Executable to run rubocop only on added/modified files in a git repository
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Improved from https://gist.github.com/mpeteuil/6147292
require 'english'
require 'rubocop'
VALID_FILE_EXT = %w(.rb .rabl .rake)
ADDED_OR_MODIFIED = /^\s*(A|AM|M)/.freeze
class NotInRepository < StandardError; end
def get_repository(path = Dir.pwd)
ascender = Pathname.new(path).to_enum(:ascend)
repo_path = ascender.detect { |dir| (dir + '.git').exist? }
raise NotInRepository if repo_path.nil?
rescue NotInRepository
puts "You must be within a Git repository to run this command."
exit 0
Dir.chdir(get_repository) do
changed_files = `git status --porcelain`.split(/\n/).
select { |file_name_with_status|
file_name_with_status =~ ADDED_OR_MODIFIED
map { |file_name_with_status|
file_name_with_status.split(' ')[1]
select { |file_name|
VALID_FILE_EXT.include? File.extname(file_name)
}.join(' ')
system("rubocop #{changed_files}") unless changed_files.empty?
exit $CHILD_STATUS.to_s[-1].to_i