11/1/2016 - 11:12 AM

personal reading notes about DynamoDB tips & gotcahs

personal reading notes about DynamoDB tips & gotcahs

Disclaimer: I'm super new to DynamoDB, so if you found I wrote something incorrect or stupid, just kindly send me a comment :)

Learn DynamoDB

  • database -> tables -> items -> attributes
    • db = a collection of tables
    • table = a collection of items
    • item = a collection of attributes
  • use HTTP + JSON to talk with DynamoDB server
  • use Amazon Elastic MapReduce to join/export/import/query tables.


  • attribute value cannot be null, empty, or empty set
  • data types:
    • string, number, binary
    • set of string, number, binary e.g. ['ruby', 'rails']
      • set = no duplicate value, unordered


  • each item max size 64kb
  • size = sum of lengths of attribute names + values (binary/utf8 length)
  • 1 required attribute = primary key


  • getItem, putItem, updateAttributes(add,put,delete), deleteItem
  • batchGetItems, batchWriteItems(put/delete)
  • put - 1) create if not exists, 2) replace if exists (can turn off with Exists)
  • conditional write - put item.amount=10 if item.amount=8
  • atomic counter, not idempotent! - increment/decrement counter
  • return values before write - returns item and delete it
  • when read, can choose between 1) strong consistency, 2) eventual consistency
    • Strong Read costs 2x read capacity unit of Eventual Read


  • primary key

    1. hash key
    2. hash key + range key
  • calculate throughput - capacity unit

    • 1 read capacity unit
      • = 1 strong consistency read operation (max 4kb) / second
      • = 2 eventual consistency read operation (max 4b) / second
    • 1 write capacity unit = 1 write operation (max 1kb) / second

Table design tips

hash key

  • table hash key selection does affect actual throughput
    • why: dynamo distributes items across partitions based on hash key
    • good: random hash key
    • bad: hash key with few possible values (e.g. status code)
    • bad: hash key with certain popular values (e.g. 50% of items has the same device code)

time series data

  • e.g. events, logs, messages
  • access pattern: new data has more frequent access than old data.
  • tips: split data by year/month/week into multiple tables e.g. events_2013jan
    • then adjust read/write throughput for each table based on access pattern

split tables according to access pattern

  • The cost of updating a single attribute of an item is based on the full size of the item.
  • e.g. split ProductCatalog into ProductCatalog (frequent read), ProductPricingAvailability (frequent write), ExtendedProductCatalog (seldom read)

large attribute value

  • gzip and store as binary e.g long review message
  • store in Amazon S3 e.g. images
  • split a large item into multiple items stored in separate table
    • not recommended
    • need to handle cross-item transaction yourself

Query & Scan

  • a single Scan request can consume (1 MB page size / 4 KB item size) / 2 (eventually consistent reads) = 128 read operations.
  • A larger number of smaller Scan or Query operations would allow your other critical requests to succeed without throttling.
  • Some applications handle Scan load by rotating traffic hourly between two tables – one for critical traffic, and one for bookkeeping. Other applications can do this by performing every write on two tables: a "mission-critical" table, and a "shadow" table.

Secondary Index

  • 2 types: local, global
  • for each table - max 5 local secondary key, 5 global secondary key
  • cannot add/modify/delete secondary index to an existing table.
  • when create several tables with secondary index, must create one by one, otherwise LimitExceededException.
  • when QUERY, must specify the index name to use.


  • primary key = hash key + range key
  • hash key = table's hash key, range key = any scalar attribute in table
  • for each hash key, total indexed items <= 10GB
  • query single partition only
  • can choose: strong or eventual consistency read.
  • when query index, consume read capacity units from the table.
  • when write table, write to index too, charge extra write capacity units to table.
  • when query index, can select any attributes (costs extra fetches to table if select attributes not included in index)

local index - design tips

  • take advantage of sparse index
    • an item only appears in index, when the range-key exists
    • e.g. to search active users, add attribute IsActive="Y" to active user, delete attribute "IsActive" from inactive user. Query on index has fewer reads, lower costs.


  • primary key = hash key OR (hash key + range key)
  • free to select any hash key, range key
  • no max size restrictions
  • query across all partitions
  • support eventual consistency read only.
  • has its own read/write throughput capacity (charged separately)
  • when query index, can only select attributes included in the index
  • the key values in a global secondary index do not need to be unique

global index - design tips

  • select key for better distribution across partitions
  • take advantage of sparse index
  • tips: for quick lookup - create global index with same primary key as table, but sub-set of attributes.
  • tips: global index as read replica - to deal with high traffic, clones table to a global index, then use it for high volume reads; original table continues to handle writes.

Best Practices


