Decodes Microsoft Office ProductCode
#region ConvertFrom-OfficeProductCode
function ConvertFrom-OfficeProductCode {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
Write-Verbose $MyInvocation.MyCommand
function Get-LCIDToLocaleName {
$signature = @"
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern int LCIDToLocaleName(uint localeID, System.Text.StringBuilder localeName, int localeNameSize, int flags);
Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature -Name "Win32LCIDToLocaleNameDllName" -Namespace Win32Functions -PassThru
process {
try {
$Properties = [ordered]@{
ProductCode = $ProductCode
ReleaseBuildID = $null
ReleaseTypeID = $null
MajorVersion = $null
MinorVersion = $null
ProductID = $null
LanguageID = $null
BitnessID = $null
Reserved = $null
DebugID = $null
OfficeFamilyID = $null
SKU = $null
Version = $null
Bitness = $null
Release = $null
ReleaseType = $null
Language = $null
Debug = $null
$ProductCodeArray = ([System.Guid]$Properties.ProductCode).ToString('D') -split '-'
$Properties.ReleaseBuildID = (($ProductCodeArray)[0]).ToUpper().Substring(0, 1)
$Properties.ReleaseTypeID = (($ProductCodeArray)[0]).ToUpper().Substring(1, 1)
$Properties.MajorVersion = (($ProductCodeArray)[0]).ToUpper().Substring(2, 2)
$Properties.MinorVersion = (($ProductCodeArray)[0]).ToUpper().Substring(4, 4)
$Properties.ProductID = (($ProductCodeArray)[1]).ToUpper()
$Properties.LanguageID = (($ProductCodeArray)[2]).ToUpper()
$Properties.BitnessID = (($ProductCodeArray)[3]).ToUpper().Substring(0, 1)
$Properties.Reserved = (($ProductCodeArray)[3]).ToUpper().Substring(1, 3)
$Properties.DebugID = (($ProductCodeArray)[4]).ToUpper().Substring(0, 1)
$Properties.OfficeFamilyID = (($ProductCodeArray)[4]).ToUpper().Substring(1, 11)
# Description of the numbering scheme for product code GUIDs in Office 2016
# Description of the numbering scheme for product code GUIDs in Office 2013
$Properties.Release = switch ($Properties.ReleaseBuildID) {
('0') { "Alpha" }
('1') { "Beta 1" }
('2') { "Beta 2" }
('3') { "Release Candidate 0 (RC0)" }
('4') { "Release Candidate 1 (RC1)" }
('9') { "Release To Manufacturer (RTM)" }
('A') { "Service Pack 1 (SP1)" }
('B') { "Service Pack 2 (SP2)" }
('C') { "Service Pack 3 (SP3)" }
default { "Reserved" }
$Properties.ReleaseType = switch ($Properties.ReleaseTypeID) {
('0') { "Volume License" }
('1') { "Retail/OEM" }
('2') { "Trial" }
('5') { "Download" }
$Properties.SKU = switch ($Properties.ProductID) {
('000F') { "Microsoft Office Mondo" }
('0011') { "Microsoft Office Professional Plus" }
('0012') { "Microsoft Office Standard" }
('0015') { "Microsoft Access" }
('0016') { "Microsoft Excel" }
('0018') { "Microsoft PowerPoint" }
('0019') { "Microsoft Publisher" }
('001A') { "Microsoft Outlook" }
('001B') { "Microsoft Word" }
('001C') { "Microsoft Access Runtime" }
('001F') { "Microsoft Office Proofing Tools" }
('002A') { "Microsoft Office Components" }
('002C') { "Microsoft Office Proofing Tools" }
('003A') { "Microsoft Project Standard" }
('003B') { "Microsoft Project Professional" }
('0051') { "Microsoft Visio Professional" }
('0053') { "Microsoft Visio Standard" }
('006E') { "Microsoft Office Shared MUI" }
('008C') { "Click-to-Run Localization Component" }
('008F') { "Click-to-Run Licensing Component" }
('00A1') { "Microsoft OneNote" }
('00BA') { "Microsoft Office OneDrive for Business" }
('00B4') { "Microsoft Project MUI" }
('110D') { "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server" }
('0115') { "Microsoft Office Shared Setup Metadata MUI" }
('0116') { "Microsoft Office Shared Setup Metadata MUI" }
('012B') { "Microsoft Skype for Business" }
$Properties.Version = switch ($Properties.MajorVersion) {
(7) { "95" }
(8) { "97" }
(9) { "2000" }
(10) { "XP" }
(11) { "2003" }
(12) { "2007" }
(14) { "2010" }
(15) { "2013" }
(16) { "2016" }
(19) { "2019" }
# Language Identifier Constants and Strings
$LanguageIDDec = ([uint64]([String]::Format('{0:0x0000}', [uint64]$Properties.LanguageID)))
$sb = (New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder([int]85)) # 85 = Native.LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH
(Get-LCIDToLocaleName)::LCIDToLocaleName($LanguageIDDec, $sb, $sb.Capacity, 0) | Out-Null
$Properties.Language = $sb.ToString()
$Properties.Bitness = switch ($Properties.BitnessID) {
(0) { "x86" }
(1) { "x64" }
$Properties.Debug = switch ($Properties.DebugID) {
(0) { "Ship" }
(1) { "Debug" }
$obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties
Write-Output -InputObject $obj
catch {
Throw $_
end {
#endregion ConvertFrom-OfficeProductCode