1/19/2015 - 6:31 PM

John Resig - Check Phone

// A generic function for checking to see if an input element has a Phone Number entered in it
function checkPhone(elem) {
	// Check to see if we have something that looks like a valid phone number
	var m = /(\d{3}).*(\d{3}).*(\d{4})/.exec( elem.value );

	// If it is, seemingly, valid - force it into the specific
    // format that we desire: (123) 456-7890
    if (m !== null) {
    	elem.value = "(" + m[1] + ") " + m[2] + "-" + m[3];

    return elem.value == '' || m !== null;

// Get an input element to check
var elem = document.getElementById("phone");

// Check to see if the field contains a valid phone number
if ( ! checkPhone( elem ) ) {
    alert( "Field does not contain a phone number." );