3/13/2012 - 8:15 PM

HTML Kitchen Sink (taken from BlueTrip CSS Framework) includes the major (and minor) HTML tags you might use on any given site. Now availabl

HTML Kitchen Sink (taken from BlueTrip CSS Framework) includes the major (and minor) HTML tags you might use on any given site. Now available on

<!-- content to be placed inside <body>…</body> -->

    <h1>Level 1 heading</h1>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h1 class="fancy">Level 1 heading class="fancy"</h1>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h1 class="thin">Level 1 heading class="thin"</h1>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h1 class="caps">Level 1 heading class="caps"</h1>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h2>Level 02 Heading</h2>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h2 class="fancy">Level 2 heading class="fancy"</h2>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h2 class="thin">Level 2 heading class="thin"</h2>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h2 class="caps">Level 2 heading class="caps"</h2>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h3>Level 03 Heading</h3>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h3 class="fancy">Level 3 heading class="fancy"</h3>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h3 class="thin">Level 3 heading class="thin"</h3>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h3 class="caps">Level 3 heading class="caps"</h3>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h4>Level 04 Heading</h4>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h4 class="fancy">Level 4 heading class="fancy"</h4>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h4 class="thin">Level 4 heading class="thin"</h4>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h4 class="caps">Level 4 heading class="caps"</h4>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h5>Level 05 Heading</h5>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h5 class="fancy">Level 5 heading class="fancy"</h5>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h5 class="thin">Level 5 heading class="thin"</h5>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h5 class="caps">Level 5 heading class="caps"</h5>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h6>Level 06 Heading</h6>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h6 class="fancy">Level 6 heading class="fancy"</h6>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h6 class="thin">Level 6 heading class="thin"</h6>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

    <h6 class="caps">Level 6 heading class="caps"</h6>

    <p>Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem. Phasellus sodales. Nulla urna justo, vehicula in, suscipit nec, molestie sed, tellus.</p>

        <p>Paragraph inside Blockquote: Nam libero leo, elementum in, dapibus a, suscipit vitae, purus. Duis arcu. Integer dignissim fermentum enim. Morbi convallis felis vel nibh. Sed scelerisque sagittis lorem.</p>

        Address: Example address 224, Sweden
<strong>Preformated:</strong>Testing one row
     and another

    <p>I am <a href="?abc123">the a tag</a> example<br>
    I am <abbr title="test">the abbr tag</abbr> example<br>
    I am <acronym>the acronym tag</acronym> example<br>
    I am <b>the b tag</b> example<br>
    I am <big>the big tag</big> example<br>
    I am <cite>the cite tag</cite> example<br>
    I am <code>the code tag</code> example<br>
    I am <del>the del tag</del> example<br>
    I am <dfn>the dfn tag</dfn> example<br>
    I am <em>the em tag</em> example<br>
    I am <i>the i tag</i> example<br>
    I am <ins>the ins tag</ins> example<br>
    I am <kbd>the kbd tag</kbd> example<br>
    I am <q>the q tag</q> example<br>
    I am <samp>the samp tag</samp> example<br>
    I am <small>the small tag</small> example<br>
    I am <span>the span tag</span> example<br>
    I am <strong>the strong tag</strong> example<br>
    I am <sub>the sub tag</sub> example<br>
    I am <sup>the sup tag</sup> example<br>
    I am <tt>the tt tag</tt> example<br>
    I am <var>the var tag</var> example<br>
    I am the <span class="small">small class</span> example<br>
    I am the <span class="large">large class</span> example<br>
    I am the <span class="quiet">quiet class</span> example<br>
    I am the <span class="highlight">highlight class</span> example<br></p>

        <li>Unordered list 01</li>

        <li>Unordered list 02</li>

        <li>Unordered list 03

                <li>Unordered list inside list level 2</li>

                <li>Unordered list inside list level 2

                        <li>Unordered list inside list level 3</li>

                        <li>Unordered list inside list level 3</li>

        <li>Ordered list 01</li>

        <li>Ordered list 02</li>

        <li>Ordered list 03

                <li>Ordered list inside list level 2</li>

                <li>Ordered list inside list level 2

                        <li>Ordered list inside list level 3</li>

                        <li>Ordered list inside list level 3</li>

        <dt>Description list title 01</dt>

        <dd>Description list description 01</dd>

        <dt>Description list title 02</dt>

        <dd>Description list description 02</dd>

        <dd>Description list description 03</dd>

            Table Caption

                <th>Table head th</th>

                <td>Table head td</td>

                <th>Table foot th</th>

                <td>Table foot td</td>

                <th>Table body th</th>

                <td>Table body td</td>

                <td>Table body td</td>

                <td>Table body td</td>

    <form action="#">
            <legend>Form legend</legend>

                <label for="f1">Text input:</label><br>
                <input type="text" id="f1" value="input text">

                <label for="pw">Password input:</label><br>
                <input type="password" id="pw" value="password">

                <label for="f2">Radio input:</label><br>
                <input type="radio" id="f2">

                <label for="f3">Checkbox input:</label><br>
                <input type="checkbox" id="f3">

                <label for="f4">Select field:</label><br>
                <select id="f4">
                        Option 01

                        Option 02

                <label for="f5">Textarea:</label><br>
                <textarea id="f5" cols="30" rows="5">
Textarea text

                <label for="f6">Input Button:</label><br>
                <input type="button" id="f6" value="button text">

                <label>Button Elements: <span class="small quiet">Can use &lt;button&gt; tag or &lt;a class="button"&gt;</span></label><br>
                <button class="button positive"><img src="img/icons/tick.png" alt=""> Save</button> <a class="button" href="#"><img src="img/icons/key.png" alt=""> Change Password</a> <a href="#" class="button negative"><img src="img/icons/cross.png" alt=""> Cancel</a>

    I am <a href="something.doc">a word document</a> link, so readers know that I'm not a normal link.<br>
    I am <a href="something.pdf">a pdf document</a> link, so readers know that I'm not a normal link.<br>
    I am <a href="">an external website</a> link, so readers know that I'm not a normal link.<br>
    I am <a href="something.rss">an rss feed</a> link, so readers know that I'm not a normal link.<br>
    I am <a href="something.xls">an excel spreadsheet</a> link, so readers know that I'm not a normal link.<br>
    I am <a href="aim:something">an AIM screenname</a> link, so readers know that I'm not a normal link.<br>
    I am <a href="mailto:something">an email address</a> link, so readers know that I'm not a normal link.<br>
    I am <a href="">an internal link</a>. Change the stylesheet's "" to your domain name so I don't look like an external link.<br>

    <p class="success"><img src="img/icons/tick.png" alt=""> This is a paragraph with class="success" and <a href="">a link</a>.</p>

    <p class="error"><img src="img/icons/cross.png" alt=""> This is a paragraph with class="error" and <a href="">a link</a>.</p>

    <p class="notice"><img src="img/icons/information.png" alt=""> This is a paragraph with class="notice" and <a href="">a link</a>.</p>
 * HTML Kitchen Sink

background: #fff;
font: normal normal 14px/1.4 Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;
/* background: linear-gradient(45deg, #f06, yellow); */