2/2/2018 - 8:49 AM


C:\git\tasking-manager\client>gulp eslint
[09:46:32] Using gulpfile C:\git\tasking-manager\client\gulpfile.js
[09:46:32] Starting 'eslint'...
The rule `angular/service-name` will be split up to different rules in the next version. Please read the docs for more information
   12:1   error  'uglify' is not defined  no-undef
   75:15  error  'uglify' is not defined  no-undef
   76:58  error  Missing semicolon        semi
  125:32  error  Missing semicolon        semi
  132:32  error  Missing semicolon        semi

  10:57   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                          angular/di
  16:74   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                          angular/di
  20:34   error  You should use the angular.fromJson method instead of JSON.parse  angular/json-functions
  34:115  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                          angular/di
  62:13   error  'showdown' is not defined                                         no-undef

   8:5   error  The aboutController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
  56:10  error  Missing semicolon                                                                semi

  34:10  error  Missing semicolon  semi

    8:5   error  The contributeController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
   12:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                              angular/di
  125:26  error  'i' is already defined                                                                no-redeclare
  150:67  error  Missing semicolon                                                                     semi

   8:5   error  The homeController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/               angular/controller-name
  12:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                                     angular/di
  31:17  error  You should use the "log" method of the AngularJS Service $log instead of the console object  angular/log
  31:17  error  Unexpected console statement                                                                 no-console
  35:26  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                             no-unused-vars

   8:5  error  The authController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
  12:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                        angular/di

   8:5  error  The loginController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
  12:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                         angular/di

   8:5   error  The inboxController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
  12:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                         angular/di
  47:43  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                 no-unused-vars

   8:5  error  The messageController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
  12:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                           angular/di

    8:5   error  The profileController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
   12:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                           angular/di
   69:15  error  Missing semicolon                                                                  semi
   95:43  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                   no-unused-vars
   97:26  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                   no-unused-vars
  109:42  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                   no-unused-vars
  167:43  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                   no-unused-vars

  12:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di

  12:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di
  40:51  error  Missing semicolon                         semi
  54:25  error  'data' is defined but never used          no-unused-vars
  67:25  error  'data' is defined but never used          no-unused-vars

     9:5   error  The projectController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/                     angular/controller-name
    13:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                                              angular/di
   142:11  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
   165:10  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
   169:10  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
   178:10  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
   193:10  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
   345:26  error  'error' is defined but never used                                                                     no-unused-vars
   384:25  error  'source' is already defined                                                                           no-redeclare
   446:22  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
   640:34  error  'error' is defined but never used                                                                     no-unused-vars
   662:74  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
   834:42  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                                      no-unused-vars
   863:40  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                                      no-unused-vars
   898:42  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                                      no-unused-vars
   930:42  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                                      no-unused-vars
   972:40  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                                      no-unused-vars
  1012:40  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                                      no-unused-vars
  1074:41  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                                      no-unused-vars
  1089:21  error  Unexpected constant condition                                                                         no-constant-condition
  1089:21  error  Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment                                       no-cond-assign
  1133:17  error  'properties' is assigned a value but never used                                                       no-unused-vars
  1229:22  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
  1240:22  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
  1251:35  error  You should not use directly the "undefined" keyword. Prefer angular.isUndefined or angular.isDefined  angular/definedundefined
  1275:18  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
  1434:21  error  'feature' is already defined                                                                          no-redeclare
  1459:61  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi

   7:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
  11:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di
  44:18  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  76:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi

   7:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()         angular/no-service-method
  11:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                            angular/di
  68:59  error  You should use the angular.toJson method instead of JSON.stringify  angular/json-functions

  10:5  error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
  14:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di

    7:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()              angular/no-service-method
   11:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                 angular/di
  100:55  error  Missing semicolon                                                        semi
  102:31  error  Missing semicolon                                                        semi
  119:26  error  You should use the $window service instead of the default window object  angular/window-service
  119:77  error  'ActiveXObject' is not defined                                           no-undef

    7:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
  182:18  error  You should use the angular.isArray method                    angular/typecheck-array
  193:32  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  199:22  error  'i' is already defined                                       no-redeclare

  14:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di

  7:5  error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method

   7:5  error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
  11:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di

    4:5    error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
   12:5    error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di
   82:156  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
   85:153  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  197:15   error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  220:32   error  'Geocoder' is not defined                                    no-undef

   7:5  error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
  11:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di

    4:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()       angular/no-service-method
   14:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                          angular/di
  153:20  error  'turf' is not defined                                             no-undef
  153:30  error  You should use the angular.fromJson method instead of JSON.parse  angular/json-functions
  245:69  error  Missing semicolon                                                 semi
  268:21  error  'hasSelfIntersections' is already defined                         no-redeclare
  269:67  error  Missing semicolon                                                 semi
  294:36  error  'turf' is not defined                                             no-undef
  334:17  error  'turf' is not defined                                             no-undef
  455:15  error  Missing semicolon                                                 semi
  478:15  error  Missing semicolon                                                 semi
  500:15  error  Missing semicolon                                                 semi
  578:21  error  'userLevel' is already defined                                    no-redeclare
  579:21  error  'projectLevel' is already defined                                 no-redeclare

    7:5    error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
   11:5    error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di
   70:47   error  'resolution' is defined but never used                       no-unused-vars
  121:53   error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  299:109  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi

   7:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
  11:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di
  27:17  error  'preferredLanguage' is assigned a value but never used       no-unused-vars
  43:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  69:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi

   7:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
  11:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di
  39:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi

   7:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()                                  angular/no-service-method
  11:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                                     angular/di
  96:13  error  You should use the "log" method of the AngularJS Service $log instead of the console object  angular/log
  96:13  error  Unexpected console statement                                                                 no-console

  10:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
  38:54  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  81:52  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  84:47  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  87:50  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  90:51  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi

   7:5  error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
  11:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di

    7:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
   11:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di
  239:21  error  'candidates' is already defined                              no-redeclare
  270:21  error  'candidates' is already defined                              no-redeclare

    7:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()  angular/no-service-method
   11:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                     angular/di
   46:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
   69:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
   93:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  117:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  140:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  184:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  206:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi
  229:15  error  Missing semicolon                                            semi

   8:5   error  You should prefer the factory() method instead of service()         angular/no-service-method
  12:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                            angular/di
  12:37  error  '$window' is defined but never used                                 no-unused-vars
  33:33  error  You should use the angular.fromJson method instead of JSON.parse    angular/json-functions
  36:70  error  You should use the angular.toJson method instead of JSON.stringify  angular/json-functions
  53:49  error  Missing semicolon                                                   semi
  62:66  error  You should use the angular.toJson method instead of JSON.stringify  angular/json-functions

   8:5  error  The dashboardController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
  12:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                             angular/di

   12:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI       angular/di
  240:17  error  'taskGrid' is assigned a value but never used  no-unused-vars
  256:51  error  Missing semicolon                              semi
  257:15  error  Missing semicolon                              semi
  275:10  error  Missing semicolon                              semi
  344:25  error  'shp' is not defined                           no-undef
  375:54  error  Missing semicolon                              semi
  490:63  error  Missing semicolon                              semi

   12:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                                              angular/di
   95:21  error  'resultsPromise' is already defined                                                                   no-redeclare
  166:26  error  'i' is already defined                                                                                no-redeclare
  180:47  error  'data' is defined but never used                                                                      no-unused-vars
  369:15  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
  398:15  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
  426:15  error  Missing semicolon                                                                                     semi
  513:25  error  You should not use directly the "undefined" keyword. Prefer angular.isUndefined or angular.isDefined  angular/definedundefined
  516:25  error  You should not use directly the "undefined" keyword. Prefer angular.isUndefined or angular.isDefined  angular/definedundefined
  519:25  error  You should not use directly the "undefined" keyword. Prefer angular.isUndefined or angular.isDefined  angular/definedundefined
  522:25  error  You should not use directly the "undefined" keyword. Prefer angular.isUndefined or angular.isDefined  angular/definedundefined

  12:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di

   8:5   error  The licensesController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
  12:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                            angular/di
  34:10  error  Missing semicolon                                                                   semi

   8:5  error  The usersController controller should follow this pattern: /[A-Z].*Controller$/  angular/controller-name
  12:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI                                         angular/di

  33:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di

  35:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di
  63:10  error  Missing semicolon                         semi

  32:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di
  80:10  error  Missing semicolon                         semi

  36:5  error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di

   37:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di
   81:11  error  Missing semicolon                         semi
  179:10  error  Missing semicolon                         semi

   36:5   error  You should use the $inject syntax for DI  angular/di
   40:44  error  Missing semicolon                         semi
  111:15  error  Missing semicolon                         semi

✖ 201 problems (201 errors, 0 warnings)
  66 errors, 0 warnings potentially fixable with the `--fix` option.

[09:47:57] Finished 'eslint' after 1.42 min