2/12/2016 - 4:09 AM

A git pre commit hook that runs the test task with the gradle wrapper

A git pre commit hook that runs the test task with the gradle wrapper

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# this hook is in SCM so that it can be shared
# to install it, create a symbolic link in the projects .git/hooks folder
#       i.e. - from the .git/hooks directory, run
#               $ ln -s ../../git-hooks/ pre-commit
# to skip the tests, run with the --no-verify argument
#       i.e. - $ 'git commit --no-verify'

# stash any unstaged changes
git stash -q --keep-index

ABSOLUTE_PATH=$(cd `dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"`)

# run the tests with the gradle wrapper
sh $ABSOLUTE_PARENT_PATH/gradlew testMockedDebug testMockedRelease --daemon

# store the last exit code in a variable

# unstash the unstashed changes
git stash pop -q

# return the './gradlew test' exit code
exit $RESULT