6/21/2014 - 4:06 AM

rubymine shortcuts(helping me remember them!)

rubymine shortcuts(helping me remember them!)

  • JSdoc style comments for functions...

    • in front of the method declaration type /** and in enter
  • shift + return => inserts a new line and uses smart indentation to place the cursor

  • shift + command + u => toggles from upcase to downcase, and downcase to upcase

  • shift + option + u => toggles from snake to camel and camel to snake

  • Live Templates are Atom Snippets!

  • option + enter/return => intents will show possible actions to take on that item

  • command + 9 => show all changed files

    • command + d => shows the diff
  • command + shift + [ => toggle page left
  • command + shift + ] => toggle page right
  • command + shift + v => brings up copy buffer

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