8/15/2013 - 8:04 PM

Matt Ahrens describes implementation, logic and tuning of the new write throttle in ZFS. This is a far better implementation than what is th

Matt Ahrens describes implementation, logic and tuning of the new write throttle in ZFS. This is a far better implementation than what is there now and level of detail here is great. Thank you Matt!

This review mainly consists of two related performance improvements:

1. The ZFS i/o scheduler (vdev_queue.c) now divides i/os into 5 classes: sync read, sync write, async read, async write, and scrub/resilver.  The scheduler issues a number of concurrent i/os from each class to the device.  Once a class has been selected, an i/o is selected from this class using either an elevator algorithem (async, scrub classes) or FIFO (sync classes).  The number of concurrent async write i/os is tuned dynamically based on i/o load, to achieve good sync i/o latency when there is not a high load of writes, and good write throughput when there is.  See the block comment in vdev_queue.c (reproduced below) for more details.

2. The write throttle (dsl_pool_tempreserve_space() and txg_constrain_throughput()) is rewritten to produce much more consistent delays when under constant load.  The new write throttle is based on the amount of dirty data, rather than guesses about future performance of the system.  When there is a lot of dirty data, each transaction (e.g. write() syscall) will be delayed by the same small amount.  This eliminates the "brick wall of wait" that the old write throttle could hit, causing all transactions to wait several seconds until the next txg opens.  One of the keys to the new write throttle is decrementing the amount of dirty data as i/o completes, rather than at the end of spa_sync().  Note that the write throttle is only applied once the i/o scheduler is issuing the maximum number of outstanding async writes.  See the block comments in dsl_pool.c and above dmu_tx_delay() (reproduced below) for more details.

This diff has several other effects, including:

 * the commonly-tuned global variable zfs_vdev_max_pending has been removed; use per-class zfs_vdev_*_max_active values or zfs_vdev_max_active instead.

 * the size of each txg (meaning the amount of dirty data written, and thus the time it takes to write out) is now controlled differently.  There is no longer an explicit time goal; the primary determinant is amount of dirty data.  Systems that are under light or medium load will now often see that a txg is always syncing, but the impact to performance (e.g. read latency) is minimal.  Tune zfs_dirty_data_max and zfs_dirty_data_sync to control this.

 * zio_taskq_batch_pct = 75 -- Only use 75% of all CPUs for compression, checksum, etc.  This improves latency by not allowing these CPU-intensive tasks to consume all CPU (on machines with at least 4 CPU's; the percentage is rounded up).


APPENDIX: problems with the current i/o scheduler

The current ZFS i/o scheduler (vdev_queue.c) is deadline based.  The problem with this is that if there are always i/os pending, then certain classes of i/os can see very long delays.

For example, if there are always synchronous reads outstanding, then no async writes will be serviced until they become "past due".  One symptom of this situation is that each pass of the txg sync takes at least several seconds (typically 3 seconds).

If many i/os become "past due" (their deadline is in the past), then we must service all of these overdue i/os before any new i/os.  This happens when we enqueue a batch of async writes for the txg sync, with deadlines 2.5 seconds in the future.  If we can't complete all the i/os in 2.5 seconds (e.g. because there were always reads pending), then these i/os will become past due.  Now we must service all the "async" writes (which could be hundreds of megabytes) before we service any reads, introducing considerable latency to synchronous i/os (reads or ZIL writes).

REFERENCE: block comments mentioned above:

 * ZFS Write Throttle
 * ------------------
 * ZFS must limit the rate of incoming writes to the rate at which it is able
 * to sync data modifications to the backend storage. Throttling by too much
 * creates an artificial limit; throttling by too little can only be sustained
 * for short periods and would lead to highly lumpy performance. On a per-pool
 * basis, ZFS tracks the amount of modified (dirty) data. As operations change
 * data, the amount of dirty data increases; as ZFS syncs out data, the amount
 * of dirty data decreases. When the amount of dirty data exceeds a
 * predetermined threshold further modifications are blocked until the amount
 * of dirty data decreases (as data is synced out).
 * The limit on dirty data is tunable, and should be adjusted according to
 * both the IO capacity and available memory of the system. The larger the
 * window, the more ZFS is able to aggregate and amortize metadata (and data)
 * changes. However, memory is a limited resource, and allowing for more dirty
 * data comes at the cost of keeping other useful data in memory (for example
 * ZFS data cached by the ARC).
 * Implementation
 * As buffers are modified dsl_pool_willuse_space() increments both the per-
 * txg (dp_dirty_pertxg[]) and poolwide (dp_dirty_total) accounting of
 * dirty space used; dsl_pool_dirty_space() decrements those values as data
 * is synced out from dsl_pool_sync(). While only the poolwide value is
 * relevant, the per-txg value is useful for debugging. The tunable
 * zfs_dirty_data_max determines the dirty space limit. Once that value is
 * exceeded, new writes are halted until space frees up.
 * The zfs_dirty_data_sync tunable dictates the threshold at which we
 * ensure that there is a txg syncing (see the comment in txg.c for a full
 * description of transaction group stages).
 * The IO scheduler uses both the dirty space limit and current amount of
 * dirty data as inputs. Those values affect the number of concurrent IOs ZFS
 * issues. See the comment in vdev_queue.c for details of the IO scheduler.
 * The delay is also calculated based on the amount of dirty data.  See the
 * comment above dmu_tx_delay() for details.

 * We delay transactions when we've determined that the backend storage
 * isn't able to accommodate the rate of incoming writes.
 * If there is already a transaction waiting, we delay relative to when
 * that transaction finishes waiting.  This way the calculated min_time
 * is independent of the number of threads concurrently executing
 * transactions.
 * If we are the only waiter, wait relative to when the transaction
 * started, rather than the current time.  This credits the transaction for
 * "time already served", e.g. reading indirect blocks.
 * The minimum time for a transaction to take is calculated as:
 *     min_time = scale * (dirty - min) / (max - dirty)
 *     min_time is then capped at zfs_delay_max_ns.
 * The delay has two degrees of freedom that can be adjusted via tunables.
 * The percentage of dirty data at which we start to delay is defined by
 * zfs_delay_min_dirty_percent. This should typically be at or above
 * zfs_vdev_async_write_active_max_dirty_percent so that we only start to
 * delay after writing at full speed has failed to keep up with the incoming
 * write rate. The scale of the curve is defined by zfs_delay_scale. Roughly
 * speaking, this variable determines the amount of delay at the midpoint of
 * the curve.
 * delay
 *  10ms +-------------------------------------------------------------*+
 *       |                                                             *|
 *   9ms +                                                             *+
 *       |                                                             *|
 *   8ms +                                                             *+
 *       |                                                            * |
 *   7ms +                                                            * +
 *       |                                                            * |
 *   6ms +                                                            * +
 *       |                                                            * |
 *   5ms +                                                           *  +
 *       |                                                           *  |
 *   4ms +                                                           *  +
 *       |                                                           *  |
 *   3ms +                                                          *   +
 *       |                                                          *   |
 *   2ms +                                              (midpoint) *    +
 *       |                                                  |    **     |
 *   1ms +                                                  v ***       +
 *       |             zfs_delay_scale ---------->     ********         |
 *     0 +-------------------------------------*********----------------+
 *       0%                    <- zfs_dirty_data_max ->               100%
 * Note that since the delay is added to the outstanding time remaining on the
 * most recent transaction, the delay is effectively the inverse of IOPS.
 * Here the midpoint of 500us translates to 2000 IOPS. The shape of the curve
 * was chosen such that small changes in the amount of accumulated dirty data
 * in the first 3/4 of the curve yield relatively small differences in the
 * amount of delay.
 * The effects can be easier to understand when the amount of delay is
 * represented on a log scale:
 * delay
 * 100ms +-------------------------------------------------------------++
 *       +                                                              +
 *       |                                                              |
 *       +                                                             *+
 *  10ms +                                                             *+
 *       +                                                           ** +
 *       |                                              (midpoint)  **  |
 *       +                                                  |     **    +
 *   1ms +                                                  v ****      +
 *       +             zfs_delay_scale ---------->        *****         +
 *       |                                             ****             |
 *       +                                          ****                +
 * 100us +                                        **                    +
 *       +                                       *                      +
 *       |                                      *                       |
 *       +                                     *                        +
 *  10us +                                     *                        +
 *       +                                                              +
 *       |                                                              |
 *       +                                                              +
 *       +--------------------------------------------------------------+
 *       0%                    <- zfs_dirty_data_max ->               100%
 * Note here that only as the amount of dirty data approaches its limit does
 * the delay start to increase rapidly. The goal of a properly tuned system
 * should be to keep the amount of dirty data out of that range by first
 * ensuring that the appropriate limits are set the I/O scheduler to reach
 * optimal throughput on the backend storage, and then by changing the value
 * of zfs_delay_scale to increase the steepness of the curve.

 * ZFS I/O Scheduler
 * ---------------
 * ZFS issues I/O operations to leaf vdevs to satisfy and complete zios.  The
 * I/O scheduler determines when and in what order those operations are
 * issued.  The I/O scheduler divides operations into five I/O classes
 * prioritized in the following order: sync read, sync write, async read,
 * async write, and scrub/resilver.  Each queue defines the minimum and
 * maximum number of concurrent operations that may be issued to the device.
 * In addition, the device has an aggregate maximum. Note that the sum of the
 * per-queue minimums must not exceed the aggregate maximum, and if the
 * aggregate maximum is equal to or greater than the sum of the per-queue
 * maximums, the per-queue minimum has no effect.
 * For many physical devices, throughput increases with the number of
 * concurrent operations, but latency typically suffers. Further, physical
 * devices typically have a limit at which more concurrent operations have no
 * effect on throughput or can actually cause it to decrease.
 * The scheduler selects the next operation to issue by first looking for an
 * I/O class whose minimum has not been satisfied. Once all are satisfied and
 * the aggregate maximum has not been hit, the scheduler looks for classes
 * whose maximum has not been satisfied. Iteration through the I/O classes is
 * done in the order specified above. No further operations are issued if the
 * aggregate maximum number of concurrent operations has been hit or if there
 * are no operations queued for an I/O class that has not hit its maximum.
 * Every time an i/o is queued or an operation completes, the I/O scheduler
 * looks for new operations to issue.
 * All I/O classes have a fixed maximum number of outstanding operations
 * except for the async write class. Asynchronous writes represent the data
 * that is committed to stable storage during the syncing stage for
 * transaction groups (see txg.c). Transaction groups enter the syncing state
 * periodically so the number of queued async writes will quickly burst up and
 * then bleed down to zero. Rather than servicing them as quickly as possible,
 * the I/O scheduler changes the maximum number of active async write i/os
 * according to the amount of dirty data in the pool (see dsl_pool.c). Since
 * both throughput and latency typically increase with the number of
 * concurrent operations issued to physical devices, reducing the burstiness
 * in the number of concurrent operations also stabilizes the response time of
 * operations from other -- and in particular synchronous -- queues. In broad
 * strokes, the I/O scheduler will issue more concurrent operations from the
 * async write queue as there's more dirty data in the pool.
 * Async Writes
 * The number of concurrent operations issued for the async write I/O class
 * follows a piece-wise linear function defined by a few adjustable points.
 *        |                   o---------| <-- zfs_vdev_async_write_max_active
 *   ^    |                  /^         |
 *   |    |                 / |         |
 * active |                /  |         |
 *  I/O   |               /   |         |
 * count  |              /    |         |
 *        |             /     |         |
 *        |------------o      |         | <-- zfs_vdev_async_write_min_active
 *       0|____________^______|_________|
 *        0%           |      |       100% of zfs_dirty_data_max
 *                     |      |
 *                     |      `-- zfs_vdev_async_write_active_max_dirty_percent
 *                     `--------- zfs_vdev_async_write_active_min_dirty_percent
 * Until the amount of dirty data exceeds a minimum percentage of the dirty
 * data allowed in the pool, the I/O scheduler will limit the number of
 * concurrent operations to the minimum. As that threshold is crossed, the
 * number of concurrent operations issued increases linearly to the maximum at
 * the specified maximum percentage of the dirty data allowed in the pool.
 * Ideally, the amount of dirty data on a busy pool will stay in the sloped
 * part of the function between zfs_vdev_async_write_active_min_dirty_percent
 * and zfs_vdev_async_write_active_max_dirty_percent. If it exceeds the
 * maximum percentage, this indicates that the rate of incoming data is
 * greater than the rate that the backend storage can handle. In this case, we
 * must further throttle incoming writes (see dmu_tx_delay() for details).