12/12/2017 - 5:13 PM



This investigation is needed to identify how a customer could be inserted into the wrong Sitelock accou
nt. When a customer logs into Sitelock and sees another customers profile, something has gone very wron
g. We have been asked to determine a correct list of customers who have been impacted by this. Sys-ops 
did some summary analysis but produced a list with a lot of false positives. We needed to review,edit a
nd correct this initial work and return it to Drew Wilde our product owner.
With Matthew Cash's work creating the unique customer list, the task will turn its attention to how dif
ferent customers on Bluehost and Justhost were assigned the same cust_id and how they ended up with the
 same sitelock_id as well.

# Situation Examples

Sitch (either jh or bh)
  0) Somewhere, a JH customer has sitelock
  1) Bh customer creates account
  2) Orders sitelock
    2a) Sitelock sees their id
    2a) Id's across brands are NOT unique
    2b) Sitelock gives them the PREVIOUSLY CREATED sitelock_id
  3) sitelock id created
  4) collision with JH, has same id as someone else
  5) Navigate to page, displays OTHER users info


1) If I found two cross-brand customers with the same id, both sitelock, NOT BH/N,
should they have a collision?