Order Queues, Worker Tasks
Order Queues
the table orm_WorkerTask contains all task that workers need to execute
rg:queue:process is the name of the OQ command
SELECT * FROM WorkerTask where TaskName like '%queue:process%'
Exemple for options
--name=ModifiedAt ==> launch ModifiedAt OQ
--name=ModifiedAt --exclude ==> launch all OQ except ModifiedAt
when working on an OQ, we need to ensure that this OQ is not in the workerTask List
SELECT * FROM WorkerTask where TaskName like '%queue:process%' AND Parameters like '%ModifiedAt%'
if we have to disable task while working on the OQ, After a quick poll to the dev team ('Can i disable the task n° xxx'), disable it :
UPDATE WorkerTask SET Active=0 WHERE WorkerTaskId=42