Install Chocolatey and Scoop package managers for Windows + basic set of utilities and software
Function Install-Scoop {
New-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" `
-propertyType ExpandString `
-name "SCOOP_GLOBAL" `
-value "${ENV:PROGRAMDATA}\scoop"
Invoke-WebRequest '' | Invoke-Expression
'scoop install Git-with-OpenSSH Sudo Which --global' | Set-Content -path temp_script.ps1
Start-Process PowerShell -verb RunAs -argument "-noProfile $(Convert-Path .\temp_script.ps1)"
Remove-Item temp_script.ps1 -force
scoop bucket add Extras
scoop bucket add Nirsoft
Function Install-Chocolatey-OldWay {
Start-Process PowerShell -verb RunAs -argument "-noProfile Invoke-WebRequest '' | Invoke-Expression"
pushd "${env:ChocolateyInstall}\tools"
sudo .\shimgen --output="..\bin\shimgen.exe" --path="..\tools\shimgen.exe" | Out-Null
Function Install-Chocolatey {
Install-PackageProvider Chocolatey -scope CurrentUser
Set-PackageSource -name Chocolatey -trusted
Function Install-ChocolateyPackages-OldWay {
# Basic utilities
sudo choco install 7zip.install 7zip.commandline -y -pre
# Libraries
sudo choco install VCredist-All JRE8 -y
# Registry, Environment, System Management utilities
sudo choco install Rapidee RegistryManager DoubleCmd Rufus SysInternals SystemExplorer -y
scoop install OpenedFilesView
# Shells, Terminals and launchers
sudo choco install CmderMini Keypirinha LinkShellExtension Putty Streams -y
# Text editors, finders and organizers
sudo choco install NotepadPlusPlus.install --x86 -y
sudo shimgen --output="${env:ChocolateyPath}\bin\npp.exe" `
--path="${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" `
--iconPath="${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" `
sudo choco install Everything Ditto.install -y
# Internet
sudo choco install QbitTorrent GoogleChrome -y
# Media viewers / managers
sudo choco install SumatraPDF.install Calibre Vlc Foobar2000 Fsviewer Dropbox -y
# Development IDEs
sudo choco install Webstorm Phpstorm -y
# Development tools
sudo choco install Kdiff3 Winscp.portable Lepter jq -y
Function Install-ChocolateyPackages {
[Parameter( Mandatory )]
[String[]] $packages
$packages | ForEach { Install-Package $_ -verbose }
Function Install-ScoopPackages {
[Parameter( Mandatory )]
[String[]] $packages
$packages | ForEach { scoop install $_ }
$chocoPackages = @(
'7zip.install', '7zip.commandline', # Basic utilities
'VCredist-All', 'JavaRuntime', # Libraries
'Rapidee', 'RegistryManager', 'Rufus', # Registry, Environment, System Management utilities
'SysInternals', 'SystemExplorer', #
'CmderMini', 'DoubleCmd', 'Keypirinha', # Shells, Terminals and Launchers
'LinkShellExtension', 'Putty', 'Streams', #
'Ditto.install', 'Everything', # Text editors, finders and organizers
'NotepadPlusPlus.install', #
'QbitTorrent', 'GoogleChrome', # Internet
'SumatraPDF.install', 'Calibre', 'Vlc', # Media viewers / Managers
'Foobar2000', 'Fsviewer', 'Dropbox', #
'Webstorm', 'Phpstorm', # Development IDEs
'Kdiff3', 'WinSCP.portable', 'Lepter', 'jq' # Development tools
$chocoPackagesLight = @(
'7zip.install', '7zip.commandline', # Basic utilities
'Rapidee', 'RegistryManager', 'SystemExplorer', # Registry, Environment, System Management utilities
'CmderMini', 'Keypirinha', 'DoubleCmd', # Shells, Terminals and Launchers
'LinkShellExtension', 'Putty', #
'Everything', 'NotepadPlusPlus.install', # Text editors, finders and organizers
'QbitTorrent', 'GoogleChrome', # Internet
'SumatraPDF.install', 'Vlc', # Media viewers / Managers
'Foobar2000', 'Fsviewer' #
$chocoPackagesX86 = @(
'NotepadPlusPlus.install' # Text editors, finders and organizers
$scoopPackages = @(
'Filetypesman', 'ShellExView', # Registry, Environment, System Management utilities
'ShellMenuView', 'RegDllView', #
'OpenedFilesView' #
sudo Install-Chocolatey
sudo Install-ChocolateyPackages $chocoPackagesLight
Install-ScoopPackages $scoopPackages