7/29/2018 - 12:38 PM

git log

whiteknife@whiteknife-PC:~/gsoc/robertalab$ git log --oneline
1660a0271 (HEAD -> develop) set the single-user tag from Rest Call and removed single-user.json file
9e0eaace7 Update rundesktopapp.sh
911b6ffd5 Proposal for Database #957
27c3d1519 Read single-user from command Line
c2e9daed9 Proposal for single-uer #947 Update the Server pom.xml created a default user hide gallery and login for single-user and rundesktopapp.sh script for desktop app
577a27e62 Set random port for server
ff67aecd0 Removed RunServer and RunDesktop and also Thread.sleep()
267c45fa5 Remove frame.setUndecorated(true);
75f3781f4 Update the Frame to show close maximize and minimize button as well
62cfd521c Update Frame From full screen to 1380*760
db0225907 Create seprate classes for Server and DesktopApp to run
0d507761d Remove the ServerStarter.main() until few bugs are fixed
c1894d05c Update DesktopApp.java
9975b8488 Set random port for server
8aa2bd15b Removed RunServer and RunDesktop and also Thread.sleep()
88d52d15b Update pom and made a run script to run the app
949d6a688 Remove frame.setUndecorated(true);
b4d36eeae Update the Frame to show close maximize and minimize button as well
fe50a0bca Update Frame From full screen to 1380*760
538dfae4c Create seprate classes for Server and DesktopApp to run
403b52fc2 Removed unnecessary Imports
1f0cdb454 Set the Server Address to localhost:1999
a7f4f9c61 Added the OpenRobertaDesktop to the Parent Project so that it gets compiles as we Compile the Parent
d943c84d0 Removed unnecessary Imports
c5fc8f031 Remove the ServerStarter.main() until few bugs are fixed
c7954e082 Edit Pom.xml
de30947e2 Update DesktopApp.java
d87b56cd2 Update the Browser URL
5d34a4b8d Added Thread to run the ServerStarter.main()
cf2b514da Added the dependency for OpenrobertaServer
0e4f4fa3c Added Jar For OpenRobertaServer
5e019e20d Refactor Code
0e789714c Initial Commit
2b5f8dda5 (upstream/develop) issue #965 repeat while/until re-implemented and tested. Interpreter enhancements: native re-designed as class to ease the debugging Remark: state.ts and interpreter.ts will follow
dfdbf6c45 next version is planned to be 2.8.2
62f88418c add user agent lib
d0a214cd1 preparing integration of hotfix (version 2.8.1)
e00bb8182 (tag: Hotfix-2.8.1, upstream/master, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) hotfix version 2.8.1
b775d61d2 Merge branch 'hotfix_2.8.1'
3d0dd5837 prepare hotfix 2.8.1, fix encoding problem for umlauts in wedo, fix default robot in start popup
e303fb91e improve naming wedo configuragion
b72df2ceb add exeptions for statistics logger
91184684e fix configuration shown, when not needed, e.g. calliope
b46ea3bb0 next version is planned to be 2.8.1
4688016a2 (tag: ORA-2.8.0) deployment of version 2.8.0
683f4bf4b prepare release 2.8.0
6a64d61f1 #914 remove list block in math, revise german help file, add arduino icon again
9abf5531f #914 add first version of german help file, remove tablet icon from wedo name
3532411f5 #914 add css support for IOS
5e5327f90 #914 add wedo icon + background, remove beta from botnroll, bob3,nao. Test one click event for iPad webview
253fb1836 rename device to brickid in wedo app communication,  #914 activate led off, #943 check for no help available
ce0447707 #914 fix binary expr
0bb5b7c14 #914 add slots for gyro sensor, improve wedo state, fix timer