3/27/2015 - 2:21 PM

Find the Tridion Content Manager WebdavUrl for a Tridion item by TCM URI

Find the Tridion Content Manager WebdavUrl for a Tridion item by TCM URI

# using https://github.com/pkjaer/tridion-powershell-modules
Import-Module Tridion-CoreService
$client = Get-TridionCoreServiceClient
$readOptions = New-Object Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.ReadOptions
$readOptions.LoadFlags = 1

# replace tcm:3-31-2 with the know TCM URI
$client.Read("tcm:3-31-2", $readOptions).LocationInfo.WebdavUrl
# expected output: is a webdav URL like 
#  /webdav/100%20Master/Building%20Blocks/Modules/DD4T/Developer/DD4T%20Template%20Building%20Blocks