Injecting global events
import { GlobalVariable, GlobalVariableStore } from './../global';
import { Injectable, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { Todo } from '../models/Todo';
import { Http, Headers } from '@angular/http';
import { LoggerService } from './logger.service';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';
export class TodoService {
private url: string = "api/todo/";
private cachedTodo: Todo[];
public itemAdded$: EventEmitter<Todo>;
public itemDeleted$: EventEmitter<number>;
public itemUpdated$: EventEmitter<Todo>;
constructor(private http: Http, private loggerService: LoggerService) {
this.itemAdded$ = new EventEmitter();
this.itemDeleted$ = new EventEmitter();
this.itemUpdated$ = new EventEmitter();
delete(id: number) {
const urlDelete = `${this.url}${id}`;
return this.http.delete(urlDelete, {headers: GlobalVariable.HEADERS_JSON})
.then(() => this.itemDeleted$.emit(id))
save(taskName: string, taskOrder: number): Promise<Todo> {
return this.http
.post(this.url, JSON.stringify({ name: taskName, taskOrder: taskOrder, done:false }), {headers: GlobalVariable.HEADERS_JSON})
.then(res => {
let retVal = res.json().data as Todo;
return retVal;
update(model: Todo): Promise<Todo> {
const url = `${this.url}${}`;
return this.http
.put(url, JSON.stringify(model), {headers: GlobalVariable.HEADERS_JSON})
.then(() => {
return model;
getTodo(id: number): Promise<Todo> {
const finalUrl = `${this.url}${id}`;
return this.http.get(finalUrl)
.then(response => {
let returnResult: Todo = response.json().data as Todo;
return returnResult;
getAll(): Promise<Todo[]> {
if(GlobalVariableStore.TodoLists.length > 0) { //use GlobalVariableStore to call the REST API once and improve performance.
// console.log('using globalvariablestore for reusing todo lists');
// console.log(GlobalVariableStore.TodoLists);
return Promise.resolve(GlobalVariableStore.TodoLists as Todo[]);
return this.http.get(this.url)
.then(response => {
let returnResult: Todo[] = (response.json().data as Todo[])
.sort((x,y) => x.taskOrder - y.taskOrder)
.filter(x => !x.done);
return returnResult;
import { EventHandlerService } from './../../services/event-handler.service';
import { GlobalVariableStore } from './../../global';
import { Component, OnInit, Input, HostListener, EventEmitter, Directive, ElementRef, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { TodoService } from '../../services/todo.service';
import { Todo } from '../../models/Todo';
import {
} from '@angular/animations';
selector: 'app-inbox',
templateUrl: './inbox.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./inbox.component.css']
export class InboxComponent implements OnInit {
closeResult: string;
@Input() chkNewTaskTop: boolean;
tmplModal: any;
txtTodo: string;
addTask: boolean = false;
showFieldBtn: boolean = true;
todoLists: Todo[] = [];
private isModalOpen: boolean = false;
private itemAddedSubscription: EventEmitter<Todo>;
private itemDeletedSubscription: EventEmitter<number>;
private itemUpdatedSubscription: EventEmitter<Todo>;
private initializingSubscription: EventEmitter<void>;
private itemDoneSubscription: EventEmitter<Todo>;
constructor(private todoService: TodoService, private eventHandlerService: EventHandlerService, private toasty: ToastyService, private toastyConfig: ToastyConfig) {
this.toastyConfig.theme = 'bootstrap';
this.itemDoneSubscription = new EventEmitter();
this.itemAddedSubscription = this.todoService.itemAdded$.subscribe(x => this.itemAdded(x));
this.itemDeletedSubscription = this.todoService.itemDeleted$.subscribe(x => this.itemDeleted(x));
this.itemUpdatedSubscription = this.todoService.itemUpdated$.subscribe(x => this.itemUpdated(x));
this.initializingSubscription = this.eventHandlerService.Initialize$.subscribe(x => this.appInitialized());
this.itemDoneSubscription.subscribe(x => this.doneTodo(x));
//invoked from app.component.ts. Put all codes to initialize here...
appInitialized(): any {
ngOnDestroy() {
console.log('begin unsubscribing...');
this.itemAddedSubscription.unsubscribe(); //subscribe to event once...
//#region emit events
itemDeleted(id: number) {
let deletedTodo: Todo = this.todoLists.find(x => === id);
let deletedTodoIndex: number = this.todoLists.indexOf(deletedTodo);
this.todoLists.splice(deletedTodoIndex, 1);
GlobalVariableStore.TodoLists.splice(deletedTodoIndex, 1);
itemUpdated(model: Todo) {
// console.log('item updated..')
let updatedTodo: Todo = this.todoLists.find(x => ===;
// console.log(updatedTodo);
updatedTodo = model;
//fire this method when user pressed and confirmed the change in current todo.
editTodo(model: Todo) {
model.editTodo = false;
itemAdded(item: Todo): void {