7/10/2018 - 5:01 PM


//here we allow for skipping questions based on url parameters
 function prepopulateValues() {
     //first method which decides whether to use cookie or query string to prepopulate
    function decideOperations(nextOperation) {
        //detect if it's IE and return if necessary
        if (detectMSIE() == true) {
        //create the schema object based on which opsType we are running
        return nextOperation(assignValuesToDom);
    //have to create a schema of the questions order, ids, values, and identify which were prepopped
    function createSchemaObjects(callback) {
        var params = queryStringToJSON(window.location.href.split('#')[0]);
        if (params.zip_code) {
            params.zipcode = params.zip_code;
        //for when someone just runs this onload in site.js or such, make sure it doesn't do anything to fuck up the whole form if there are no params on the qs
        if (params != window.location.href) {
            var pathQuestions = [],
                questionCount = 1;

            //grab each of the questions on the current form
            $(document).find('fieldset').each(function () {
                //grab current element we are iterating overs basic data that we will want
                questionId = $(this).prop('id');
                //empty the array each fieldset
                questionInput = [],
                nameObj = {};
                //find the relevant inputs
                $(this).find('input, select').each(function () {
                    let value = '';
                    if ($(this).prop('name') in questionInput) {
                    //if it's the first one in the fieldset, no need to check if the array already contains it
                    let name = $(this).prop('name');
                    if (params.hasOwnProperty(name)) {

                        // don't replace plus signs on emails
                        if (name === "email") {
                            value = params[name];
                        } else if (name === "est_purchase_price") {
                            if (params[name] === "" || params[name] == 0) {
                                value = "155000";
                            } else {
                                value = params[name];
                        } else {
                            value = params[name].replace(/\+/g, ' ');

                        //put object into the array if it is contained in prepop data
                        nameObj[name] = value;

                //push it to the schema
        //keeping our functions local and instantiating them from each other keeps it easy to control scope and execution order
        return callback(params, pathQuestions, null);
    //attempt to prepop the values into the document, and then update the schema based on what values were successfully updated
    function assignValuesToDom(params, pathQuestions, callback) {
        var questionParentId;
        //for each of the values in prepop questions schema, we identify the corresponding DOM element, then attempt to populate it with the value from params objec
        var frames = pathQuestions.length;
        for (var key = 0; key < frames; key++) {
            if (pathQuestions[key].questionInput.length != 0) {
                $.each(pathQuestions[key].questionInput, function (name, value) {
                    question_name = Object.keys(value)[0];
                    question_value = Object.values(value)[0];
                    //the corresponding document object to the item in the prepop questions array which we are currently iterating over
                    var inputTarget,

                    if ($(document).find('input[name="' + question_name + '"]').length != 0) {
                        inputTarget = $(document).find('input[name="' + question_name + '"]')
                    } else if ($(document).find('select[name="' + question_name + '"]').length != 0) {
                        selectTarget = $(document).find('select[name="' + question_name + '"]');

                    if (inputTarget) {
                        //get its id
                        questionParentId = inputTarget.parents('.card').prop('id') || selectTarget.parents('.card').prop('id');
                        //there could be more than one domTarget element in our current scope, so have to iterate over them individually
                        inputTarget.each(function () {
                            let success = false;
                            if (this.type == "radio") {
                                //if it's a radio, we need to find which ones value matchs the schema, and give it checked attribute
                                if (this.value.toLowerCase() == question_value.toLowerCase()) {
                                    this.checked = true;
                                    //if we did assign it, success for this element is true
                                    success = true;
                            } else if (this.type == 'hidden' || this.type == 'text' || this.type == 'number' || this.type == 'tel' || this.type == 'email') {
                                //if it's text or hidden, go ahead and just place the value in, hope they didn't typo
                                this.value = decodeURIComponent(question_value);
                                if (this.getAttribute('id') == 'propValuePost') {
                                    curValue = this.value.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","),
                                        arrayPosition = estPropValues.indexOf(curValue);

                                        value: arrayPosition
                                    setPriceDisplay(estPropValues, arrayPosition, 'prop');
                                if (this.getAttribute('id') == 'mortgageValuePost') {
                                    curValue = this.value.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","),
                                        arrayPosition = estMortgageValues.indexOf(curValue);

                                        value: arrayPosition
                                    setPriceDisplay(estMortgageValues, arrayPosition, 'mortgage');

                                if (this.getAttribute('id') == 'purchaseValuePost') {
                                    curValue = this.value.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","),
                                        arrayPosition = estPurchaseValues.indexOf(curValue);

                                        value: arrayPosition
                                    setPriceDisplay(estPurchaseValues, arrayPosition, 'mortgage');
                            //again if we did place, we consider a success
                            success = true;
                            pathQuestions[key].questionInput[name][question_name].prepopped = 1;
                    if (selectTarget) {
                        questionParentId = selectTarget.parents('.card').prop('id') || selectTarget.parents('.card').prop('id');
                        //support for selects / dropdowns
                        selectTarget.each(function () {
                            let success = false;
                            for (var i = 0; i < $(this)[0].options.length; i++) {
                                //cant do vals on these must target by ordinal position which matches the prepop value in the select options
                                let option = $(this)[0].options[i];
                                if (option.value.toLowerCase() == pathQuestions[key].questionInput[name][question_name].toLowerCase()) {
                                    $(this)[0].selectedIndex = i;
                                    success = true;
                                    pathQuestions[key].questionInput[name][question_name].prepopped = 1;
                                } else {
                                    success = false;
        var prepopEvent = new Event('prepop done');
        if (params.zipcode) {
            doZipCodeOperations(params.zipcode, false, true, false);
        if (params.property_zip) {
            doZipCodeOperations(params.property_zip, true, false, false);
        return window.dispatchEvent(prepopEvent);
    //make this function chain able to be execut by prepopulateValues()