Sortable List in Angular with add and remove functions expands upon sortable demo at
'use strict';
controller('sortableListController', [
function($scope) {
$scope.listOfObjects = ["Item 1","Item2", "Item3", "Item4"];
var sortableEle;
$scope.sortableArray = $scope.listOfObjects;
//The newArray object changes contents of sortable array
$scope.changeListContents = function (newArray){
$scope.sortableArray = newArray;
//add and remove specific list item by name (listItem represents a String)
//empty argument result in last list item being removed or empty item added to list
$scope.add = function( listItem ) {
$scope.sortableArray.push( listItem );
$scope.remove = function( ListItem ) {
$scope.sortableArray.splice($scope.sortableArray.indexOf( listItem ), 1);
$scope.dragStart = function(e, ui) {'start', ui.item.index());
$scope.dragEnd = function(e, ui) {
var start ='start'),
end = ui.item.index();
$scope.sortableArray.splice(end, 0,
$scope.sortableArray.splice(start, 1)[0]);
//<ul> id can replace #SortableList
sortableEle = $('#SortableList').sortable({
start: $scope.dragStart,
update: $scope.dragEnd