4/16/2017 - 4:28 AM

Chromecast Audio Power Measurments

Chromecast Audio Power Measurments


  • Cheap 24V -> 5V USB converter
  • Current measurements takend by Fluke 187 in series with 400mA range selected
  • Tested with FAST AVG and FAST MAX to catch transients

Current measurements @ 24V input

  • Baseline for regulator with no Chormecast: 6.5mA quiescent current
  • Idle: 65mA
  • Playback via Google Play Music for one song (~5min): 68.3mA
  • Max from USB hotplug -> boot -> playback: 150mA

Power Consumption

  • P = 24V * 150mA = 3.6W


Google provides a 5V @ 1A power supply, but 4W is enough for non-peak continous usage.