Usefull Powershell Commands
# Import all modules available on the system
Get-Module -ListAvailable | Import-Module
# Sort directory contents
Get-ChildItem -path . | sort-object lastwritetime -descending
# Start a new powershell prompt and give it a command to execute
Start-Process powershell "-noexit -command `"cd $place`""
# Run a cmd command and capture it's output
$a = ipconfig
# Find the error code of the last command that is external, greater than 0, not successful
# Find if the last cmd-let was successful
# Access error objects
# Match a string when filtering
get-childitem | where { $_.Name -match "visual"}
# Rename multiple files
get-childitem *.sql | rename-item -newname {$_.Name + "idk"}
# Move multiple files
move-item .\*.sql '..\other place\subdir'
# Open multiple files
get-childitem .\*.png |foreach-object {start-process $_.FullName -wait}
# Access computer remotely using PSSession
$creds = Get-Credential
$server = New-PSSession -ComputerName mycomputername -Credential $creds
Enter-PSSession $server
# Compress a file using 7zip - put anything for *.txt (selector)
7za a -t7z archiveName.7z *.txt
# Create new folder
new-item -type directory
# Expand a property name to show completely
get-service | select -expandProperty Name
# Start service on local machine
Get-Service -Name "Mongos" | Start-Service
# Start service on remote machine
Get-Service -Name "Mongos" -ComputerName loon-api | Set-Service -Status Running
copy-item C:\TEMP\installation.msi -Destination Q:\
# Access IIS features
Import-Module WebAdministration
# Create a web application in IIS
New-Item 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\DemoApp' -physicalPath c:\test -type Application