function afterSumbitUpdateTimeTracking(type) {
var TIME_TRANSACTION = 'custcol_atc_transaction';
// get the current invoice record
var currentRecordId = nlapiGetRecordId();
var currentRec = nlapiLoadRecord('invoice', currentRecordId);
// get the number of line Time Tracking items submitted
var lines = currentRec.getLineItemCount('time');
//parse the list of time records
var i = 1;
for (i; i<=lines; i++) {
//g et the ID of the Time Tracking
var timeRecId = currentRec.getLineItemValue('time', 'doc', i);
var timeSelected = currentRec.getLineItemValue('time', 'apply', i);
// if it's selected on the invoice, update its custom field
if (timeSelected == 'T') {
nlapiSubmitField('timebill', timeRecId, TIME_TRANSACTION, currentRecordId);
} else {
// ensure that updates on invoices when Time Tracking records are unapplied
var timeRecord = nlapiLoadRecord('timebill', timeRecId);
var invoiceNoSet = timeRecord.getFieldValue(TIME_TRANSACTION);
if (invoiceNoSet != null) {
nlapiSubmitField('timebill', timeRecId, TIME_TRANSACTION, null);