4/15/2016 - 10:53 AM

Countdowns & Timers

Countdowns & Timers

•	Countdown: $tf((2014y12m25d0h0m0s, D'd ' hh'h' mm'm' ss's'))$

Days to or from the first Calendar Event date
$tf(ci(start, 0), D)$ 

•	add days to $wi(icon)$: wf(icon, xx) where xx is the number of days

•	Time between sunrise and sunset: $tf(ai(sunset) - ai(sunrise), "hh:mm")$

•	 Amount of letters: to cut the result of either scenario us this:$tc(cut,if(nc(wifi)=CONNECTED,tc(up, nc(ssid)),nc(dtypes)),10)$ To cut just the result when connected, us this:$if(nc(wifi)=CONNECTED,tc(cut,tc(up, nc(ssid)),10),nc(dtypes))$

•	In general dates support math, so you can ai(sunset) - ai(sunrise) gives you the number of seconds between the 2, then tf() accepts seconds as a parameter so you can format a number of seconds.

•	escape commas in querys: Use quotes and + so, $if(gv(current) = 1, li(country) + "," + 
li(postal) + "," + li(addr), 0)$7