6/11/2015 - 8:37 PM

Instructions: Add custom JS to "Custom JavaScript:" under "CSS/JavaScript" i


Add custom JS to "Custom JavaScript:" under "CSS/JavaScript" in the SLIDER SETTINGS Make sure to add CSS "transform-origin:center 0px!important;" to "span.zoom-this" so zooming doesn't move content to one side as it zooms.

span.zoom-this {
transform-origin:center 0px!important;
  margin: 0px auto !important;
  max-width: 100% !important;
  display: block!important;

_______ THE JS ________

(function($) {
 // Change "revapi1" below to your slider's unique "API" variable:
 var api = revapi1,
 // enter the "Grid Width" of your slider here
 // if not entered, script will attempt to obtain these values automatically
 // see #8 here:
 gridWidth = 0,
 // the class name or ID of your element you wish to scale up
 zoomSelector = '.zoom-this',
 // CSS transformOrigin:
 scaleFrom = 'left top',
 // if slider is scaled below "firstScaleCheck" value, 
 // and above "secondScaleCheck" value, 
 // zoom element by "firstScaleAmount" value
 firstScaleCheck = 0.5, 
 firstScaleAmount = 0.35,
 // if slider is scaled below "secondScaleCheck" number, 
 // zoom element by "secondScaleAmount" value
 secondScaleCheck = 0.25,
 secondScaleAmount = 0.75,
 // no need to edit anything below
 slider = $('.rev_slider_wrapper');
 if(!slider.length) return;
 var temp = slider[0].style,
 transform = 'transform' in temp ? 'transform' : 
 'WebkitTransform' in temp ? 'WebkitTransform' : 
 'MozTransform' in temp ? 'MozTransform' : 
 'msTransform' in temp ? 'msTransform' : 
 'OTransform' in temp ? 'OTransform' : null;
 if(!gridWidth) {
 var script = slider.closest('.rev_slider_wrapper').find('script').text();
 if(script) gridWidth = parseInt(script.split('startwidth:')[1].split(',')[0], 10);
 if(!gridWidth || !transform) return;
 var plus,
 origin = 'transformOrigin' in temp ? 'transformOrigin' : 
 'WebkitTransformOrigin' in temp ? 'WebkitTransformOrigin' : 
 'MozTransformOrigin' in temp ? 'MozTransformOrigin' : 
 'msTransformOrigin' in temp ? 'msTransformOrigin' : 
 'OTransformOrigin' in temp ? 'OTransformOrigin' : null,
 items = slider.find(zoomSelector).each(function() {[origin] = scaleFrom;});
 api.on('revolution.slide.onloaded', function() {
 $(window).on('resize', sizer);
 function sizer() {
 var scaled = Math.min(slider.width() / gridWidth, 1).toFixed(2);
 plus = scaled < 1 ? (1 - parseFloat(scaled)) + 1 : 1;
 if(scaled < firstScaleCheck) {
 plus = scaled > secondScaleCheck ? plus + firstScaleAmount : plus + secondScaleAmount;
 function sizeEach() { = 'inline-block';[transform] = 'scale(' + plus + ', ' + plus + ')';