10/13/2016 - 2:47 PM

Create RSS Feed of the releases of all your starred GitHub repositories

Create RSS Feed of the releases of all your starred GitHub repositories

Create RSS Feed of the releases of all your starred GitHub repositories

I have done this with Google Chrome.

  1. Get your starred repositories from the GitHub API:
  2. Open the Web developer tools in Chrome. Select the pre Tag in the HTML-View and execute this Javascript in the console: JSON.parse($0.innerText).map(function(repo) { return '' + repo.full_name + '/releases.atom' }).join('\n'). This generates a list of the Release-Feed-URLs.
  3. Copy the URL list to If you have more than 100 starred repositories, you need repeat step 1 to 3 and increment the page in the URL in step 1 each time.
  4. Click "Create OPML".
  5. Save the OPML XML file to disk.
  6. Import the OPML file into your feedreader (that supports OPML). I used Feedly.