7/2/2018 - 12:59 PM

VBS to clean up old files or folders

VBS to clean up old files or folders

'You can also use the archiver script if you don't want to delete them: [[VBS Script to Archive Files]]
'==Recursive Sub-Folder Version (the good one)==
'No idea why this was not here to begin with...  

' Script to delete files that are older (based on modified date) than a particular date
' Kevin Guyer - 9/2010
' Set to run against the folder ''
' And permanently delete files older than 30 days based on modified date
' This can be customized further by changing the path defined in the variable 'filePath'
' and by changing the number of days in the variable 'timePeriodInDays'

	DIM filePath, timePeriodInDays, fullQualifiedPath

' :: Define your file path to keep clean and age in days to retain (based on modified date, not created date)
	filePath = "C:\temp\test"
	timePeriodInDays = 31
' :: Kick off process	
	WalkAndDeleteFromTree filePath
	'':: DEBUG :: ' MsgBox("Script Complete")

FUNCTION WalkAndDeleteFromTree(path)  ' Recursive Function to process subfolders
	DIM fs, folder, file, item, childFolder
    SET fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    SET folder = fs.GetFolder(path)
	IF err.number <> 0 THEN ' This catches and allows you to handle and move on
		'we have a failure, handle as desired
		'':: DEBUG :: ' MsgBox("Error #: " + Err.Number + " - Desc: " + Err.Description)
		FOR EACH item in folder.Files
			'':: DEBUG :: ' MsgBox("Looking at file: " & item.Name + ", with modified date of " & item.DateLastModified)
			IF DateDiff("d", item.DateLastModified,Now) > timePeriodInDays THEN
				item.Delete TRUE
			End If		
	END IF	' [ err.number <> 0 THEN ]
	FOR EACH childFolder IN folder.SubFolders
		' SubFolder? Process that folder's contents before moving on...
		'':: DEBUG :: ' MsgBox("Found Subfolder")
		WalkAndDeleteFromTree childFolder.Path

'This will delete files or folders based on date of last modified:

' Script to delete files that are older than a particular date
' Kevin Guyer - 200X
' This can be customized by changing the path defined in the variable 'filePath'
' and by changing the number of days in the IF statement

' :: OE to prevent the other, more humiliating OE
	Option Explicit
' :: Declare Variables Holmes
	Dim fso, oFolder, oFile, filePath, timePeriodInDays
' :: Define your file path to keep clean
	filePath = "D:\output_archive" 
	timePeriodInDays = 14
' :: Open the path and folder
	Set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder(filePath)
' :: Walk each file and delete those with a DateCreated attribute that is of sufficient time past 
	For Each oFile In oFolder.files
		If DateDiff("d", oFile.DateCreated,Now) > timePeriodInDays Then
			oFile.Delete True
		End If
' :: Clean up
	Set oFolder = Nothing
	Set fso = Nothing
	Set oFile = Nothing

Want to do subfolders instead of Files?  Use this:

' Script to delete import data files that are older than a week
' Kevin Guyer - 2007
' This can be customized by changing the path defined in the variable 'filePath'
' and by changing the number of days in the IF statement

' :: OE to prevent the other, more humiliating OE
	Option Explicit
' :: Declare Variables Holmes
	Dim fso, oFolder, oFile, filePath, timePeriodInDays
' :: Define your file path to keep clean
	filePath = "D:\Import\Daily\Archive"
	timePeriodInDays = 14
' :: Open the path and folder
	Set fso = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder(filePath)
' :: Walk each file and delete those with a DateCreated attribute that is of sufficient time past 
	For Each oFile In oFolder.subFolders
		If DateDiff("d", oFile.DateCreated,Now) > timePeriodInDays Then
			oFile.Delete True
		End If
' :: Clean up
	Set oFolder = Nothing
	Set fso = Nothing

Set oFile = Nothing