6/25/2015 - 2:53 PM

Data Exploration Ideas

Data Exploration Ideas

# if 'last' is any sequence of A-z
# and 'first' is any sequence of A-z
# and 'm' is a single letter of A-z

# find names that match last, first m
cat names.txt | grep -iE '^[A-z]+, [A-z]+ [A-z]$'

# find names that match last, first m.
cat names.txt | grep -iE '^[A-z]+, [A-z]+ [A-z].$'
sort -uf \
  <(cut -d'|' -f2 growers_20150608.txt) \
  <(cut -d'|' -f3 growers_20150608.txt) \
  >! names.txt