#-*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
import subprocess
import time
import os
import tempfile
mplayer_controller = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'mplayer_controller')
cmd = 'mplayer -slave -quiet -input file={fifo} {song_url}'
song = '6.m4a'
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.format(fifo=mplayer_controller, song_url=song), shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # subprocess.PIPE防止继承父进程
def perform_command(p, cmd, expect):
import select
p.stdin.write(cmd + '\n') # there's no need for a \n at the beginning
while select.select([p.stdout], [], [], 0.05)[0]: # give mplayer time to answer...
output = p.stdout.readline()
print("output: {}".format(output.rstrip()))
split_output = output.split(expect + '=', 1)
if len(split_output) == 2 and split_output[0] == '': # we have found it
value = split_output[1]
return value.rstrip()
while True:
print perform_command(p, 'get_time_pos', 'ANS_TIME_POSITION')