4/4/2019 - 9:58 PM

Laravel Service Class, refactor logic from Controller


// 1) create a service class in:  App/Services/DeleteEventService.php
namespace App\Services ;

use App\Registration;
use App\Mail\DeleteEvent;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class DeleteEventService extends Controller {

    public function __construct()


    public function deleteEvent($event) {
        $emails = [] ;

        // get all registrations from this event date
        $registrations = Registration::where( 'event_date', $event->event_date )->get() ;

        // get all user emails registered to this event date
        foreach( $registrations as $reg)
            $emails[] = $reg->user->email;

        // delete all entries from 'registrations' table that match this event
        Registration::where('event_date', $event->event_date )->delete() ;
        // delete the event
        $event->delete() ;

        // Mail admin and CC users that this event was deleted
        Mail::to( 'juan@c-istudios.com' )
            ->send( new DeleteEvent( 'Cancelled Event', $event->event_date ) );


// 2) import these classes into our controller:
use App\Services\DeleteEventService;

// 2) Inject this service class into our method where it needs to be refactored
    public function destroy(DeleteEventService $evtServ, $id) {
        // find this event
        $emails = [] ;
        $event = Event::find($id) ;

        // using Service class:
        $evtServ->deleteEvent($event) ;

/*      // ^^ Refactored to Service Class DeleteEventService loaded via dependency injection ^^
        // get all registrations from this event date
        $registrations = Registration::where( 'event_date', $event->event_date )->get() ;

        // get all user emails registered to this event date
        foreach( $registrations as $reg)
            $emails[] = $reg->user->email;

        // delete all entries from 'registrations' table that match this event
        Registration::where('event_date', $event->event_date )->delete() ;
        // delete the event
        $event->delete() ;

        // Mail admin and CC users that this event was deleted
        Mail::to( 'juan@c-istudios.com' )
            ->send( new DeleteEvent( 'Cancelled Event', $event->event_date ) );

        Session::flash('success', 'Event Deleted');
        return redirect()->back() ;

// Controller is now refactored.