D:\dev\spoply>jitsu apps update --debug
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu julianusti
info: jitsu v0.13.2, node v0.10.18
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command apps update
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: 'https://spoply.com/apps/julianusti/spoply',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '**************************************************
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 404, result: undefined }
help: For help with this error contact Nodejitsu Support:
help: webchat: <http://webchat.nodejitsu.com/>
help: irc: <irc://chat.freenode.net/#nodejitsu>
help: email: <support@nodejitsu.com>
help: Copy and paste this output to a gist (http://gist.github.com/)
info: Nodejitsu not ok