9/1/2016 - 1:21 PM


* Note. "selected size" is a Simple SKU

describe('When user first comes to /wishlist page', ()=> {
    describe('and session header x-zalando-customer is missing', ()=> {
        it('should be redirected to /login page', ()=> {
                expect and evaluated result

    describe('and all headers are present', ()=> {
        it('should render a wishlist with items on it', ()=> {
                - expect wishlist is not empty
                - expect total items equals to N.

    describe('and user start scrolling down', ()=> {
        it('should load more items', ()=> {
                - expect total items equals to N.

describe('When user use Wishlist on the desktop and it has items', ()=> {
    it('should see an image in the item', ()=> {
            - expect image is present in the item

    it('should see description of the item', ()=> {
            - expect three lines of description are present for a given SKU(eg. article)
            I said given SKU, because for some items we do not have three lines

    it('should see price for "selected size"', ()=> {
            - expect the price and VAT info are visible

    it('should see discounted price for "selected size"', ()=> {
            - expect original and discounted price are visible along with VAT

    it('should see prices for items without size not being selected', ()=> {
            - expect price and vat infor visible with keyword “from” in front

    it('should see "selected size" with sufficient stock', ()=> {
            - expect the selected size is visible

    it('should display stock info when a "selected size" has 2 items in stock.', ()=> {
            - expect stock info for items are visible in the size selector(drop down)

    it('should display out "of stock" info if there is no items available in stock', ()=> {
            - expect out of stock info is visible

    it('should display "Add to cart" button for "selected size" which is available in stock', ()=> {
            - expect button with a text "Add to cart"

    it('should display "Request size" button for "selected size" which is not available in stock', ()=> {
            - expect button with a text "Request size"

    it('should be able to see new picture on click right or left arrows', ()=> {
            - expect new pictures are visible on clicks

    it('should be able to click on "info title", "description", "more links" and be redirected to Product Info Page', ()=> {
            - expect links are exists and clickable.

    it('should be able to click on "size selctor(dropdown)"', ()=> {
            - expect a dropdown list visible.
            - expect stock info visible in the dropdown list for certin item

    it('should be able to click on "Add to cart"', ()=> {
            - expect a button changes to “Already to cart”
            - expect number of items in the header(cart bubble) count updates
            - expect the items are present on cart (we can navigate to cart and see if needed)

    it('should be able to click on "Already on cart"', ()=> {
            - expect that button has disabled state and not clickable

    it('should be able to click on "Request size"', ()=> {
            - expect button changes to “size requested

    it('should be able to click on "Close icon" in the top right corner of each item', ()=> {
            - expect item is removed from Wishlist

describe('When user use Wishlist on the desktop and it has no items', ()=> {
    it('should dispaly an empty Wishlit view', ()=> {
            - expect Wishlist doesn't contains items and description of the empty Wishlist is present.