9/17/2014 - 12:11 PM



<?php include 'fiddle.js' ?>
<?php include 'fiddle.css' ?>


<?php include 'fiddle.html' ?>
<p>This <span>content</span> is loaded from Gist via XHR request (<span>Ajax</span>)</p>
<p>It has also some <span>JavaScript</span> code which is setting the background for spans</p>
<script type='text/javascript'>
	$$('#demo span').each(function(el) {
		el.setStyle('backgroundColor', '#ffb');
name: Request.HTML - jsFiddle/Gist integration demo
description: jsFiddle demo hosted on Gist using HTML Request to get Ajax data
  - Piotr Zalewa
  - /js/empty.js
  - /css/normalize.css
normalize_css: no
lang_css: SCSS
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
	new Request.HTML({
		url: '/gh/gist/response.html/606699/',
		data: {'delay': 1},
		method: 'post',
		update: 'demo',
		onSuccess: function(response) {
<p>Result will appear below with 1 sec delay</p>
<div id="demo"><p>This text will be replaced</p></div>

<p><a href='' target='_new'>Documentation</a></p>
<p><a href='' target='_new'>Gist Demo</a></p>
$fullred: #ff0000;
body {
	font-family: Helvetica, Verdana
p {
	padding: 7px 10px;
#demo { 
	border: 1px solid $fullred;