function setup() {
createCanvas(500, 500); // windowWidth, windowHeight is another Canvas shape mesurement
background(255, 253, 13, 70);
//saveFrames('tunnel_', 'jpg', 5, 25);
function draw() {
for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
var w = random(500 * 100); //random X
var colors = [color(255, 159, 13),
color(255, 253, 13),
color(255, 83, 13),
color(232, 44, 12),
color(255, 0, 0),
color(232, 12, 122),
color(255, 13, 255)];
var c = round(random(6)); // select array colors
smooth(); // smooth
stroke(colors[c]); //set stroke color
strokeWeight(0.25 + random (0.5 + 14));
strokeCap(SQUARE); // Endpoint of the arcs are as a square drawn
arc( width/2, height/2, w, w,random(50), random(50));