Running Ansible on Windows
@echo off
set COMMAND=%1
REM If you used the standard Cygwin installer this will be C:\cygwin
set CYGWIN=%USERPROFILE%\.babun\cygwin
REM You can switch this to work with bash with %CYGWIN%\bin\bash.exe
set SH=%CYGWIN%\bin\zsh.exe
if not exist "%SH%" (
echo cygwin's sh.exe not found. Did you delete %CYGWIN% ?
exit /b 255
"%SH%" -c "[[ -x "%COMMAND%" ]]"
if not errorlevel 0 (
echo %COMMAND% not found. Did you uninstall it ?
exit /b 255
"%SH%" -c "%*"
@echo off
cygwin-shim.bat /bin/ansible-playbook %*
@echo off
cygwin-shim.bat /bin/ansible-galaxy %*