11/25/2017 - 7:32 AM

Fetch Facebook Album via API

Fetch Facebook Album via API

Facebook Album Fetcher API

A simple API to fetch Facebook Page Album and Photos

Create Facebook App - Follow this tutorial

appId: somerandomkey
appSecret: somerandomkey

Generate Access Token

Fetch Albums,name,description,link,cover_photo,count&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

Sample Output

   "data": [
         "id": "542528065929026",
         "name": "Timeline Photos",
         "link": "",
         "cover_photo": {
            "created_time": "2016-06-30T14:43:22+0000",
            "name": "We're preparing materials for API Development class. \n\nIn this class you will learn fundamental of the API, How to develop API from scratch and of course, develop API with awesome Laravel framework!\n\ninsyaAllah, first class expected in 3 weeks time!\n\nLaravel knowledge is compulsary!\n\n#cleaniquecoders\n#api\n#laravel",
            "id": "595651460616686"
         "count": 54
   "paging": {
      "cursors": {
         "before": "NTQyNTI4MDY1OTI5MDI2",
         "after": "NTQyMzI0MzcyNjE2MDYy"

Display Photo