2/4/2019 - 10:51 PM

Site changeable through the back end

// of my site to be changeable through the back end.
<?php echo get_bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>

// <h1> of my site to be changeable through the back end.
<?php echo get_bloginfo( 'description' ); ?>  

// I want the title to always take me back to the main blog page</p>
<a href="<?php echo get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' );?>"><!-- site title --></a> 

    <div class="blog-header">
    	<h1 class="blog-title"><a href="<?php echo get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' );?>"><?php echo get_bloginfo( 'name' ); ?></a></h1>
    	<p class="lead blog-description"><?php echo get_bloginfo( 'description' ); ?></p>