Huffman Encoding and Data Compression.
from collections import Counter
import argparse
from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush
from itertools import count
from six import int2byte, byte2int
def huffman_tree(seq: list, frq: list) -> list:
''' 哈夫曼树 '''
num = count()
trees = list(zip(frq, num, seq))
while len(trees) > 1:
fa, _, a = heappop(trees)
fb, _, b = heappop(trees)
n = next(num)
heappush(trees, (fa + fb, n, [a, b]))
return trees[0][-1]
def huffman_codes(tree: list) -> dict:
''' 哈夫曼编码 '''
def codes(tree, prefix=''):
if isinstance(tree, int):
yield (tree, prefix)
for bit, child in zip('01', tree):
yield from codes(child, prefix + bit)
return dict(codes(tree))
def chunks(l: list, n: int):
''' 按长度分割列表 '''
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
def encode_to_compressed_bytes(hcodes: str) -> bytes:
binary = [s for s in chunks(hcodes, 8)]
char_num = []
for s in binary[:-1]:
char_num.append(int(s, 2))
s = binary[-1]
char_num.append(int(s, 2))
return b''.join([int2byte(c) for c in char_num])
def decode_to_huffman_codes(compressed_bytes: bytes) -> str:
codes = []
for bt in compressed_bytes[:-2]:
code = bin(bt)[2:]
code = '0' * (8 - len(code) % 8) + code if len(code) % 8 != 0 else code
length = compressed_bytes[-2]
code = bin(compressed_bytes[-1])[2:]
code = '0' * (length - len(code)) + code
return ''.join(codes)
def encode_header(char_counter: Counter) -> bytes:
rv = b''
length = len(char_counter)
count = len(bin(max(char_counter.values()))[2:]) // 8 + 1
rv += int2byte(length - 1)
rv += int2byte(count)
for k, v in char_counter.items():
rv += int2byte(k)
for _ in range(count):
rv += int2byte(v % 256)
v = v >> 8
return rv
def decode_header(fh) -> Counter:
length = byte2int( + 1
count = byte2int(
char_counter = Counter()
for _ in range(length):
k = byte2int(
v = 0
for i in range(count):
v = v + (byte2int( << 8 * i)
char_counter[k] = v
return char_counter
def compress(data: bytes) -> (bytes, Counter):
char_counter = Counter(data)
seq, frq = [], []
[(seq.append(k), frq.append(v)) for k, v in char_counter.items()]
hf_tree = huffman_tree(seq, frq)
hf_codes = huffman_codes(hf_tree)
codes = ''
for char in data:
codes += hf_codes.get(char)
return encode_to_compressed_bytes(codes), char_counter
def decompress(fh) -> bytes:
char_counter = decode_header(fh)
seq, frq = [], []
[(seq.append(k), frq.append(v)) for k, v in char_counter.items()]
hf_tree = huffman_tree(seq, frq)
data =
codes = decode_to_huffman_codes(data)
rv = b''
tree = hf_tree
for bit in codes:
index = int(bit)
tree = tree[index]
if isinstance(tree, int):
rv += int2byte(tree)
tree = hf_tree
return rv
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='compress file by using Huffman Coding')
parser.add_argument(dest='filename', metavar='filename')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', action='store', help='output file')
choices=[0, 1],
help='0: compress 1: decompress')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.mode == 0:
# 压缩
outfile = args.outfile or args.filename + '.hfm'
with open(args.filename, 'rb') as f:
data =
compressed_bytes, char_counter = compress(data)
with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
# 解压缩
outfile = args.outfile or '.'.join(args.filename.split('.')[:-1])
with open(args.filename, 'rb') as f:
data = decompress(f)
with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':