12/17/2016 - 6:56 AM

Genesis Sample Theme

Genesis Sample Theme

 * This script adds the accessibility-ready responsive menu to the Genesis Sample theme.
 * @package Genesis Sample\JS
 * @author StudioPress
 * @license GPL-2.0+

( function ( document, $, undefined ) {

	$( 'body' ).addClass( 'js' );

	'use strict';

	var genesisSample              = {},
		mainMenuButtonClass = 'menu-toggle',
		subMenuButtonClass  = 'sub-menu-toggle';

	genesisSample.init = function() {
		var toggleButtons = {
			menu : $( '<button />', {
				'class' : mainMenuButtonClass,
				'aria-expanded' : false,
				'aria-pressed' : false,
				'role' : 'button'
				} )
				.append( genesisSample.params.mainMenu ),
			submenu : $( '<button />', {
				'class' : subMenuButtonClass,
				'aria-expanded' : false,
				'aria-pressed' : false,
				'role' : 'button'
				} )
				.append( $( '<span />', {
					'class' : 'screen-reader-text',
					text : genesisSample.params.subMenu
				} ) )
		if ($( '.nav-primary' ).length > 0 ) {
			$( '.nav-primary' ).before( ); // Add the main nav buttons.
		} else {
			$( '.nav-header' ).before( );
		$( 'nav .sub-menu' ).before( toggleButtons.submenu ); // Add the submenu nav buttons.
		$( '.' + mainMenuButtonClass ).each( _addClassID );
		$( '.' + mainMenuButtonClass ).addClass('dashicons-before dashicons-menu');
		$( '.' + subMenuButtonClass ).addClass('dashicons-before dashicons-arrow-down');
		$( window ).on( 'resize.genesisSample', _doResize ).triggerHandler( 'resize.genesisSample' );
		$( '.' + mainMenuButtonClass ).on( 'click.genesisSample-mainbutton', _mainmenuToggle );
		$( '.' + subMenuButtonClass ).on( 'click.genesisSample-subbutton', _submenuToggle );

	// Add nav class and ID to related button.
	function _addClassID() {
		var $this = $( this ),
			nav   = $ 'nav' ),
			id    = 'class';
		if ( $( nav ).attr( 'id' ) ) {
			id = 'id';
		$this.attr( 'id', 'mobile-' + $( nav ).attr( id ) );
	// Check CSS rule to determine width.
	function _combineMenus(){
		if ( ( $( '.js nav' ).css( 'position' ) == 'relative' ) && $( '.nav-primary' ).length > 0 ) { // Depends on .js nav having position: relative; in style.css.
			$( '.nav-header .menu > li' ).addClass( 'moved-item' ); // Tag moved items so we can move them back.
			$( '.nav-header .menu > li' ).prependTo( '.nav-primary ul.genesis-nav-menu' );
			$( '.nav-header' ).hide();
		} else if ( ( $( '.js nav' ).css( 'position' ) !== 'relative' ) && $( '.nav-primary' ).length > 0 ) {
			$( '.nav-header' ).show();
			$( '.nav-primary ul.genesis-nav-menu > li.moved-item' ).appendTo( '.nav-header .menu' );
			$( '.nav-header .menu > li' ).removeClass( 'moved-item' );

	// Change Skiplinks and Superfish.
	function _doResize() {
		var buttons = $( 'button[id^="mobile-"]' ).attr( 'id' );
		if ( typeof buttons === 'undefined' ) {
		_superfishToggle( buttons );
		_changeSkipLink( buttons );
		_maybeClose( buttons );

	 * Action to happen when the main menu button is clicked.
	function _mainmenuToggle() {
		var $this = $( this );
		_toggleAria( $this, 'aria-pressed' );
		_toggleAria( $this, 'aria-expanded' );
		$this.toggleClass( 'activated' );
		$ 'nav, .sub-menu' ).slideToggle( 'fast' );

	 * Action for submenu toggles.
	function _submenuToggle() {

		var $this  = $( this ),
			others = $this.closest( '.menu-item' ).siblings();
		_toggleAria( $this, 'aria-pressed' );
		_toggleAria( $this, 'aria-expanded' );
		$this.toggleClass( 'activated' );
		$ '.sub-menu' ).slideToggle( 'fast' );

		others.find( '.' + subMenuButtonClass ).removeClass( 'activated' ).attr( 'aria-pressed', 'false' );
		others.find( '.sub-menu' ).slideUp( 'fast' );


	 * Activate/deactivate superfish.
	function _superfishToggle( buttons ) {
		if ( typeof $( '.js-superfish' ).superfish !== 'function' ) {
		if ( 'none' === _getDisplayValue( buttons ) ) {
			$( '.js-superfish' ).superfish( {
				'delay': 100,
				'animation': {'opacity': 'show', 'height': 'show'},
				'dropShadows': false
		} else {
			$( '.js-superfish' ).superfish( 'destroy' );

	 * Modify skip links to match mobile buttons.
	function _changeSkipLink( buttons ) {
		var startLink = 'genesis-nav',
			endLink   = 'mobile-genesis-nav';
		if ( 'none' === _getDisplayValue( buttons ) ) {
			startLink = 'mobile-genesis-nav';
			endLink   = 'genesis-nav';
		$( '.genesis-skip-link a[href^="#' + startLink + '"]' ).each( function() {
			var link = $( this ).attr( 'href' );
			link = link.replace( startLink, endLink );
			$( this ).attr( 'href', link );

	function _maybeClose( buttons ) {
		if ( 'none' !== _getDisplayValue( buttons ) ) {
		$( '.menu-toggle, .sub-menu-toggle' )
			.removeClass( 'activated' )
			.attr( 'aria-expanded', false )
			.attr( 'aria-pressed', false );
		$( 'nav, .sub-menu' )
			.attr( 'style', '' );

	 * Generic function to get the display value of an element.
	 * @param  {id} $id ID to check
	 * @return {string}     CSS value of display property
	function _getDisplayValue( $id ) {
		var element = document.getElementById( $id ),
			style   = window.getComputedStyle( element );
		return style.getPropertyValue( 'display' );

	 * Toggle aria attributes.
	 * @param  {button} $this     passed through
	 * @param  {aria-xx} attribute aria attribute to toggle
	 * @return {bool}           from _ariaReturn
	function _toggleAria( $this, attribute ) {
		$this.attr( attribute, function( index, value ) {
			return 'false' === value;

	$(document).ready(function () {

		// Run test on initial page load.

		// Run test on resize of the window.
		$( window ).resize( _combineMenus );
		genesisSample.params = typeof genesisSampleL10n === 'undefined' ? '' : genesisSampleL10n;

		if ( typeof genesisSample.params !== 'undefined' ) {


})( document, jQuery );