6/2/2016 - 3:50 PM

Bourbon based SASS config and debug options After import the config file, you can call bourbon as @import "bourbon"

Bourbon based SASS config and debug options

After import the config file, you can call bourbon as @import "bourbon"

# define bourbon path, use a common library for preventing duplicates
add_import_path "path/to/your/bourbon/lib"

### -->> project paths, delete/comment if you use scout, codekit etc.
environment = :production # removes single line comments, keeps css comments
output_style = :compact

css_dir = "styles" #relative to project root
sass_dir = "styles-sass" #relative to project root
images_dir = "images" #relative to project root
javascripts_dir = "scripts" #relative to project root
### <<-- project paths, ignore/comment if you use or codekit etc.

# where the fonts resides
fonts_dir = "fonts"

# for debug options in chrome web developer tools
sass_options = {
  	:debug_info => true,
	:sourcemap => true #with SASS > 3.3