9/1/2014 - 2:49 PM

Hide Hellobar Plugin On Multiple WordPress Page

Hide Hellobar Plugin On Multiple WordPress Page



This short code can help you to hide Hellobar plugin on multiple WordPress page.

Just copy and paste this code into your 'hellobar_wp_plugin.php' file inside the 'hellobar_wp_plugin' folder.

Make sure the script URL is full and correct.


function add_hellobar_script() {
// 1326, 1406 and 1413 is the sample of page ID (pages we don't want Hellobar to show) - replace your page IDs here and separate them with comma
if (!is_page(array(1326,1406,1413))) {

// put your full Hellobar script
echo '<script src="//s3.amazonaws.com/scripts.hellobar.com/XXX.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';

} }
add_action('wp_footer', 'add_hellobar_script');