12/24/2019 - 7:46 PM

Baby Yoda Christmas Card

Baby Yoda Christmas Card

Baby Yoda Christmas Card

The original baby yoda illustration is by

A Pen by ClearlyElevated on CodePen.


<div class="scene-wrap">
  <div class="text">
    <p class="to">To: Neetu</p>
    <h1 data-splitting class="merry-xmas">Merry Christmas</h1>
    <p class="from">Love from: Saurav</p>
  <button class="replay">Replay</button>
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    <svg xmlns="" class="play-icon" height="30" width="30" viewBox="0 0 1200 1200">
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  <audio loop id="audio" src="">
    Your browser does not support the
    <code>audio</code> element.
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      <g class="baby">
        <g transform="scale(-1 1) rotate(5.288 -24.745 -1423.853)">
          <g class="baby__hand" transform="translate(0 -1.058)">
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          <rect class="baby__robe-cuff" width="9.407" height="3.688" x="57.483" y="212.447" ry=".905"></rect>
        <g class="baby__arm baby__arm--left">
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              <rect class="baby__finger" ry=".675" y="214.483" x="61.337" height="4.089" width="1.35"></rect>
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        <path class="baby__head" d="M89.69 192.575c0 2.573.96 5.673-1.646 7.359-2.608 1.686-7.496 1.7-11.474 1.7-6.812 0-8.738-.27-11.345-1.957-2.607-1.686-1.647-4.4-1.647-6.974 0-2.573.069-5.159 2.676-6.845s6.466-2.215 10.444-2.215c3.979 0 8.095.786 10.702 2.472 2.608 1.686 2.29 3.887 2.29 6.46z"></path>
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          <g class="baby__eyelids baby__eyelids--left">
            <g class="baby__eyelid--bottom baby__eyelid--left-top">
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        <rect class="baby__collar baby__collar--three" transform="scale(-1 1) rotate(13.124)" ry="1.385" y="212.291" x="-44.024" height="6.694" width="19.357"></rect>
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            <g class="baby__eyelid--top baby__eyelid--right-bottom">
              <path class="baby__eyelid" d="m 71.955809,193.02338 a 3.7041666,3.7041666 0 0 0 -3.70417,-3.70417 3.7041666,3.7041666 0 0 0 -3.70416,3.70417 z" style="stroke:none;stroke-width:0.65112746;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;" inkscape:connector-curvature="0"></path>
        <g fill="none" stroke-width=".5" stroke-linecap="round">
          <path class="baby__robe-fold-shadow" d="M67.886 210.21s-1.155 2.805.317 4.638c1.8 2.243 4.055 4.848 4.115 6.352.108 2.745-2.262 5.743-2.262 5.743" filter="url(#a)"></path>
          <path class="baby__robe-fold" d="M67.886 210.21s-1.155 2.805.317 4.638c1.8 2.243 4.055 4.848 4.115 6.352.108 2.745-2.262 5.743-2.262 5.743"></path>
        <path class="baby__robe-fold-shadow" d="M67.614 219.707s.591 1.703-.723 3.89c-.21.347-1.674 2.487-1.674 2.487" fill="none" stroke-width=".5" filter="url(#b)"></path>
        <path class="baby__robe-fold" d="M67.614 219.707s.591 1.703-.723 3.89c-.21.347-1.674 2.487-1.674 2.487" fill="none" stroke-width=".5" stroke-linecap="round"></path>
        <path class="baby__robe-fold-shadow" d="M84.393 214.868s-.235 5.304.453 7.824c.468 1.717 2.442 4.749 2.442 4.749" fill="none" stroke-width=".5" stroke-linecap="round" filter="url(#c)"></path>
        <path class="baby__robe-fold" d="M84.393 214.868s-.235 5.304.453 7.824c.468 1.717 2.442 4.749 2.442 4.749" fill="none" stroke-width=".5" stroke-linecap="round"></path>
        <path class="baby__forehead baby__forehead--vertical" d="M76.67 190.618s.022-.826-.028-1.234c-.04-.332-.217-.98-.217-.98" fill="none" stroke-width=".5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
        <path class="baby__hair" d="M74.082 184.43l-.362-.95M76.524 184.475l.317-.95M79.011 184.43l-.361-.995M77.7 183.842l.136-.904M75.438 183.933l-.452-.86" fill="none" stroke-width=".5"></path>
        <path class="baby__forehead baby__forehead--horizontal" d="M73.63 186.692s1.857-.446 2.803-.453c.93-.006 2.76.407 2.76.407" fill="none" stroke-width=".75" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-opacity=".733"></path>
        <path class="baby__hat" d="M64,183 l6,-13 l13,0 l6,14 z"></path>
        <path class="baby__hat--flop" d="M64,183 m6,-12.5 l8.5,5 l4.5,-5"></path>
        <circle class="baby__hat--pompom" cx="78.5" cy="176.5" r="2.5"></circle>
        <rect class="baby__hat--bottom" y="181" x="63.5" width="26" height="5" rx="2"></rect>
        <path class="baby__collar baby__collar--four" d="M90.006 197.028a1.401 1.401 0 00-.278.036l-2.143.5-.05 6.885 3.713-.866a1.382 1.382 0 001.034-1.663l-.891-3.821a1.382 1.382 0 00-1.385-1.07z"></path>
        <path class="baby__collar baby__collar--five" d="M63.173 197.028a1.382 1.382 0 00-1.384 1.07l-.891 3.822a1.382 1.382 0 001.034 1.663l4.481 1.045a8.77 8.77 0 01-.042-.742l-.058-6.154-2.861-.668a1.404 1.404 0 00-.28-.036z"></path>
        <path class="baby__collar baby__collar--six" d="M63.173 197.028a1.382 1.382 0 00-1.384 1.07l-.891 3.822a1.382 1.382 0 001.034 1.663l2.71.632.197-6.463c.004-.124.014-.242.026-.358l-1.413-.33a1.404 1.404 0 00-.28-.036z"></path>


const { gsap, Linear } = window;
const { timeline, to, set } = gsap;
const text = document.querySelector(".text");
const merryText = document.querySelector(".merry-xmas");
const toText = document.querySelector(".to");
const fromText = document.querySelector(".from");
const swingWrap = document.querySelector(".swing-wrap");
const sceneWrap = document.querySelector(".scene-wrap");
const eyelidsLeft = document.querySelector(".baby__eyelids--left");
const eyelidsRight = document.querySelector(".baby__eyelids--right");
const eyelidsTop = document.querySelectorAll(".baby__eyelid--top");
const eyelidsBottom = document.querySelectorAll(".baby__eyelid--bottom");
const baby = document.querySelector(".baby");
const ears = document.querySelectorAll(".baby__ear");
const texture = PIXI.Texture.from(
const split = Splitting()[0];
const audio = document.getElementById("audio");
const audioButton = document.querySelector(".audio-button");
const playAudio = document.querySelector(".play-icon");
const pauseAudio = document.querySelector(".pause-icon");
const replayButton = document.querySelector(".replay");

const SWING_SPEED = 2.6;
const BLINK_SPEED = 0.1;
const BABY_ROCK = 8;
const EYE_OPEN = 0.4;
const EYE_CLOSED = 0.9;
let fontSize = 30;
let flakes = [];
let width = sceneWrap.offsetWidth,
  height = sceneWrap.offsetHeight;
let pixiApp = new PIXI.Application({
  width: width,
  height: height,
  transparent: true

set(baby, { transformOrigin: "50% 100%", rotate: -BABY_ROCK });
set(eyelidsTop, { transformOrigin: "50%, 0%", scaleY: EYE_CLOSED });
set(eyelidsBottom, { transformOrigin: "50%, 100%", scaleY: EYE_CLOSED });
set(ears[0], { transformOrigin: "100% 0", rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT });
set(ears[1], { transformOrigin: "0 0", rotate: EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT });
set(eyelidsLeft, { transformOrigin: "50% 50%", rotate: -5 });
set(eyelidsRight, { transformOrigin: "50% 50%", rotate: 5 });
set(swingWrap, { y: "-120%", rotate: 20, opacity: 1 });
set(text, { opacity: 1 }); => {
  set(c, {
    opacity: 0,
    y: FONT_SIZE * 0.7,
    x: -FONT_SIZE * 0.25 + Math.random() * FONT_SIZE * 0.5,
    rotate: -30 + Math.random() * 60
set(toText, { opacity: 0, y: FONT_SIZE * -0.1 });
set(fromText, { opacity: 0, y: FONT_SIZE * 0.1 });

* Animated Baby drop & Swing 

const swingDrop = () =>
  new timeline({
    defaults: {
      ease: "power2.inOut"
    .to(swingWrap, { y: "5%", rotate: 0, ease: "back.out", duration: 1 })
    .to(swingWrap, { y: "-5%", rotate: 50, duration: 1.8, ease: "sine.out" })
    .to(swingWrap, { y: "2%", rotate: -12, duration: 2 })
    .to(swingWrap, { y: 0, rotate: 42, duration: 2.2 })
    .to(swingWrap, { rotate: -10, duration: 2.4 });

const eyesDrop = () =>
  new timeline()
    .to(eyelidsTop, { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 0.5 })
      { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 0.5 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 0.5 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 0.5 },
    .to(eyelidsTop, { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 0.9 })
      { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 0.9 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 0.9 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 0.9 },
    .to(eyelidsTop, { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 1 })
      { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 1 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 1 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 1 },
    .to(eyelidsTop, { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 1.1 })
      { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 1.1 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 1.1 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 1.1 },
    .to(eyelidsTop, { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 1.2 })
      { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "", duration: 1.2 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 1.2 },
      { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power2.out", duration: 1.2 },

const earsDrop = () =>
  new timeline()
    .to(ears[0], {
      rotate: EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT * 1.2,
      ease: "",
      duration: 0.5
      { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT * 1.2, ease: "", duration: 0.5 },
    .to(ears[0], { rotate: 0, ease: "power3.out", duration: 0.5 }, ">")
    .to(ears[1], { rotate: 0, ease: "power3.out", duration: 0.5 }, "<")
    .to(ears[0], {
      ease: "",
      duration: 0.9
      { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "", duration: 0.9 },
    .to(ears[0], { rotate: 0, ease: "power3.out", duration: 0.9 }, ">")
    .to(ears[1], { rotate: 0, ease: "power3.out", duration: 0.9 }, "<")
      { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT * 2, ease: "", duration: 1 },
      { rotate: EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT * 2, ease: "", duration: 1 },
      { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "power3.out", duration: 1 },
      { rotate: EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "power3.out", duration: 1 },
    .to(ears[0], {
      ease: "",
      duration: 1.1
      { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "", duration: 1.1 },
    .to(ears[0], { rotate: 0, ease: "power3.out", duration: 1.1 }, ">")
    .to(ears[1], { rotate: 0, ease: "power3.out", duration: 1.1 }, "<")
      { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT * 2, ease: "", duration: 1.2 },
      { rotate: EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT * 2, ease: "", duration: 1.2 },
      { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "power3.out", duration: 1.2 },
      { rotate: EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "power3.out", duration: 1.2 },

const babyDrop = () =>
  new timeline()
    .to(baby, { rotate: -BABY_ROCK * 1.5, ease: "back.out", duration: 1 })
    .to(baby, { rotate: BABY_ROCK, ease: "power3.inOut", duration: 1.8 })
    .to(baby, { rotate: -BABY_ROCK, ease: "power3.inOut", duration: 2 })
    .to(baby, { rotate: BABY_ROCK, ease: "power3.inOut", duration: 2.2 })
    .to(baby, { rotate: -BABY_ROCK, ease: "power3.inOut", duration: 2.4 });

const dropTL = () =>
  new timeline()
    .add(eyesDrop(), 0)
    .add(earsDrop(), 0)
    .add(babyDrop(), 0)
    .add(animateText(), 0.1);

// baby rock
const babyRock = () =>
  new timeline({
    repeat: -1,
    defaults: {
      duration: SWING_SPEED
    .to(baby, { rotate: BABY_ROCK, ease: "power3.inOut" })
    .to(baby, { rotate: -BABY_ROCK, ease: "power3.inOut" });
// eyes
const eyesRock = () =>
  new timeline({
    repeat: -1,
    defaults: {
      duration: SWING_SPEED / 2
    .to(eyelidsTop, { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "" })
    .to(eyelidsBottom, { scaleY: EYE_OPEN, ease: "" }, "<")
    .to(eyelidsTop, { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power3.out" }, ">")
    .to(eyelidsBottom, { scaleY: EYE_CLOSED, ease: "power3.out" }, "<");

// ears
const earsRock = () =>
  new timeline({
    defaults: {
      duration: SWING_SPEED / 2
    repeat: -1
    .to(ears[0], { rotate: EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "" })
    .to(ears[1], { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "" }, "<")
    .to(ears[0], { rotate: 0, ease: "power3.out" }, ">")
    .to(ears[1], { rotate: 0, ease: "power3.out" }, "<")
    .to(ears[0], { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT * 2, ease: "" }, ">")
    .to(ears[1], { rotate: EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT * 2, ease: "" }, "<")
    .to(ears[0], { rotate: -EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "power3.out" }, ">")
    .to(ears[1], { rotate: EAR_ROTATION_DEFAULT, ease: "power3.out" }, "<");

const swingTL = () =>
  new timeline({
    defaults: {
      ease: "power2.inOut"
    repeat: -1
    .to(swingWrap, { duration: SWING_SPEED, rotate: 40 })
    .to(swingWrap, { duration: SWING_SPEED, rotate: -10 });

const repeatTL = () =>
  new timeline()
    .add(babyRock(), 0)
    .add(earsRock(), 0)
    .add(eyesRock(), 0);

* Animate Text

const animateText = () => {
  const textTL = new timeline({
    defaults: { duration: 0.4, ease: "back.out" }
  });, i) => {, { y: -FONT_SIZE * 0.1, opacity: 1, x: 0, rotate: 0 }, 0.1 * i);
  });, { y: 0, opacity: 1, ease: "power2.easeOut" }, 0.6);, { y: 0, opacity: 1, ease: "power2.easeOut" }, 0.9);
  return textTL;

* Snowfall
function createFlakes() {
  flakes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {
    var snowflake = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
    snowflake.anchor.x = 0.5;
    snowflake.anchor.y = 0.5;
    snowflake.position.x = -100;
    snowflake.position.y = -100;
    snowflake.scale.x = 0.4;
    snowflake.scale.y = 0.4;
    snowflake.alpha = 0.8;
    snowflake.speed = 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5;
    snowflake.slideAmount = Math.random() * 10;
    snowflake.counter = Math.random() * 360;

function animateFlake() {
  for (var i = 0; i < flakes.length; i++) {
    if (!flakes[i].inMotion) {
      flakes[i].xPosition = Math.random() * width;
      flakes[i].position.x = flakes[i].xPosition;
      flakes[i].position.y = -20;
      var scale = 0.2 + Math.random() * 0.15;
      flakes[i].scale.x = scale;
      flakes[i].scale.y = scale;
      flakes[i].stuck = false;
      flakes[i].alpha = 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.3;
      flakes[i].inMotion = true;

function animate() {
  // render the stage
  for (var i = 0; i < flakes.length; i++) {
    if (flakes[i].inMotion) {
      if (!flakes[i].stuck) {
        flakes[i].position.y += flakes[i].speed;
        flakes[i].counter += Math.PI * 2 / 100;
        flakes[i].position.x =
          flakes[i].xPosition +
          flakes[i].slideAmount * Math.sin(flakes[i].counter);
      } else {
        flakes[i].alpha -= 0.003;
        if (flakes[i].alpha <= 0) {
          flakes[i].inMotion = false;
      if (flakes[i].position.y > height) {
        flakes[i].stuck = true;

* Resize
function resize() {
  const swingHeight = swingWrap.offsetHeight;
  FONT_SIZE = swingHeight * 0.14; = `${Math.round(FONT_SIZE)}px`; = `${Math.round(FONT_SIZE * 0.01)}px`;
  [toText, fromText].forEach(
    p => ( = `${Math.round(FONT_SIZE * 0.3)}px`)
  width = sceneWrap.offsetWidth;
  height = sceneWrap.offsetHeight;
  pixiApp.renderer.resize(width, height);

setInterval(animateFlake, 80);
const masterTL = new timeline().add(dropTL(), 1).add(repeatTL());
window.addEventListener("resize", resize);
playAudio.addEventListener("click", () => {;
pauseAudio.addEventListener("click", () => {
replayButton.addEventListener("click", () => masterTL.restart());
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.baby__collar--six {
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