2/5/2020 - 3:23 PM

Intersection and Union operators (<||> <&&>)

 * (14) Intersection types
 * Sometimes we have a type that can be one of several things

export interface HasPhoneNumber {
  name: string;
  phone: number;

export interface HasEmail {
  name: string;
  email: string;

let contactInfo: HasEmail | HasPhoneNumber =
  Math.random() > 0.5
    ? {
        // we can assign it to a HasPhoneNumber
        name: "Mike",
        phone: 3215551212
    : {
        // or a HasEmail
        name: "Mike",
        email: ""
      };; // NOTE: we can only access the .name property  (the stuff HasPhoneNumber and HasEmail have in common)

 * (15) Union types
let otherContactInfo: HasEmail & HasPhoneNumber = {
  // we _must_ initialize it to a shape that's asssignable to HasEmail _and_ HasPhoneNumber
  name: "Mike",
  email: "",
  phone: 3215551212
};; // NOTE: we can access anything on _either_ type;;