5/17/2019 - 6:42 AM

Using CTRL+W to close tabs in Visual Studio

Using CTRL+W to close tabs in Visual Studio

For Visual Studio 2017 (and other versions) with ReSharper

In Tools | Options | Environmen | Keyboard...

  1. Add CTRL+W as a Global shortcut for Window.CloseDocumentWindow
  2. Remove the CTRL+W shortcut for Edit.SelectCurrentWord
  3. Remove the CTRL+W shortcut from ReSharper.ReSharper_ExtendSelection (it might be assigned twice)

If CTRL+W does not work after the steps above, it might be assigned to something else. Check these instructions to troubleshoot that: https://gist.github.com/jpoehls/2030795#gistcomment-2335647

The caveat to this is if you are used to using CTRL+W to select the current word. If you do, find another shortcut that works for that.

Massive thanks to https://gist.github.com/jpoehls/2030795 !