1/10/2018 - 4:54 AM


  "label"=>"Review my lending",
   "Would you like a complementary review of your lending? Our finance experts can review your loans to ensure you're getting the best deal from your lender. We can also help with new loans and refinancing requirements."},
     "values"=>[{"value"=>"equity", "caption"=>"I'm looking to access some equity"}, {"value"=>"moving", "caption"=>"I'm thinking about moving"}, {"value"=>"general", "caption"=>"General research"}],
     "label"=>"What is your reason?"}],
  "label"=>"Value my property",
  "description"=>"Find out the latest value of a property you own. We can also provide detailed property reports. Both of these services are free of charge."},
  "label"=>"Manage my property",
  "description"=>"Looking for someone to manage your investment property? Or perhaps you'd like a complementary review of your rental yield? Get in touch, we'd love to help."},
  "label"=>"Sell my property",
  "description"=>"Speak with one of our sales specialists to discuss a sales strategy suited to your needs. "},
  "name"=>"Find a property",
  "label"=>"Find a property",
  "description"=>"Are you looking for your next property purchase? Our in house real estate experts can help you at every step. Initial consultations are free of charge."},
  "label"=>"Talk to a planner",
  "description"=>"Need some advice on building your wealth? Our expert Financial Planners are on hand to tailor a plan for you. Initial consultations are free of charge."}]