12/27/2016 - 6:53 PM

plan: two wifi cards on x220

plan: two wifi cards on x220

I do know that WWAN cards and mSata SSD's work in that slot.

As for wifi cards; if I remember right you need a modded BIOS are you need one of the whitelisted cards. Besides that I don't know if that slot will ever work with wifi cards.

But besides that: why would you want to run two wifi cards and how do you plan on getting any antennas overthere? Use the WWAN antennas?

yes it will work, i have tested this in my X200. i have run two wifi cards in the machine, 5100 + 5300.

yes, but range will be smaller then with original antenas, because vwan antenna tuned for other frequency.

yes that is true the antenna is not designed for the WWAN frequency.

Upgrade X220/X230 wifi, WWAN blue/red cables usable?
Saturday, 2014.04.26	J.D. H.	Leave a comment	

If you are upgrading the wifi card on your Lenovo X220 or X230 ThinkPad, you may only have two antennas (black and white) pre-wired for wifi. If you have a wifi card with three antenna connectors, you may think you are out of luck :-(

Actually, if your X220 or X220 has an unused red & blue antenna connector (originally for WWAN cellular card) you can use one of those for your upgraded wifi card! :-)

Intel wifi card in Lenovo X220, before connecting blue antenna

Please note that the WWAN antenna is not perfectly sized/tuned for wifi frequencies BUT it seems to be close enough. I get significantly better signal strength with the three antennas (black, white, red) than I get with only two (black, white):
Full signal strength and 450Mbs using Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 AGN on upgraded Lenovo X220.

Full signal strength and 450Mbs using Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 AGN on upgraded Lenovo X220.