, run #248370 1 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginEvent: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990335227557095]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 2
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x6537890
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=2, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 2
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x8183950
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=2, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 2
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3518061, run #248370 2 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x6537890 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x81076d0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x6537ed0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x65378e0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d738e0, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x6537840 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 566016
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x81a8000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 1125208
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1879049820
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3518063 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:15 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3518063,163,1417990335:235341085,3361,0x400269fff3fffff7]
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1879049820
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3518063, run #248370 2 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginEvent: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990335235341085]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 3
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x6537f20
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=3, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 3
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x7e7efa0
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=3, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 3
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3518063, run #248370 3 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x6537f20 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x81076d0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x6537e80 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x8107bd0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x80c8300, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x7fe4000 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 565600
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x8234000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 1691240
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1879049979
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3518222 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:15 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3518222,163,1417990335:631363145,1449,0x400269fff3fffff7]
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1879049979
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3518222, run #248370 3 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginEvent: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990335631363145]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 4
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x6537ed0
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=4, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 4
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x7f936c0
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=4, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 4
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3518222, run #248370 4 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x6537ed0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x81076d0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x65378e0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x6537890 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73800, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x6537840 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 571448
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x81a8000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 2256856
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825583
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3518464 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:16 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3518464,163,1417990336:256538850,2908,0x400269fff3fffff7]
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825583
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3518464, run #248370 4 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginEvent: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990336256538850]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 5
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x6537e80
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=5, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 5
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x7f11740
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=5, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 5
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3518464, run #248370 5 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x6537e80 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x81076d0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x8107bd0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x6537f20 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d738e0, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x7fe4000 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 563640
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x7fe8000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 2828320
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825676
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3518557 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:16 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3518557,163,1417990336:513279075,3516,0x400269fff3fffff7]
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825676
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3518557, run #248370 5 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginEvent: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990336513279075]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 6
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x65378e0
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=6, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 6
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x6532070
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=6, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 6
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3518557, run #248370 6 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x65378e0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x81076d0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x6537890 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x6537ed0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x80c8300, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x6537840 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 562796
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x81a8000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 3391976
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825760
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3518641 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:16 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3518641,163,1417990336:754249600,2919,0x400269fff3fffff7]
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825760
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3518641, run #248370 6 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginEvent: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990336754249600]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 7
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x8107bd0
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=7, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 7
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x7e71380
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=7, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 7
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3518641, run #248370 7 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x8107bd0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x81076d0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x6537f20 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x6537e80 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73800, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x7fe4000 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 566296
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x8232000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 3954788
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825869
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3518750 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:17 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3518750,163,1417990337:22514785,2115,0x400269fff3fffff7]
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825869
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3518750, run #248370 7 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginEvent: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990337022514785]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 8
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x6537890
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=8, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 8
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x7e7c240
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=8, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 8
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3518750, run #248370 8 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x6537890 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x81076d0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x6537ed0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x65378e0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d738e0, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x6537840 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 563348
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x81a8000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 4521100
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825886
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3518767 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:17 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3518767,163,1417990337:54808855,2695,0x400269fff3fffff7]
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895825886
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3518767, run #248370 8 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginEvent: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990337054808855]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 9
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x6537f20
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=9, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 9
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x7f91b30
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=9, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 9
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3518767, run #248370 9 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x6537f20 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x81076d0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x6537e80 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x8107bd0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x80c8300, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x7fe4000 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG nextEvent _above_ high water mark
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Event Size 574088
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG First word of the fragment aa1234aa
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Format version 500
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Made an FullEventFragment from ES 0x8232000
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream File GUID:E696C8BE-6E7E-E411-986B-02163E00E30E
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG ByteStream Event Position in File: 5084464
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - fill TagInfo
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader
TagInfoMgr VERBOSE updateAddress - Found CLID: 222376821 - key: ByteStreamDataHeader NOT TagInfo - do nothing
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895826142
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
EventSelector.x... DEBUG EventInfoSelectorTool::postNext
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG Creating Objects
EventInfoByteSt... DEBUG New EventInfo made, run/event= 248370 3519023 Time stamp = Sat Dec 6 21:12:17 2014
EventSelector.x...VERBOSE Finished converting: [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = [248370,3519023,163,1417990337:653517760,1901,0x400269fff3fffff7]
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG ---> setNextEvent offline for ROBDataProviderSvc
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG current LVL1 id = 1895826142
ROBDataProviderSvc DEBUG size of ROB cache = 1566
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> start processing event #3519023, run #248370 9 events processed so far <<<===
TagInfoMgr DEBUG in queryInterface()
TagInfoMgr DEBUG Default to ConversionSvc interface
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'TagInfoMgr' for incident [BeginEvent]
TagInfoMgr DEBUG handle: entering handle(), incidence type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type BeginEvent from AthenaEventLoopMgr
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IOVSvcTool DEBUG BeginEvent: [R/LB] = [248370,163:1417990337653517760]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DataModelCompatSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [BeginEvent]
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Executing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Executing AthAlgSeq...
DecisionSvc DEBUG In DecisionSvc::isEventAccepted( Stream1 )
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::connectOutput outputName = [SimpleRootFile.root]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IoSvc/AthIoSvc
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service Athena::RootSvc/AthenaRootSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput outputFile = 4, openMode = UPDATE
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::connectOutput output = 4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE ::connect(4)...
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Connected to SimpleRootFile.root
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(2101,"*") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:*
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], *, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [, ], *, *)
Stream1 DEBUG Added object 2101,"ByteStreamEventInfo"
Stream1 DEBUG addItemObjects(1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers") called
Stream1 DEBUG Key:xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling tokenizeAtStep( [], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling tokenizeAtStep( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowers, *)
ByteStreamAddre... DEBUG Creating address for 1174216566 xAODTriggerTowers
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersMuon) with result: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare)
Stream1 VERBOSE If we are at the begin iterator and the first element is Not an empty string
Stream1 VERBOSE We had to match a precise name at the end, but didn't find it at the end
Stream1 VERBOSE Couldn't match every sub-string... return: 0
Stream1 VERBOSE Done calling matchKey( [xAODTriggerTowers], xAODTriggerTowersSpare) with result: 0
Stream1 DEBUG Going to attempt direct persistent copy for 1174216566,"xAODTriggerTowers"
Stream1 DEBUG Collected objects:
Stream1 DEBUG Object/count: EventInfo_ByteStreamEventInfo, 10
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::streamObjects(dobjs)
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE streaming out... [Athena::RootCnvSvc/AthenaRootCnvSvc]
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x6537ed0
AthenaRootCnv_2101VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = ByteStreamEventInfo
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo]
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG w-class: [EventInfo_p4]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::createObject type = EventInfo_p4
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = ByteStreamEventInfo, pObj = 0x7e93600
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=2101, par=, ByteStreamEventInfo ip=10, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_2101 DEBUG writing [2101/ByteStreamEventInfo] [done], entry = 10
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE --> [1/xAODTriggerTowers]...
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE ==cnvsvc::createRep==...
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep pObj = 0x65442d0
AthenaRootCnv_1 VERBOSE ::createRep identifier = xAODTriggerTowers
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers]
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG w-class: [DataObject]
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::writeObject placement = xAODTriggerTowers, pObj = 0
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::createAddress(svc_type=2, clid=1, par=, xAODTriggerTowers ip=10, 0 refpaddr=0)...
AthenaRootCnv_1 DEBUG writing [1/xAODTriggerTowers] [done], entry = 10
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::commitOutput
AthenaRootCnvSvc VERBOSE RootCnvSvc::commitOutput output = 4 do-commit=0
AthenaRootSvc VERBOSE RootSvc::commitOutput
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Committed: SimpleRootFile.root
AthOutSeq DEBUG Executing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq DEBUG Executing AthRegSeq...
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DecisionSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
DecisionSvc DEBUG handle() EndEvent for file: Undefined
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'StoreGateSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'InputMetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'DetectorStore' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'AlgContextSvc' for incident [EndEvent]
AthenaEventLoopMgr INFO ===>>> done processing event #3519023, run #248370 10 events processed so far <<<===
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0x6537ed0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0x81076d0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0x65378e0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0x6537890 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73800, recorded with key=ByteStreamDataHeader, CLID=222376821, containing data object @0x6537840 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from StoreGateSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [EndRun]
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AthenaEventLoopMgr
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ByteStreamCnvSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AuditorSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AlgContextSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service DetectorStore
DetectorStore INFO Stop DetectorStore
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service IOVSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ActiveStoreSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service EventSelector
EventSelector DEBUG Calling EventSelectorByteStream::stop()
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool' for incident [EndInputFile]
ToolSvc.ByteStr... INFO handle() EndInputFile, filename = stop
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataSvc' for incident [EndInputFile]
MetaDataSvc DEBUG handle() EndInputFile for stop
InputMetaDataStore DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0
InputMetaDataStoreVERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0x7d73560, recorded with key=ByteStreamMetadata, CLID=170625359, containing data object @0x6535180 ... -> DONE
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'IOVDbSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IOVDbSvc VERBOSE entering handle(), incident type StoreCleared from InputMetaDataStore
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'CoreDumpSvc' for incident [StoreCleared]
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool' for incident [LastInputFile]
ToolSvc.ByteStr... INFO handle() LastInputFile, filename = stop
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'MetaDataSvc' for incident [LastInputFile]
MetaDataSvc DEBUG handle() LastInputFile for stop
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ByteStreamInputSvc
ByteStreamInputSvc DEBUG Calling ByteStreamInputSvc::stop()
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ByteStreamAttListMetadataSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service HistogramDataSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service HistogramPersistencySvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AthenaRootCnvSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AthenaRootSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AthIoSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AthTPCnvSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service OutputStreamSequencerSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ItemListSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service StoreGateSvc
StoreGateSvc INFO Stop StoreGateSvc
StoreGateSvc INFO stop: setting service priority to 101 so that event stores get finalized and cleared before other stores
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ProxyProviderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service TagInfoMgr
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service IOVDbSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service MetaDataSvc
MetaDataSvc DEBUG Releasing MetaDataTools
MetaDataSvc.Ser...VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc VERBOSE Calling 'Stream1' for incident [MetaDataStop]
Stream1 DEBUG handle() incident type: MetaDataStop
Stream1 DEBUG Leaving handle
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service FileMgr
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AthenaPoolCnvSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service PoolSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service DBReplicaSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service IoComponentMgr
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AthenaRootStreamerSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service DataModelCompatSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service MetaDataStore
MetaDataStore INFO Stop MetaDataStore
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service InputMetaDataStore
InputMetaDataStore INFO Stop InputMetaDataStore
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ROBDataProviderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service EventPersistencySvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service DecisionSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ChronoStatSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ClassIDSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service CoreDumpSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AthenaSealSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AthDictLoaderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service ToolSvc
ToolSvc DEBUG STOP transition for AlgTools
ToolSvc VERBOSE Stream1.Stream1_excluded::stop()
ToolSvc VERBOSE Stream1.Stream1_TopFolder::stop()
ToolSvc VERBOSE ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool::stop()
ToolSvc VERBOSE Stream1.Stream1Tool::stop()
ToolSvc VERBOSE EventSelector.xAODMaker::EventInfoSelectorTool::stop()
ToolSvc VERBOSE IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc::stop()
ToolSvc VERBOSE ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool::stop()
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service AppMgrRunable
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service IncidentSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Stopping service StatusCodeSvc
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AthenaEventLoopMgr
Stream1 DEBUG finalize: Optimize output
Stream1.Stream1...VERBOSE RootOutputStreamTool::finalizeOutput
Stream1 DEBUG finalize: end optimize output
AthAlgSeq INFO Finalizing AthAlgSeq...
AthOutSeq INFO Finalizing AthOutSeq...
AthRegSeq INFO Finalizing AthRegSeq...
AthMasterSeq INFO Finalizing AthMasterSeq...
AthAlgSeq DEBUG Calling destructor
AthOutSeq DEBUG Calling destructor
AthRegSeq DEBUG Calling destructor
AthMasterSeq DEBUG Calling destructor
IncidentSvc DEBUG Removing [AbortEvent] listener '<unknown>'
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service StoreGateSvc
StoreGateSvc INFO Finalizing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-02-45-01-01
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73870, recorded with key=ByteStreamEventInfo, CLID=2101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d70ee0, recorded with key=JetElements, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d70f50, recorded with key=JetElementsOverlap, CLID=6203, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d70fc0, recorded with key=JEMEtSums, CLID=3490292, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d710a0, recorded with key=CMXJetHits, CLID=40333703, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73790, recorded with key=EventInfoAtts, CLID=40774348, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d736b0, recorded with key=EventInfo, CLID=45903698, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d70d20, recorded with key=CMXCPTobs, CLID=52007460, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d70e00, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIs, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d70e70, recorded with key=CPMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=80981142, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71110, recorded with key=CMXEtSums, CLID=87855916, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d70c40, recorded with key=CPMTowers, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d70cb0, recorded with key=CPMTowersOverlap, CLID=88388307, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d70d90, recorded with key=CMXCPHits, CLID=99664276, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71490, recorded with key=RODHeaders, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71570, recorded with key=RODHeadersCP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d715e0, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71730, recorded with key=RODHeadersCPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71650, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d716c0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoI, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d717a0, recorded with key=RODHeadersJEPRoIB, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71500, recorded with key=RODHeadersPP, CLID=105792013, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71260, recorded with key=CMXRoIs, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d712d0, recorded with key=CMXRoIsRoIB, CLID=133156981, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71180, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIs, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d711f0, recorded with key=JEMTobRoIsRoIB, CLID=165898968, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71810, recorded with key=L1CaloUnpackingErrors, CLID=177480351, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71030, recorded with key=CMXJetTobs, CLID=201376881, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73720, recorded with key=EventInfoAux., CLID=38853911, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71340, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowers, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d71420, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersMuon, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d713b0, recorded with key=xAODTriggerTowersSpare, CLID=1174216566, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ByteStreamCnvSvc
ByteStreamCnvSvc DEBUG releasing all workers
EventInfoByteSt... INFO finalize
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AlgContextSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Removing [BeginEvent] listener 'AlgContextSvc'
IncidentSvc DEBUG Removing [EndEvent] listener 'AlgContextSvc'
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service DetectorStore
DetectorStore INFO Finalizing DetectorStore - package version StoreGate-02-45-01-01
DetectorStore DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1
DetectorStore VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73b80, recorded with key=ProcessingTags, CLID=61780915, containing data object @0x65356d0 ... -> DONE
DetectorStore VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d735d0, recorded with key=CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas, CLID=167960877, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
DetectorStore VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73640, recorded with key=LArTTCellMapAtlas, CLID=174159653, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
DetectorStore VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73bf0, recorded with key=CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas, CLID=196539089, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
DetectorStore VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73a30, recorded with key=CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas, CLID=267570070, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service IOVSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ActiveStoreSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service EventSelector
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ByteStreamInputSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ByteStreamAttListMetadataSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AthenaRootCnvSvc
AthenaRootCnvSvc DEBUG releasing all workers
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AthenaRootSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AthIoSvc
AthIoSvc INFO Finalizing AthIoSvc...
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AthTPCnvSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service OutputStreamSequencerSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ItemListSvc
ItemListSvc DEBUG ItemListSvc finalize
ItemListSvc INFO STREAM Stream1 has (1) items
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ProxyProviderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service TagInfoMgr
TagInfoMgr DEBUG finalize()
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service IOVDbSvc
IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas (PoolRef) db-read 0/0 objs/chan/bytes 0/1/0 (( 0.00 ))s
IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas (PoolRef) db-read 0/0 objs/chan/bytes 0/1/0 (( 0.00 ))s
IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /CALO/Ofl/Identifier/CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas (PoolRef) db-read 0/0 objs/chan/bytes 0/1/0 (( 0.00 ))s
IOVDbSvc INFO Folder /LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas (PoolRef) db-read 0/0 objs/chan/bytes 0/1/0 (( 0.00 ))s
IOVDbSvc INFO Total payload read from COOL: 0 bytes in (( 0.00 ))s
IOVDbSvc INFO Connection sqlite://;schema=mycool.db;dbname=OFLP200 : nConnect: 0 nFolders: 0 ReadTime: (( 0.00 ))s
IOVDbSvc INFO Connection COOLOFL_LAR/OFLP200 : nConnect: 1 nFolders: 1 ReadTime: (( 0.00 ))s
IOVDbSvc INFO Connection COOLOFL_CALO/OFLP200 : nConnect: 1 nFolders: 3 ReadTime: (( 0.00 ))s
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service MetaDataSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AthenaPoolCnvSvc
AthenaPoolCnvSvc DEBUG releasing all workers
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service PoolSvc
PoolSvc INFO I/O finalization...
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service DBReplicaSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service IoComponentMgr
IoComponentMgr DEBUG --> finalize()
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AthenaRootStreamerSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service DataModelCompatSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service MetaDataStore
MetaDataStore INFO Finalizing MetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-45-01-01
MetaDataStore DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1
MetaDataStore VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73950, recorded with key=ByteStreamMetadata, CLID=1076128893, containing data object @0x65350e0 ... -> DONE
MetaDataStore VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x6528310, recorded with key=/TagInfo, CLID=1316383046, containing data object @0x6535ea0 ... -> DONE
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service InputMetaDataStore
InputMetaDataStore INFO Finalizing InputMetaDataStore - package version StoreGate-02-45-01-01
InputMetaDataStore DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1
InputMetaDataStoreVERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0x7d73560, recorded with key=ByteStreamMetadata, CLID=170625359, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ROBDataProviderSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service EventPersistencySvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service DecisionSvc
DecisionSvc INFO List of registered 1 Streams: Stream1
DecisionSvc INFO Finalized successfully.
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ClassIDSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service CoreDumpSvc
CoreDumpSvc DEBUG Finalizing CoreDumpSvc
CoreDumpSvc DEBUG Uninstalling signal handler
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AthenaSealSvc
AthenaSealSvc DEBUG finalize() in AthenaSealSvc
AthenaSealSvc VERBOSE Classes checked:
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AthDictLoaderSvc
AthDictLoaderSvc INFO in finalize...
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ToolSvc
ToolSvc INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
ToolSvc DEBUG Tool List : Stream1.Stream1_excluded:2 Stream1.Stream1_TopFolder:2 ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool:1 Stream1.Stream1Tool:1 EventSelector.xAODMaker::EventInfoSelectorTool:1 IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc:1 ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool:2
ToolSvc DEBUG 7 tools left to finalize. Summed refCounts: 10
ToolSvc DEBUG Will finalize tools with refCount <= 1
ToolSvc DEBUG Delaying finalization of ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool (refCount 2)
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing finalization of IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc (refCount 1)
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing finalization of EventSelector.xAODMaker::EventInfoSelectorTool (refCount 1)
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing finalization of Stream1.Stream1Tool (refCount 1)
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing finalization of ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool (refCount 1)
ToolSvc.ByteStr... INFO in finalize()
ToolSvc DEBUG Delaying finalization of Stream1.Stream1_TopFolder (refCount 2)
ToolSvc DEBUG Delaying finalization of Stream1.Stream1_excluded (refCount 2)
ToolSvc DEBUG 3 tools left to finalize. Summed refCounts: 6
ToolSvc DEBUG Will finalize tools with refCount <= 2
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing finalization of ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool (refCount 2)
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing finalization of Stream1.Stream1_TopFolder (refCount 2)
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing finalization of Stream1.Stream1_excluded (refCount 2)
ToolSvc DEBUG Deleting 7 finalized tools
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing deletion of IOVSvc.StoreGateSvc
IOVSvc.StoreGat... DEBUG Calling destructor
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing deletion of EventSelector.xAODMaker::EventInfoSelectorTool
EventSelector.x... DEBUG Calling destructor
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing deletion of Stream1.Stream1Tool
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Calling destructor
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing deletion of ToolSvc.ByteStreamMetadataTool
ToolSvc.ByteStr... DEBUG Calling destructor
ToolSvc VERBOSE Delaying deletion of ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool (refCount 2)
ToolSvc VERBOSE Delaying deletion of Stream1.Stream1_TopFolder (refCount 2)
ToolSvc VERBOSE Delaying deletion of Stream1.Stream1_excluded (refCount 2)
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing deletion of ToolSvc.IOVDbMetaDataTool
ToolSvc.IOVDbMe... DEBUG Calling destructor
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing deletion of Stream1.Stream1_TopFolder
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Calling destructor
ToolSvc DEBUG Performing deletion of Stream1.Stream1_excluded
Stream1.Stream1... DEBUG Calling destructor
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AppMgrRunable
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service IncidentSvc
IncidentSvc DEBUG Incident timing: Mean(+-rms)/Min/Max:1.64079(+-6.53289)/0/32.995[ms] Total:0.063991[s]
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service HistogramDataSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service HistogramPersistencySvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service ChronoStatSvc
*****Chrono***** INFO ****************************************************************************************************
*****Chrono***** INFO The Final CPU consumption ( Chrono ) Table (ordered)
*****Chrono***** INFO ****************************************************************************************************
AthenaSealSvc::... INFO Time User : Tot= 123 [ms] #= 1
ChronoStatSvc INFO Time User : Tot= 4.23 [s] #= 1
*****Chrono***** INFO ****************************************************************************************************
ChronoStatSvc.f... INFO Service finalized successfully
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service AuditorSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service FileMgr
FileMgr VERBOSE FileMgr::finalize()
FileMgr INFO Listing registered handlers:
FileMgr INFO listing registered files [0]:
FileMgr INFO listing registered actions
--- Tech: ALL ---
OPEN boost::_bi::bind_t<StatusCode,boost::_mfi::mf2<StatusCode,MetaDataSvc,Io::FileAttr const*,std::string const&>,boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<MetaDataSvc*>,boost::arg<1>,boost::arg<2> > >
FileMgr DEBUG Service finalised successfully
ServiceManager DEBUG Finalizing service StatusCodeSvc
ServiceManager DEBUG Looping over all active services...
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- StatusCodeSvc (refCount = 4)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- MessageSvc (refCount = 76)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- JobOptionsSvc (refCount = 72)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- FileMgr (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AuditorSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ChronoStatSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- HistogramPersistencySvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- HistogramDataSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- IncidentSvc (refCount = 17)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AppMgrRunable (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ToolSvc (refCount = 9)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AthDictLoaderSvc (refCount = 5)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AthenaSealSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- CoreDumpSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ClassIDSvc (refCount = 14)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- DecisionSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- EventPersistencySvc (refCount = 9)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ROBDataProviderSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- InputMetaDataStore (refCount = 5)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- MetaDataStore (refCount = 5)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- DataModelCompatSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AthenaRootStreamerSvc (refCount = 4)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- IoComponentMgr (refCount = 6)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- DBReplicaSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- PoolSvc (refCount = 4)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AthenaPoolCnvSvc (refCount = 6)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- MetaDataSvc (refCount = 5)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- IOVDbSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- TagInfoMgr (refCount = 6)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ProxyProviderSvc (refCount = 6)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ItemListSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- OutputStreamSequencerSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AthTPCnvSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AthIoSvc (refCount = 15)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AthenaRootSvc (refCount = 13)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AthenaRootCnvSvc (refCount = 6)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ByteStreamAttListMetadataSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ByteStreamInputSvc (refCount = 3)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- EventSelector (refCount = 4)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ActiveStoreSvc (refCount = 22)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- IOVSvc (refCount = 4)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- DetectorStore (refCount = 5)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AlgContextSvc (refCount = 2)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- ByteStreamCnvSvc (refCount = 7)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- StoreGateSvc (refCount = 10)
ServiceManager DEBUG ---- AthenaEventLoopMgr (refCount = 3)
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"
# ==============================================================================
# Change the input file
InputFile = "/afs/cern.ch/work/h/hristova/public/M7/248370/data14_cos.00248370.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0163._SFO-ALL._0001.1"
# ==============================================================================
from ByteStreamCnvSvc import ReadByteStream
svcMgr.ByteStreamInputSvc.FullFileName = [InputFile]
#from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
#globalflags.DetGeo = 'atlas'
#globalflags.DataSource = 'data'
#from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
from AthenaRootComps.OutputStreamAthenaRoot import createOutputStream
Stream1 = createOutputStream( "Stream1" , "SimpleRootFile.root" , True )
svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 0
Stream1.ItemList += [ "xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer#xAODTriggerTowers" ]
from StoreGate.StoreGateConf import StoreGateSvc
Stream1.Store = StoreGateSvc( "StoreGateSvc" )
Stream1.PersToPers = True #?
theApp.EvtMax = 10
# ==============================================================================