9/28/2016 - 12:15 PM


% counts # of words in stirng
wordc([], 0).
wordc([A], WC) :-        % A is part of a word at the end of the list.
  -> WC is 1
  ; WC is 0, !.
wordc([A,B|AS], WC) :-    % A is the last char of a word.
  \+ is_alpha(B),
  wordc(AS, WC1),
  WC is WC1 + 1, !.
wordc([_|AS], WC) :-      % A is a char within a word or A is a space
  wordc(AS, WC1),
  WC is WC1, !.

%counts # of chars in string
charc([], 0).
charc([A|AS], CC) :-
  charc(AS, CC1),
  CC is CC1 + 1, !.
charc([A|AS], CC) :-
  \+ is_alpha(A),
  charc(AS, CC1),
  CC is CC1 + 0, !.

medellangd([], 0).
medellangd(Text, AvgLen) :-
  wordc(Text, WC), charc(Text, CC),
  AvgLen is (CC / WC), !.