Owari with Alpha Beta Pruning and MySQL transposition table. Can't remember if this code actually works anymore, but was using it to try to find all possible moves in Owari. Unfortunately there are probably over a hundred million moves and my old desktop ran out of RAM at about 22 million. Only 4GB installed.
import time
import MySQLdb as mdb
from warnings import filterwarnings
import config
filterwarnings('ignore', category = mdb.Warning)
conn = mdb.connect(*config.db)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS owari_cache (id bigint unsigned not null primary key auto_increment, state char(60), outcome tinyint, index(state))''')
memcache = {}
recordsCommitLimit = 5000
recordsInserted = 0
def storeCache(state, score):
global memcache
global c
global conn
global recordsInserted
global recordsCommitLimit
if checkCache(state) is None:
c.execute("INSERT INTO owari_cache(state,outcome) VALUES (\'" + str(state) + "'," + str(score) + ")")
memcache[str(state)] = score
recordsInserted += 1
if recordsInserted >= recordsCommitLimit:
recordsInserted = 0
memcache = {}
def checkCache(state):
global memcache
if str(state) in memcache:
return memcache[str(state)]
c.execute("""SELECT state, outcome FROM owari_cache where WHERE state = %s""", (str(state),))
r = c.fetchone()
if r is not None:
return r[1]
return None
class OwariAlphaBeta(object):
def decision(self, board):
bestMove = -1000
bestBoard = None
move = 0
alpha = -1000
beta = 1000
for nextMove in xrange(6):
newBoard = makeMoveP1(nextMove, board)
if newBoard:
predictedMove = self.minValue(newBoard, alpha, beta, 0, 10)
if predictedMove > bestMove:
bestMove = predictedMove
move = nextMove
bestBoard = newBoard
return bestBoard
def maxValue(self, board, alpha, beta, currentDepth, maxDepth=None):
status = checkForWinner(board)
if status == 0:
return -1
elif status == 1:
return 1
elif status == 2:
return 0
cachedMoveValue = checkCache(board)
if cachedMoveValue is not None:
return cachedMoveValue
bestMoveValue = -1000
moveValue = 0
bestCache = []
for i in xrange(6):
newBoard = makeMoveP1(i, board)
if newBoard is not None:
moveValue = self.minValue(newBoard, alpha, beta, currentDepth + 1, maxDepth)
if moveValue > bestMoveValue:
bestMoveValue = moveValue
bestCache = [newBoard, bestMoveValue]
if bestMoveValue >= beta:
storeCache(bestCache[0], bestCache[1])
return bestMoveValue
if bestMoveValue > alpha:
alpha = bestMoveValue
storeCache(bestCache[0], bestCache[1])
return bestMoveValue
def minValue(self, board, alpha, beta, currentDepth, maxDepth=None):
status = checkForWinner(board)
if status == 0:
return -1
elif status == 1:
return 1
elif status == 2:
return 0
bestMoveValue = 1000
moveValue = 0
for i in xrange(7, 13):
newBoard = makeMoveP2(i, board)
if newBoard is not None:
moveValue = self.maxValue(newBoard, alpha, beta, currentDepth + 1, maxDepth)
if moveValue < bestMoveValue:
bestMoveValue = moveValue
if bestMoveValue <= alpha:
return bestMoveValue
if bestMoveValue < beta:
beta = bestMoveValue
return bestMoveValue
def getComputerPlayerMove(player, board):
start = time.time()
ai = OwariAlphaBeta()
result = ai.decision(board)
print time.time() - start
return result
def makeMoveP2(move, board):
if board[move] == 0:
return None
newBoard = board[:]
next = (move + 1) % 14
seeds = newBoard[move]
newBoard[move] = 0
while seeds > 0:
if next != 6:
newBoard[next] += 1;
if seeds == 1 and newBoard[next] == 1 and next >= 7 and next <= 12:
newBoard[13] += newBoard[12 - next]
newBoard[12 - next] = 0
seeds -= 1
next = (next + 1) % 14
return newBoard
def makeMoveP1(move, board):
if board[move] == 0:
return None
newBoard = board[:]
next = (move + 1) % 14
seeds = newBoard[move]
newBoard[move] = 0
while seeds > 0:
if next != 13:
newBoard[next] += 1;
if seeds == 1 and newBoard[next] == 1 and next >= 0 and next <= 5:
newBoard[6] += newBoard[12 - next]
newBoard[12 - next] = 0
seeds -= 1
next = (next + 1) % 14
return newBoard
def calcScoreDiff(board):
p1Score = board[0] + board[1] + board[2] + board[3] + board[4] + board[5] + board[6]
p2Score = board[7] + board[8] + board[9] + board[10] + board[11] + board[12] + board[13]
return p2Score - p1Score
def checkForWinner(board):
p1SeedSum = board[0] + board[1] + board[2] + board[3] + board[4] + board[5]
p2SeedSum = board[7] + board[8] + board[9] + board[10] + board[11] + board[12]
if p1SeedSum == 0 or p2SeedSum == 0:
p1Score = p1SeedSum + board[6]
p2Score = p2SeedSum + board[13]
if p1Score < p2Score:
return 0
elif p1Score > p2Score:
return 1
return 2
return 3
def printBoard(board):
print ''.join(["North: ", str(list(reversed(board[7:14])))])
print ''.join(["South: ", str(board[0:7])])
def printScore(p0Score, p1Score):
print ' '.join(["Score:", str(p0Score), str(p1Score)])
def getWhoMovesFirst():
decision = raw_input("Do you want to go first (Y/n)? ")
return True if decision == 'Y' else False
def getHumanPlayerMove(validPits, board):
validPitsAsStr = [str(pitNum) for pitNum in validPits]
validMove = False
move = None
while validMove is False:
input = (raw_input(''.join(["Pick a pit ", str(validPits), "? "]))).strip()
if input in validPitsAsStr:
move = int(input)
if board[move] > 0:
validMove = True
print "Please select pit with seeds in it!"
print "Please select a pit that belongs to you!"
return makeMove(move, board)
def makeMove(move, board):
if move < 6:
goal = 6
skip = 13
min = 0
max = 5
goal = 13
skip = 6
min = 7
max = 12
newBoard = board[:]
if newBoard[move] == 0:
return None
seeds = newBoard[move]
newBoard[move] = 0
size = len(newBoard)
next = (move + 1) % size
while seeds > 0:
if next != 13:
newBoard[next] += 1
if seeds == 1 and newBoard[next] == 1 and next >= min and next <= max:
newBoard[goal] += newBoard[12 - next]
newBoard[12 - next] = 0
seeds -= 1
next = (next + 1) % size
return newBoard
def checkEmptyPits(pPits, board):
for pit in pPits:
if board[pit] > 0:
return False
return True
def calcScore(playerGoal, playerPits, board):
score = board[playerGoal]
for pit in playerPits:
score += board[pit]
return score
def determineWinner(p0Score, p1Score):
if p1Score > p0Score:
return 1
elif p0Score > p1Score:
return 0
return 2
def main():
board = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0]
player0Pits = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
player0Goal = 6
player1Pits = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
player1Goal = 13
playerOrder = [
[player0Pits, getComputerPlayerMove],
[player1Pits, getHumanPlayerMove]
if getWhoMovesFirst():
while True:
for playerPits, moveFunc in playerOrder:
board = moveFunc(playerPits, board)
player0Score = calcScore(player0Goal, player0Pits, board)
player1Score = calcScore(player1Goal, player1Pits, board)
printScore(player0Score, player1Score)
if checkEmptyPits(playerPits, board):
if checkEmptyPits(playerPits, board):
status = determineWinner(player0Score, player1Score)
if status == 1:
print "You won!"
elif status == 0:
print "You lost!"
print "You tied!"
if __name__ == '__main__':