Example EC2 Scheduler Script based on a tag value
import boto3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Create connection to the EC2 using Boto3 resources interface
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name='us-east-1')
# Get the current time
timeOffset = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=defaultTimeZone)
now = timeOffset.strftime("%H%M")
nowDay = timeOffset.strftime("%a").lower()
# Set default values, instantiate lists
startList = []
stopList = []
customTagName = "ec2-schedule"
# List all instances
instances = ec2.instances.all()
print "Creating", awsregion, "instance lists..."
# For all instances
for i in instances:
# Instance must have tags to be able to be scheduled
if i.tags != None:
# For each tag
for t in i.tags:
# Check that the tag key equals the custom tag name
if t['Key'] == customTagName:
state = i.state['Name']
timezone = -6
# Split the tag into repsective parts
ptag = t['Value'].split(";")
# Get timing values from tag Value
if len(ptag) >= 1:
startTime = ptag[0]
stopTime = ptag[1]
daysActive = ptag[2].lower()
isActiveDay = False
# Days of Week
if daysActive == "all":
isActiveDay = True
elif daysActive == "weekdays":
weekdays = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri']
if (nowDay in weekdays):
isActiveDay = True
daysActive = daysActive.split(",")
for d in daysActive:
if d.lower() == nowDay:
isActiveDay = True
# Append to start list
if startTime <= str(now) and str(now) <= stopTime and \
isActiveDay == True and state == "stopped":
print i.instance_id, " added to START list"
# Append to stop list
if (startTime >= str(now) or stopTime <= str(now)) and \
isActiveDay == True and state == "running":
print i.instance_id, " added to STOP list"
# Execute Start and Stop Commands
if startList:
print "Starting", len(startList), "instances", startList
print "No Instances to Start"
if stopList:
print "Stopping", len(stopList) ,"instances", stopList
print "No Instances to Stop"
except Exception as e:
print ("Exception: "+str(e))